请专业的人帮我翻译下 谢谢了。我要写论文,急着用。要人工翻译,在线翻译的不对。再谢了
综上我们可以看出英语教学虽然有它的优势,也存在了很多不足。例如低龄儿童虽然积极性很高,但遗忘的速度也高的惊人。一个单词甚至要用不同的方式呈现无数遍。这就需要一个学习英语的氛围和环境,让他们一自然习得的方式接触英语。其次在培养兴趣的同时还要学校和家长多方面合作让他们从小养成一个很好的学习习惯。不能打着学英语的旗号只看热闹不看门道。第三就是较深本身要提高专业的素养,还要有丰富的文化知识。使英语教学真正的融入生活并为生活所用。 展开
综上我们可以看出英语教学虽然有它的优势,也存在了很多不足。例如低龄儿童虽然积极性很高,但遗忘的速度也高的惊人。一个单词甚至要用不同的方式呈现无数遍。这就需要一个学习英语的氛围和环境,让他们一自然习得的方式接触英语。其次在培养兴趣的同时还要学校和家长多方面合作让他们从小养成一个很好的学习习惯。不能打着学英语的旗号只看热闹不看门道。第三就是较深本身要提高专业的素养,还要有丰富的文化知识。使英语教学真正的融入生活并为生活所用。 展开
At the begining of the learning English for student,especially interested in the lesson practice and games in teaching.But they were not good at the English basic knowlege,plus some words and phrases are too long and too difficult to learn.Their interets in English studying reduced a lot,with the weaking in positivity and initiative,even hate or fear learing
3 the analisis on the family education
the "hold high hopes for one's child"type
the"let nature take its course"type
We can conclude that though the English teaching has its own advantages,but there are some disadvantages as well.Such as though the positivity of the underage child is very high,but they are easier to forget what they have learned.You even need to repeat many times on a word.This is need of atmosphere and environment for the English learning.Make them feel naturly in the learing process.The second is that the parents and the school should make a cooperation on the developing of the learning interest of the children,make them develop a good learing habit when they are young.They cannot be looker-on in English learning and awareless of the knowledge under the slogan of learing English.The third is that the improvement of the teacher's self quality,they should be knowledgeble.Make the English learning go together with the daily life and apply it in life.
3 the analisis on the family education
the "hold high hopes for one's child"type
the"let nature take its course"type
We can conclude that though the English teaching has its own advantages,but there are some disadvantages as well.Such as though the positivity of the underage child is very high,but they are easier to forget what they have learned.You even need to repeat many times on a word.This is need of atmosphere and environment for the English learning.Make them feel naturly in the learing process.The second is that the parents and the school should make a cooperation on the developing of the learning interest of the children,make them develop a good learing habit when they are young.They cannot be looker-on in English learning and awareless of the knowledge under the slogan of learing English.The third is that the improvement of the teacher's self quality,they should be knowledgeble.Make the English learning go together with the daily life and apply it in life.