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Warehouse Management Regulations (Trial)
In order to strengthen the management of our warehouse, promote efficiency, our company formulates the following storage management regulations especially, the warehouse sector must execute by this management.
1. the warehousing/delivery goods needs the effective certificate: warehousing list、goods-drawing application、distributing list、 the quality certificate list and so on ,all the affiliated list must be achieved. the unofficial receipt is prohibited. Any materials can not be lent without special approval.
2, Rules on filling the list : all the list must not be juggled, the modify must meet standardized requirements, the contents of the list must be clearly、integrity and correctly, the workers who seal the list should in accordance with regulatory requirements and approval limits. If one fall across the lists that can not meet the requirements, he has the right to demand change, or even re-Filling the list. Warehousing sector should stamped the wrong-filled list rather than tear it up, then fill a new one.
3, the warehousing list has 4 duplicates: the warehouse sector/material supplier/purchase Dept/financial Dept has one each.
the delivery list has 4 duplicate too: the warehouse sector/material using Dept/purchase Dept/financial Dept has one each.
4, we should establish an advanced and reasonable consumption which is fixed (including the range of pounds difference and the loss rate), and implement it effectively. If one want to draw more than the range, he must undergo relevant approval procedures before he draw the materials he want.
5, each department must establish an reasonable plan structure according to the actual situation of our warehouse management. So the Warehousing/delivery of the goods should base on the plan.
6, the amount of all kinds of materials must be accurately measured and make sure that it is consistent with quantity of the list.
7, all kinds of "material list "must be timely included various ledger (including card) and the transmission, the list or report of receive/delivery/filed must be filled on time, the original record must consistent with accounts/financial statements/ physical check.
8, The Financial Dept unified manage、check the value and supervise the goods in our warehouse。
9, the warehousing sector should check the actual quantity of materials as routine mission, and submitted statistics statements to the Financial Dept. periodically, if there is any different between the list and the actual quantity, the sector must find the reason timely, and report to the high-up, then adjust it when get approval.
10, the warehouse sector should do their job and reduce capital occupancy costs, what’s more, they should make a good deal with the overstock according to the rules of our company on this.
11, warehouse sector should check the goods in the warehouse periodically with the check plan which is made ahead. If there is some thing wrong, get the reason and make it up at the end of the term after it is approved.
12, if the goods which is not in the list or the missing goods do not get approval at the end of the term, it should be treaded according the regulations above, but explanations must be made with the accountant report. If the sum of approved money is not consistent with the amount of final money, the difference should be added to money of next year.
13, implement this regulation from the releasing date of this.
Note : The attachment is the flow chart of the storage management.

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