How to improve the relationship between children and parents today,more and more boys and girls are in trouble because we don't know how to get on well with their parents. Sometimes they complain that their parents are staring at them all the time. Other people don't like their parents asking them so many things.
Wait for my opinion.We hope to have more in the process of growing up, but our parents still treat us as a child. How to save this problems, on the one hand, I think we should tell our parents what we want. You should conversation with your parents. On the other hand,parents should give there children more to do what they want to do.
1. 沟通:和父母保持良好的沟通非常重要。尽量多听取他们的意见和建议,与他们分享自己的生活和经历。
2. 理解:要尽量理解父母的想法和行为,并尝试站在他们的角度看问题。不要轻易发脾气或指责他们,而是尝试平静地沟通。
3. 尊重:尊重父母的意见和决定,即使您不同意他们的观点,也要尽量表达自己的看法,并尊重他们的决定。
4. 互相支持:在生活中,尽量给予父母支持和帮助,让他们感受到您的关心和爱。
5. 节日和纪念日:在父母的生日、节日或其他特殊场合,尽量表达自己的祝福和感激之情,让他们感受到您的关心和重视。