创新考核方式方法 推进“形势与政策”课程改革
关键词:形势与政策课,考试方式,实效,改革 展开
关键词:形势与政策课,考试方式,实效,改革 展开
创新考核方式方法 推进“形势与政策”课程改革
关键词:形势与政策课; 考试方式; 实效; 改革
Innovating in Examination Ways and Means to Promote the Curriculum Reform of "Situation and Policy"
Abstract: The education of situation and policy is an important component of political and ideological education. Aiming at some issues existed in the teaching of curriculum “Situation and Policy”, and starting from the reform of curriculum examination ways, this paper tries to promote comprehensive reform in the teaching content and teaching ways and means and proposes some countermeasures for improving the teaching of this curriculum, so as to make the curriculum "Situation and Policy" really become the “University’s First Curriculum” which is widely welcomed by students
Key words: curriculum “Situation and Policy”; examination way; effectiveness; reform
关键词:形势与政策课; 考试方式; 实效; 改革
Innovating in Examination Ways and Means to Promote the Curriculum Reform of "Situation and Policy"
Abstract: The education of situation and policy is an important component of political and ideological education. Aiming at some issues existed in the teaching of curriculum “Situation and Policy”, and starting from the reform of curriculum examination ways, this paper tries to promote comprehensive reform in the teaching content and teaching ways and means and proposes some countermeasures for improving the teaching of this curriculum, so as to make the curriculum "Situation and Policy" really become the “University’s First Curriculum” which is widely welcomed by students
Key words: curriculum “Situation and Policy”; examination way; effectiveness; reform

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