我之前在百度提的问题涉及 界河 英文名或希腊原名、作者安东尼斯·萨马拉基斯的希腊名或英文名。得到 ποταμι του συνορου 希腊文和 a boundary river 英文 的答案,但是Google不出相关任何有用的资料(用希腊文或英文),所以没有给出有用的资料连接,让我没有任何收获即不给分,关闭问题。
我所掌握的资料只有“反战微型小说《界河》是希腊作家 安东尼斯·萨马拉基斯 写的。”
《界河》中文原文自己百度,出版社只知道《今日文摘》2005 17期 有过,在许多高中阅读训练中常出现。
我的问题描述不明白的请先联系我再回答吧。 展开
我之前在百度提的问题涉及 界河 英文名或希腊原名、作者安东尼斯·萨马拉基斯的希腊名或英文名。得到 ποταμι του συνορου 希腊文和 a boundary river 英文 的答案,但是Google不出相关任何有用的资料(用希腊文或英文),所以没有给出有用的资料连接,让我没有任何收获即不给分,关闭问题。
我所掌握的资料只有“反战微型小说《界河》是希腊作家 安东尼斯·萨马拉基斯 写的。”
《界河》中文原文自己百度,出版社只知道《今日文摘》2005 17期 有过,在许多高中阅读训练中常出现。
我的问题描述不明白的请先联系我再回答吧。 展开
界河 〇(希腊)安东尼斯·萨马拉基斯 命令很明确:禁止下河洗澡!同时规定沿岸200公尺内任何人不得擅入。 大约3周之前,他们来到河岸这边就停顿下来,对岸就是敌军——通常被称之为“那边的人”。 河两岸的纵深处尽是茂密的丛林,林子里驻扎着敌对双方的部队。 据情报,那边有两个营,但他们并未发动攻势。谁知道眼下他们正打着什么鬼算盘。与此同时,双方都派出哨兵隐蔽在两岸的密林里,戒备着随时可能出现的情况。 记得他们初抵此地时,还是春寒料峭。然而几天前却突然放晴,现在竟是明媚和煦的春天了! 第一个潜下界河的是位中士。一天早晨,他偷偷溜了出去,跳入水中,不久当他爬回此岸时,肋下已中了两弹,后来只活了几个小时。 翌日,又是两个士兵下去了。没有再能见到他们,只听到几阵机枪的扫射,然后,便是一片沉寂。 此后,司令部就下了那道禁令。 然而,那条河依然具有不可抗拒的诱惑力。听到潺潺的水声,渴望便从他们心底油然而生。两年半的野战生活已使他们变得蓬头垢面,邋里邋遢。在这两年半里他们享受不到一丝的快乐。而此时他们却邂逅了这条河…… “这该死的命令!”那天夜里他忿忿地诅咒道。 这一夜,他辗转反侧,难以入眠。远处,滔滔流水声依稀可闻,令他难以安适。 对,明天要去,他一定要去——让那禁令见鬼去吧! 士兵们都在酣睡,最后,他也渐入梦乡。梦中,他似乎看到了它——一条河。那河就在他的面前,期待着他。他站在岸边,脱光了衣服,正欲跃入水中。就在此刻, 那条河竟然变成了他的恋人——一个胴体黝黑、年轻健美的姑娘。他裸露在她面前,她正待他奔来——突然,一只无形的手却紧紧攫住了他的后颈! 这是一场噩梦。醒来时已精疲力竭,幸好天还未放亮…… 他终于站到河边。他注视着这条河,它的确存在着!一连几个小时他都在担心这只是一种想像,抑或只是士兵们的一种普遍的幻觉。 天气多好啊!他把衣服和枪靠放在树干旁,纵身跳入水中,承受了两年半的折磨,他那迄今还留有两道弹痕的躯体,顿时化作了另一个人。无形中,仿佛有一只拿着海绵的手抚过他的全身,为他抹去这两年半中留下的一切印记。 他时而仰泳,时而俯泳。他顺流漂浮,又长时间地潜入水中……当兵的他一下子变成了一个孩子——他毕竟只有23岁。 左右两岸,鸟群在自由飞翔,有时它们盘旋在他的头顶,和他亲昵地打招呼。 少顷,顺流漂下的一根树干出现在他的前方。他一个长潜试图抓住树干。他真的抓住了!就在他浮出水面的刹那间,他发现约在30公尺开外的前方有一个脑袋。 他停下来,想看得清楚些。那另一个游泳者也停了下来。他们彼此默默注视着。 他立刻回过神来,恢复到原来的自己——一个经历过两年半炮火洗礼、荣获过十字勋章的士兵。 他不知道对面的家伙是自己人还是那边的人。他怎么认得出来呢?只凭一个脑袋? 几分钟的时间两人在水中一动不动。一个响亮的喷嚏打破了死一样的寂静,是他打的,而且像往常一样大声咒骂了一句。那个人掉转身去很快游向对岸。他亦飞速向岸边游回。他先行出水,狂奔到那棵树下,一把抓起枪。还好,那边的人刚刚爬出水面。 他举起枪,瞄准。要击中对面那人的脑袋实在太简单了。20米开外奔跑着的一丝不挂的人体,是一个很容易击中的靶子。 突然,他觉得自己无法扣动扳机。对方那人在彼岸,赤条条的像刚从娘胎里出来时一般。而自己端枪在岸的这边,同样也赤条条的。 他无论如何开不了枪。两个人都赤裸着!两个赤裸的人,脱掉了国籍,脱掉了姓名,脱掉了卡其布的军装。 这到底是为什么呢…… 他实在无法扣动扳机,他觉得此刻这条恋人般的河未能把他们隔开;相反,却把他们联合在一起了…… 随着彼岸的一声枪响,他只是瞥见鸟群被惊起。他应声倒下,先是膝盖跪下,随后平扑在地。
Command is very clear: prohibited under river bath! Also stipulates coast 200 meters anyone in owner's explicit permission. About 3 weeks ago, they came to the river side just stops, across the river is the enemy - often called "there". On both sides of the river ZongShenChu with thick jungles, woods stationed the hostility of troops. According to intelligence, there're two camp, but they did not attack. Who knows now they are caught anything ghost calculations. Meanwhile, both sides send sentry hidden in a dense forest on both sides of the Taiwan straits, alert to any possibilities. Remember their first arrive here, or early spring night. However, a few days ago suddenly clear bright vernal spring was now! The first dive the boundary between is a sergeant. One morning, he slipped out and jumped into the water, soon when he climbed back into this shore, already developed under the rib, later only live for several hours. The next day, and two soldiers down. No longer could see them, only hear several gun strafe array, then, is a silence. Since then, command went down the ban. However, the river are still irresistible tempting. Hear murmuring underwater acoustic, eager to and from