
一本《生命不能承受之轻》让人们知道了昆德拉,随即知道了他的祖国捷克。捷克,这所文学的家园,今天的童话依然在继续中。在捷布拉格广场克,城堡固然是布拉格的主角,但也是它的背景... 一本《生命不能承受之轻》让人们知道了昆德拉,随即知道了他的祖国捷克。捷克,这所文学的家园,今天的童话依然在继续中。在捷 布拉格广场
克,城堡固然是布拉格的主角,但也是它的背景,没有它作为背景,画面也少了主题。电车很有节奏的在街巷中行驶,街道两旁尽是风格各异的建筑,一幢连一幢,流光异彩般从车窗闪过。 最漂亮,最夺目的是卖水晶的店铺;最可爱的是那些卖木偶的店铺,而热情的店老板会教你如何操作他们。女巫造型的木偶,穿着黑麻布袍,戴着尖尖帽,骑着扫帚,本应让人感到恐怖,但这些木偶女巫却一幅倒霉相,实在滑稽。 出来找到查理大桥上,这是连接古堡和旧城的一座古桥,而桥下就是湍急的伏尔塔纳河。查理大桥上最为著名的就是那一尊尊古老的雕塑。桥上游客众多,加上小贩,好不热闹。桥两端是高高的桥塔,在古时起着极其重要的守卫和防御作用。站在桥塔的最高处,整个布拉格城尽展在你眼前了。 布拉格傍晚的旧城广场热闹非凡,在路边的咖啡馆要杯咖啡,就坐在广场的角落里看着夕阳落山,设计独特的天文钟一到整点就会有耶稣十二门徒的木偶轮流出来报时,同时下方的死神还会牵动铜铃。整个过程以雄鸡的鸣叫结束。 入夜的布拉格如同一个精灵的城市。旧式马车载着好奇的游客穿梭在广场,马蹄撞击着石板路发出清脆的得得声;城堡的阁楼忽明忽暗闪烁的灯火,仿佛故事里的公主会随时出现在窗口;酒馆里嘈杂的音乐和清脆的玻璃杯的碰撞声,让人感到温暖与亲切。此时仿佛置身在中世纪的欧洲,抑或是一个童话的世界,游人会本能地忘却时间的存在,掉进了时空隧道迷失在布拉格广场。
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An "unbearable lightness of life," to let people know that Milan Kundera, then know that his native Czech Republic. Czech Republic, the homeland of the literature, today's fairy tales still continuing. Jie Square in Prague
Grams, the protagonist of the Prague castle is, of course, but also the background, without it as a background, the picture is also less subject. Trams in the streets in the very rhythm of traveling along the street is full of buildings of various styles, one with one, streamer-like splendor flashed from the windows. The most beautiful, most brilliant crystal shops are selling; most adorable puppet who sold the shop, and warm store owner will teach you how to operate them. Witch style puppet, dressed in black linen gown, wearing a pointed hat, riding a broom, this should make people feel fear, but they are a hapless puppet witch phase, it is funny. Out to find Charles Bridge, which is connected a castle and old town bridge, while the bridge is rushing volt Er Tana River. Charles Bridge is the most famous ancient sculptures which Respect. Bridge many tourists, with hawker, was bustling. Both ends of the bridge is a tall tower in the ancient plays a vital role in guarding and defense. Standing on the highest point of the bridge towers, the advancement of the city of Prague was in front of you. Prague Old Town Square crowded evening, a roadside cafe in a cup of coffee to sit around watching the sunset in the corner downhill, the unique design of the whole point of the astronomical clock there will be one to twelve disciples of Jesus turns out puppet timekeeping, and death will affect the bottom of the bell. Rooster's call and the whole process to end. Prague is like a night elf city. Old-style carriage with the shuttle curious tourists in the square, horseshoe hitting the stone path may be issued by the crisp sound; castle loft flickering lights flashing, as if the story of the princess will appear in the window at any time; loud music pub and the crisp sound of glass in the crash, people feel warm and cordial. At this time like in the medieval Europe, or is it a fairy tale world, visitors will instinctively forget the existence of time, fell into a time tunnel lost in Prague Square.
