20年代末,六岁的小姑娘林英子住在北京城南的一条小胡同里。经常痴立在胡同口寻找女儿的疯女人秀贞 ,是英子结交的第一个朋友。秀贞曾与一个大学生暗中相爱,后大学生被警察抓走,秀贞生下的女儿小桂子又被家人扔到城根下,生死不明。英子对她非常同情。英子得知小伙伴妞儿的身世很像小桂子,又发现她脖颈后的青记,急忙带她去找秀贞。秀贞与离散六年的女儿相认后,立刻带妞儿去找寻爸爸,结果母女俩惨死在火车轮下。后英子一家迁居新帘子胡同。英子又在附近的荒园中认识了一个厚嘴唇的年轻人。他为了供给弟弟上学,不得不去偷东西。英子觉得他很善良,但又分不清他是好人还是坏人。不久,巡警抓走了这个年轻人,英子非常难过。英子九岁那年,她的奶妈宋妈的丈夫冯大明来到林家。英子得知宋妈的儿子两年前掉进河里淹死,女儿也被丈夫卖给别人,心里十分伤心,不明白宋妈为什么撇下自己的孩子不管,来伺候别人。后来,英子的爸爸因肺病去世。宋妈也被她丈夫用小毛驴接走。英子随家人乘上远行的马车,带着种种疑惑告别了童年。(这是城南旧事的大概内容,想让各位翻译一下,报告用,谢谢各位了。若好,奖300)
大家救我啊!!!!!!!!要急死我了!!!!!!!!!! 展开
大家救我啊!!!!!!!!要急死我了!!!!!!!!!! 展开
At the end of the 20th, there was a six years old girl who named Yingzi Lin had been living in a small alley in Beijing. Xiuzhen, a mad woman who often looked for her daughter in the exit of the hutong, was the first friend that Yingzi had made. Once, Xiuzhen had fallen in love with a university man secretly, then the student was caught by police, and Xiuzhen had a daugter called little Guizi was thrown into a place where was under the city wall(城根我不太了解是什么地方。我理解为城墙下了), nobody knew whether she was dead or alive. Yingzi was really sympathized with Xiuzhen. When Yingzi found that her companion Niuer's life experience was extremely like little Guizi's and there was a cyan birthmark on the back of Niuer's cuello, Yingzi hurriedly took her to find Xiuzhen. After Xiuzhen made herself known to her discrete six years' daughter, Xiuzhen brought she to find her father immediately, but unfortunately they were hit by a train and died badly on the way. After that, Yingzi moved to a new small alley and then she met a young man who got thick lip.In order to sent his younger brother to school he had to steal something. Yingzi thought he was virtuous,
but she didn't know whether he was good or bad. Soon the police caught this young man,Yingzi felt very sad. When Yingzi was 9, her mammy Song's husband Daming Feng came Lin's home. Yingzi felt so sad when she knew mammy Song's son fell into the river and drowned, and her daughter was sold to others by his husband.She couldn't understood why Mammy Song abandoned her daughter and chose to serve others. Then, Yingzi's father died for lung disease. Mammy Song also went with her husband by a little donkey. Yingzi went with her families in a long trip carriage, with all sorts of doubts farewell her childhood.
but she didn't know whether he was good or bad. Soon the police caught this young man,Yingzi felt very sad. When Yingzi was 9, her mammy Song's husband Daming Feng came Lin's home. Yingzi felt so sad when she knew mammy Song's son fell into the river and drowned, and her daughter was sold to others by his husband.She couldn't understood why Mammy Song abandoned her daughter and chose to serve others. Then, Yingzi's father died for lung disease. Mammy Song also went with her husband by a little donkey. Yingzi went with her families in a long trip carriage, with all sorts of doubts farewell her childhood.
20 end of the decade-old girl living in Beijing, Lin Yingzi south of a small alley. Often stand in the alley crazy looking for his daughter mad woman Xiuzhen, is the first British child make friends. Xiuzhen was secretly in love with a college student, arrested by the police after the students, Xiuzhen Xiao Guizi daughter gave birth to the family was again thrown into the Cheng Gen, the life and death is unknown. British sympathy for her son. British children's life experience that small partners like Xiao Guizi little girls, also found that young mind after her neck, and hurried her to find Xiuzhen. Xiuzhen and discrete to recognize her daughter after six years, with little girls at once to find my father, mother and daughter died in the train results under the wheels. The family moved after the new British sub-curtain alley.Eiko and understanding in the nearby Huang Yuan in the thick lips, a young man. In order to supply his brother to school, had to steal things. British children think he is very good, but can not tell they are good or bad. Soon, the young man patrol captured, the British child is very sad. British child was nine years old, her husband, Feng Daming came to nurse Song Ma Lin. British child that fell into the river Song Ma's son drowned two years ago, her daughter by her husband sold to someone else, and my heart is very sad, do not understand why the Song Ma regardless of their children left to serve others. Later, the British child's father passed away due to lung disease. Song Ma has also been picked up her husband with a small donkey. British child with his family to take on the travel of the carriage, with all bid farewell to the childhood wonder 。 仅供参考