their heart arises spontaneously. Two and a half years of field life already so that they become unkempt, nasty thing. In this two and a half years they enjoy less than a glimmer of happiness. But at this time but they met the river... "This fucking orders!" That night he made curse word. That night, he tossing and turning, difficult to sleep. Distant sound of water faintly, words can smell, make him difficult to comfortably. Yes, tomorrow want to go, he must go to -- let the ban can go to hell! The soldiers are in deep sleep, at last, he also began in dreamland. Dreams, he seemed to see it, a river. The river just in front of him waiting for him. He stood on the shore, stripped naked and are thinking leap into the water. Right now, the river unexpectedly became his lover - a nude swarthy, young and strong and handsome girl. His bare before her, she few-are working he ran to -- suddenly, an invisible hand clave seize stayed in his neck! This is a nightmare. Woke up already exhausted, fortunately, it's not weather-bright... He finally reached the river. He watched the river, it does exist! For a few hours, he was worried that this is just a kind of imagination, or just the soldiers of a common illusion. How nice it is! He put the clothes and gun by on trunk beside and dived, suffered two and a half years of torture, he that so far there were two word bullet-riddled body, suddenly turned into another man. Virtually, as if there is a took sponge hand touch his whole body, for he wiped it two-and-a-half years left all the mark. He sometimes backstroke, sometimes prone swimming. He floating downstream, and long submerge... A soldier he suddenly became a child - after all he only 23 years old. Around in the Banks, birds fly freely, sometimes they hovered above his head, and his pet to say "hello". ShaoQing, downstream drifting down a tree trunk appeared in front of him. He dives trying to hold a long trunk. He really caught! In his surfaced in a flash he found in about 30 meters away in front of a head. He stopped and want to see more clearly. The other swimmers also stopped. They silently staring at each other. He immediately come to his senses, restore to the original own - an experienced two and a half years artillery baptism, won the cross of soldiers. He doesn't know the guy is opposite the friend or over there. How did he recognize? By only one head? A few minutes of time both in the water stilly. A loud sneeze broke the silence, is as death, and he plays as usual and cursing 1. The man turned and went off to the other side. Soon swim He also rapid for shore back. He first run into the water, under that tree, pushed up the gun. Well, over there just to climb out of the water. He raised his gun, targeting. Opposite to hit the man's head was too simple. 20 meters from running naked body, is a very easy to hit the target. Suddenly, he felt himself unable to pull the trigger. The man in the other shore, ChiTiaoTiao like just came out from NianTai when general. But own the gun onshore side, also ChiTiaoTiao. In any case he can not open the gun. Both naked! Two naked man, take off the name, nationality, off off khaki slacks uniform. What is this why?... He couldn't pull the trigger, he felt a moment of this inability to their lovers separated; river, Instead, but put them together... Along with the other shore of a shot, he just caught a glimpse of birds is roused. His knee kneel down echo, first, then flat ground. Jump at
