1805年12月2日,拿破仑·波拿巴在奥斯特利茨战役中打败奥俄联军,翌年2月12日拿破仑·波拿巴下令建此凯旋门以炫耀自己的军功。同年八月,按照著名建筑师夏尔格兰的设计开始破土动工。但中间时停时建,断断续续经过了整整30年,才于1836年7月29日举行了落成典礼。戴高乐广场凯旋门全部由石材建成,高49.54米,宽44.82米,厚22.21米,中心拱门宽14.6米。(采用更广泛的是另一组数据:这座凯旋门高48.8米,宽44.5米,厚22米,中心拱门宽14.6米。) 凯旋门的四周都有门,门内刻有跟随拿破仑·波拿巴远征的286名将军的名字,门上刻有1792年至1815年间的法国战事史。 凯旋门内设有电梯,可直达50米高的拱门。人们亦可沿着273级螺旋形石梯拾级而上。上去后可以看到一座小型的历史博物馆。馆内陈列着许多有关凯旋门建筑史的图片和历史文件,以及介绍法国历史上伟大人物拿破仑生平事迹的图片和558位随拿破仑征战的将军的名字。另外设有两间配有英法两种语言解说的电影放映室,专门放映一些反映巴黎历史变迁的资料片。在博物馆的顶部是一个平台,游人们从 星形广场凯旋门
这里可以远眺巴黎,鸟瞰巴黎圣母院、协和广场的卢克索方尖碑、雄伟的埃菲尔铁塔和圣心教堂等巴黎名胜。俯视凯旋门下由环形大街向四面八方伸展出的十二条放射状的林荫大道(凯旋门建成后,到19世纪中期,又在其周围修建了圆形广场以及12条放射状道路,使凯旋门更加雄伟壮观。基本形成了今天的格局。)。这些大道就象一颗明星放射出的灿烂光芒,因而,凯旋门又称“星门”。十二条大道中,最著名的为香榭里舍大道、格兰德大道、阿尔美大道、福熙大道等。 在凯旋门的正下方,是1920年11月11日建造的无名战士墓,墓是平的,地上嵌着红色的墓志∶“这里安息的是为国牺牲的法国军人。”据说,墓中睡着的是在第一次世界大战中牺牲的一位无名战士,他代表着在大战中死难的150万法国官兵。墓前设有长明灯(又称“长明火炬”),每天晚上都准时举行一项拨旺火焰的仪式。 凯旋门外墙上刻有取材于1792~1815年间法国战史的巨幅雕像。所有雕像各具特色,同门楣上的花饰浮雕构成一个有机的整体,俨然是一件精美动人的艺术品。正面有四幅浮雕——《马赛曲》(最下面一图)、《胜利》、《抵抗》、 《和平》(右图)。
把这些翻译成英文 展开
1805年12月2日,拿破仑·波拿巴在奥斯特利茨战役中打败奥俄联军,翌年2月12日拿破仑·波拿巴下令建此凯旋门以炫耀自己的军功。同年八月,按照著名建筑师夏尔格兰的设计开始破土动工。但中间时停时建,断断续续经过了整整30年,才于1836年7月29日举行了落成典礼。戴高乐广场凯旋门全部由石材建成,高49.54米,宽44.82米,厚22.21米,中心拱门宽14.6米。(采用更广泛的是另一组数据:这座凯旋门高48.8米,宽44.5米,厚22米,中心拱门宽14.6米。) 凯旋门的四周都有门,门内刻有跟随拿破仑·波拿巴远征的286名将军的名字,门上刻有1792年至1815年间的法国战事史。 凯旋门内设有电梯,可直达50米高的拱门。人们亦可沿着273级螺旋形石梯拾级而上。上去后可以看到一座小型的历史博物馆。馆内陈列着许多有关凯旋门建筑史的图片和历史文件,以及介绍法国历史上伟大人物拿破仑生平事迹的图片和558位随拿破仑征战的将军的名字。另外设有两间配有英法两种语言解说的电影放映室,专门放映一些反映巴黎历史变迁的资料片。在博物馆的顶部是一个平台,游人们从 星形广场凯旋门
这里可以远眺巴黎,鸟瞰巴黎圣母院、协和广场的卢克索方尖碑、雄伟的埃菲尔铁塔和圣心教堂等巴黎名胜。俯视凯旋门下由环形大街向四面八方伸展出的十二条放射状的林荫大道(凯旋门建成后,到19世纪中期,又在其周围修建了圆形广场以及12条放射状道路,使凯旋门更加雄伟壮观。基本形成了今天的格局。)。这些大道就象一颗明星放射出的灿烂光芒,因而,凯旋门又称“星门”。十二条大道中,最著名的为香榭里舍大道、格兰德大道、阿尔美大道、福熙大道等。 在凯旋门的正下方,是1920年11月11日建造的无名战士墓,墓是平的,地上嵌着红色的墓志∶“这里安息的是为国牺牲的法国军人。”据说,墓中睡着的是在第一次世界大战中牺牲的一位无名战士,他代表着在大战中死难的150万法国官兵。墓前设有长明灯(又称“长明火炬”),每天晚上都准时举行一项拨旺火焰的仪式。 凯旋门外墙上刻有取材于1792~1815年间法国战史的巨幅雕像。所有雕像各具特色,同门楣上的花饰浮雕构成一个有机的整体,俨然是一件精美动人的艺术品。正面有四幅浮雕——《马赛曲》(最下面一图)、《胜利》、《抵抗》、 《和平》(右图)。
把这些翻译成英文 展开
On December 2, 1805, napoleon Bonaparte's AoSiTe at the battle of Russia's defeat, feb 12 napoleon Bonaparte ordered to build the arc DE triomphe flaunt his military. In August, according to the famous architect Sherpa ground-broken began grand design. But when the middle, intermittent until after 30 years, until 1836 held on July 29th, the ceremony. Charles DE gaulle square arc DE triomphe by all the stone, high 49.54 m, width, thickness 44.82 meters wide 22.21 meters, center arch 1.46 meters. The more extensive is another group of data: the arc DE triomphe high 48.8 meters, width, thickness and menahem 44.5 1.46 meters wide, center arch. The arc DE triomphe around the door, door engraved with napoleon Bonaparte expedition 286 generals name engraved on the door, 1792 to the history of fighting between French 1815. Have elevator, arc DE triomphe direct 50 meters high arches. People also along 273 level spiral stone stairs ladder. After can see a small up the history museum. Museum displays a lot about the pictures and the arc DE triomphe architecture historical documents and introduce the history of France great careers and pictures of napoleon's position as napoleon for 558 general name. Equipped with two other between the two languages in the film, special projection showed some reflect the history change of Paris expansion. In the museum is a platform at the top of the star, the visitors from triumphal arch square