2010-10-16 · TA获得超过1523个赞
A the unbearable lightness, let people know kundera, then know his motherland, the Czech republic. The Czech republic, the literature of the home, still continues today in fairy tales. In the Prague square
Admittedly, the protagonist is Prague castle, but also its background, not as a background, it is less theme. Trams are in the street of the rhythm, streets lined with different styles of architecture, the building a house, coloure flash across from the window splendour. The most beautiful and the most brilliant is selling crystal shop, The most lovely is those who sell the puppet, enthusiastic shop owner will teach you how to operate them. The witch modelling puppet, wearing black linen robe, wore pointed hat, ride broom, should let a person feel terror, but these puppets are a bad witch
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2010-10-16 · TA获得超过1596个赞
'The Unbearable Lightness of Being, which is the most popular masterpiece by Milan Kundera. Then Czech came to our sight. Czech, the homeland of literature, the fairytale still goes on today. In the Prague Square of Czech, the protagonist is the castle. And the castle is also her backdrop. Without the backdrop, the scene will be lost of theme. Tramcars run in cadence at the streets. At the two sides of the streets are different-styled buildings. They pass the tramcar windows one after another. The most brilliant and attractive stores are the ones which you can buy crystals there, and the most lovely ones are those stores which you can buy puppets. And the hospitable store owners will teach you how to manipulate them. The witch formed puppets, wearing black flax gown and shape-angled caps, riding on brooms, should scare you supposedly. But all these witch puppets have hapless faces which make you want to laugh out. When you come to the Charles Bridge, which is the connection between the old castle and the old city. Under the bridge is the torrential Fuertaina River. The most famous scene of Charles Bridge is many old sculptures on it. It’s very noisy there because of many tourists and packmen on the bridge. On both ends of the bridge are high pylon towers. These towers played a very important role in the old times, such as guarding and defense. Standing on the top of the pylon tower, you can have an airscape of the Prague city. The old city square of Prague is very busy in the evening. You can ask for a cup of coffee from the café at the roadside and enjoy the sunset at the corner of the square. The special designed astronomical bell will tell you time by the twelve Apostles puppets when it is on o’clock. At the same time the artificial Azrael under the Apostles will draw the line of brass bell. The whole progress ends with the tweet of a rooster. Prague looks like an eidolon in the evening. The old styled carriages carry the tourists crossing the square, the horses’ hooves bumped the flagstone paths and make the sound “de de”; the twinkling lamplights in the attics of the castle make you wonder if there was a princess suddenly appearing at the windows. The noisy music in the inns and the ringing glass clashes sound hospitable and warm your heart. At that moment you will feel as if you were at the mediaeval Europe or a fairytale land. You will forget the present time and fall into Time Gate and get lost in the Prague Square.
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A the unbearable lightness, let people know kundera, then know his motherland, the Czech republic. The Czech republic, the literature of the home, still continues today in fairy tales. In the Prague square
Admittedly, the protagonist is Prague castle, but also its background, not as a background, it is less theme. Trams are in the street of the rhythm, streets lined with different styles of architecture, the building a house, coloure flash across from the window splendour. The most beautiful and the most brilliant is selling crystal shop, The most lovely is those who sell the puppet, enthusiastic shop owner will teach you how to operate them. The witch modelling puppet, wearing black linen robe, wore pointed hat, ride broom, should let a person feel terror, but these puppets witch is a really funny, unlucky. To find out, this is Charlie bridge connecting the old castle and an ancient bridge, and the other tower bridge is fast, river. Charlie's most famous bridge is the respect of ancient sculptures. On the bridge, plus many visitors, very lively. Bridge is tall bridge tower, and ends in ancient plays an important role of the guard and defense. Standing on top of the tower bridge, the Prague utterly exhibition in front of you. The town square in Prague, in the special roadside cafes to a cup of coffee, sat in the corner of the square at sunset, unique design of the world will have a past twelve disciples of Jesus, while working out puppet turns beneath the god of death will also affect TongLing. In the process of screaming. Rooster The night elves as a city of Prague. Old wagon carrying curious visitors through in square, hitting a horseshoe stone road to have clear voice, The castle of lights flashing, dimming rhythmically attic story like princess will always appear in the window, A tavern music and sound of noise of the clash of glass, let a person feel warm and friendly. Now as if place oneself in medieval Europe, or is a fairy tale world, visitors will instinctively forget time, fell into the time tunnel lost in Prague square.
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