界河 〇(希腊)安东尼斯·萨马拉基斯 命令很明确:禁止下河洗澡!同时规定沿岸200公尺内任何人不得擅入。 大约3周之前,他们来到河岸这边就停顿下来,对岸就是敌军——通常被称之为“那边的人”。 河两岸的纵深处尽是茂密的丛林,林子里驻扎着敌对双方的部队。 据情报,那边有两个营,但他们并未发动攻势。谁知道眼下他们正打着什么鬼算盘。与此同时,双方都派出哨兵隐蔽在两岸的密林里,戒备着随时可能出现的情况。 记得他们初抵此地时,还是春寒料峭。然而几天前却突然放晴,现在竟是明媚和煦的春天了! 第一个潜下界河的是位中士。一天早晨,他偷偷溜了出去,跳入水中,不久当他爬回此岸时,肋下已中了两弹,后来只活了几个小时。 翌日,又是两个士兵下去了。没有再能见到他们,只听到几阵机枪的扫射,然后,便是一片沉寂。 此后,司令部就下了那道禁令。 然而,那条河依然具有不可抗拒的诱惑力。听到潺潺的水声,渴望便从他们心底油然而生。两年半的野战生活已使他们变得蓬头垢面,邋里邋遢。在这两年半里他们享受不到一丝的快乐。而此时他们却邂逅了这条河…… “这该死的命令!”那天夜里他忿忿地诅咒道。 这一夜,他辗转反侧,难以入眠。远处,滔滔流水声依稀可闻,令他难以安适。 对,明天要去,他一定要去——让那禁令见鬼去吧! 士兵们都在酣睡,最后,他也渐入梦乡。梦中,他似乎看到了它——一条河。那河就在他的面前,期待着他。他站在岸边,脱光了衣服,正欲跃入水中。就在此刻, 那条河竟然变成了他的恋人——一个胴体黝黑、年轻健美的姑娘。他裸露在她面前,她正待他奔来——突然,一只无形的手却紧紧攫住了他的后颈! 这是一场噩梦。醒来时已精疲力竭,幸好天还未放亮…… 他终于站到河边。他注视着这条河,它的确存在着!一连几个小时他都在担心这只是一种想像,抑或只是士兵们的一种普遍的幻觉。 天气多好啊!他把衣服和枪靠放在树干旁,纵身跳入水中,承受了两年半的折磨,他那迄今还留有两道弹痕的躯体,顿时化作了另一个人。无形中,仿佛有一只拿着海绵的手抚过他的全身,为他抹去这两年半中留下的一切印记。 他时而仰泳,时而俯泳。他顺流漂浮,又长时间地潜入水中……当兵的他一下子变成了一个孩子——他毕竟只有23岁。 左右两岸,鸟群在自由飞翔,有时它们盘旋在他的头顶,和他亲昵地打招呼。 少顷,顺流漂下的一根树干出现在他的前方。他一个长潜试图抓住树干。他真的抓住了!就在他浮出水面的刹那间,他发现约在30公尺开外的前方有一个脑袋。 他停下来,想看得清楚些。那另一个游泳者也停了下来。他们彼此默默注视着。 他立刻回过神来,恢复到原来的自己——一个经历过两年半炮火洗礼、荣获过十字勋章的士兵。 他不知道对面的家伙是自己人还是那边的人。他怎么认得出来呢?只凭一个脑袋? 几分钟的时间两人在水中一动不动。一个响亮的喷嚏打破了死一样的寂静,是他打的,而且像往常一样大声咒骂了一句。那个人掉转身去很快游向对岸。他亦飞速向岸边游回。他先行出水,狂奔到那棵树下,一把抓起枪。还好,那边的人刚刚爬出水面。 他举起枪,瞄准。要击中对面那人的脑袋实在太简单了。20米开外奔跑着的一丝不挂的人体,是一个很容易击中的靶子。 突然,他觉得自己无法扣动扳机。对方那人在彼岸,赤条条的像刚从娘胎里出来时一般。而自己端枪在岸的这边,同样也赤条条的。 他无论如何开不了枪。两个人都赤裸着!两个赤裸的人,脱掉了国籍,脱掉了姓名,脱掉了卡其布的军装。 这到底是为什么呢…… 他实在无法扣动扳机,他觉得此刻这条恋人般的河未能把他们隔开;相反,却把他们联合在一起了…… 随着彼岸的一声枪响,他只是瞥见鸟群被惊起。他应声倒下,先是膝盖跪下,随后平扑在地。
Command is very clear: prohibited under river bath! Also stipulates coast 200 meters anyone in owner's explicit permission. About 3 weeks ago, they came to the river side just stops, across the river is the enemy - often called "there". On both sides of the river ZongShenChu with thick jungles, woods stationed the hostility of troops. According to intelligence, there're two camp, but they did not attack. Who knows now they are caught anything ghost calculations. Meanwhile, both sides send sentry hidden in a dense forest on both sides of the Taiwan straits, alert to any possibilities. Remember their first arrive here, or early spring night. However, a few days ago suddenly clear bright vernal spring was now! The first dive the boundary between is a sergeant. One morning, he slipped out and jumped into the water, soon when he climbed back into this shore, already developed under the rib, later only live for several hours. The next day, and two soldiers down. No longer could see them, only hear several gun strafe array, then, is a silence. Since then, command went down the ban. However, the river are still irresistible tempting. Hear murmuring underwater acoustic, eager to and from their heart arises spontaneously. Two and a half years of field life already so that they become unkempt, nasty thing. In this two and a half years they enjoy less than a glimmer of happiness. But at this time but they met the river... "This fucking orders!" That night he made curse word. That night, he tossing and turning, difficult