Here, we can overlook Paris, eye Notre Dame DE Paris, union square, grand luxor the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the sacred church. Etc. Under the arc DE triomphe by ring street overlooking stretching out in all directions of 32 radial boulevard (after the completion of the arc DE triomphe, the mid 19th century, and in its surrounding built round square and 12 road, make the arc DE triomphe radial more spectacular. The basic pattern of the formation. . The road is like a star emitting bright light, therefore, the arc DE triomphe and say "gate". 32 avenue, the most famous for champselysees shekels avenue, grand avenue, al beautiful avenue, f koresh avenue, etc. In the arc DE triomphe, is directly on November 11th in 1920, the building's tomb is flat, ground embed red epitaphs, "here is the rest of the French soldiers died for the country." It is in the grave, sleeping in the first world war one of sacrifice, he represents a nameless soldiers died in the battle of 1.5 million French soldiers. Grave with ever-burning lamps (also called "the torch"), butter every evening held a dial on fire rituals. C-triomphe outside the walls engraved in 1792 from 1815 ~ giant statues of French civil wars. All the statue, distinctive bare-foot MeiShang ornamental design anaglyph constitute an organic whole, is a fine piece of art. There are four positive - relief MaSaiQu (most), a figure below victory ", "resistance", "peace" (right).
Here, we can overlook Paris, eye Notre Dame DE Paris, union square, grand luxor the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the sacred church. Etc. Under the arc DE triomphe by ring street overlooking stretching out in all directions of 32 radial boulevard (after the completion of the arc DE triomphe, the mid 19th century, and in its surrounding built round square and 12 road, make the arc DE triomphe radial more spectacular. The basic pattern of the formation. . The road is like a star emitting bright light, therefore, the arc DE triomphe and say "gate". 32 avenue, the most famous for champselysees shekels avenue, grand avenue, al beautiful avenue, f koresh avenue, etc. In the arc DE triomphe, is directly on November 11th in 1920, the building's tomb is flat, ground embed red epitaphs, "here is the rest of the French soldiers died for the country." It is in the grave, sleeping in the first world war one of sacrifice, he represents a nameless soldiers died in the battle of 1.5 million French soldiers. Grave with ever-burning lamps (also called "the torch"), butter every evening held a dial on fire rituals. C-triomphe outside the walls engraved in 1792 from 1815 ~ giant statues of French civil wars. All the statue, distinctive bare-foot MeiShang ornamental design anaglyph constitute an organic whole, is a fine piece of art. There are four positive - relief MaSaiQu (most), a figure below victory ", "resistance", "peace" (right).
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