to sleep. Distant sound of water faintly, words can smell, make him difficult to comfortably. Yes, tomorrow want to go, he must go to -- let the ban can go to hell! The soldiers are in deep sleep, at last, he also began in dreamland. Dreams, he seemed to see it, a river. The river just in front of him waiting for him. He stood on the shore, stripped naked and are thinking leap into the water. Right now, the river unexpectedly became his lover - a nude swarthy, young and strong and handsome girl. His bare before her, she few-are working he ran to -- suddenly, an invisible hand clave seize stayed in his neck! This is a nightmare. Woke up already exhausted, fortunately, it's not weather-bright... He finally reached the river. He watched the river, it does exist! For a few hours, he was worried that this is just a kind of imagination, or just the soldiers of a common illusion. How nice it is! He put the clothes and gun by on trunk beside and dived, suffered two and a half years of torture, he that so far there were two word bullet-riddled body, suddenly turned into another man. Virtually, as if there is a took sponge hand touch his whole body, for he wiped it two-and-a-half years left all the mark. He sometimes backstroke, sometimes prone swimming. He floating downstream, and long submerge... A soldier he suddenly became a child - after all he only 23 years old. Around in the Banks, birds fly freely, sometimes they hovered above his head, and his pet to say "hello". ShaoQing, downstream drifting down a tree trunk appeared in front of him. He dives trying to hold a long trunk. He really caught! In his surfaced in a flash he found in about 30 meters away in front of a head. He stopped and want to see more clearly. The other swimmers also stopped. They silently staring at each other. He immediately come to his senses, restore to the original own - an experienced two and a half years artillery baptism, won the cross of soldiers. He doesn't know the guy is opposite the friend or over there. How did he recognize? By only one head? A few minutes of time both in the water stilly. A loud sneeze broke the silence, is as death, and he plays as usual and cursing 1. The man turned and went off to the other side. Soon swim He also rapid for shore back. He first run into the water, under that tree, pushed up the gun. Well, over there just to climb out of the water. He raised his gun, targeting. Opposite to hit the man's head was too simple. 20 meters from running naked body, is a very easy to hit the target. Suddenly, he felt himself unable to pull the trigger. The man in the other shore, ChiTiaoTiao like just came out from NianTai when general. But own the gun onshore side, also ChiTiaoTiao. In any case he can not open the gun. Both naked! Two naked man, take off the name, nationality, off off khaki slacks uniform. What is this why?... He couldn't pull the trigger, he felt a moment of this inability to their lovers separated; river, Instead, but put them together... Along with the other shore of a shot, he just caught a glimpse of birds is roused. His knee kneel down echo, first, then flat ground. Jump at
界河 〇(希腊)安东尼斯·萨马拉基斯 命令很明确:禁止下河洗澡!同时规定沿岸200公尺内任何人不得擅入。 大约3周之前,他们来到河岸这边就停顿下来,对岸就是敌军——通常被称之为“那边的人”。 河两岸的纵深处尽是茂密的丛林,林子里驻扎着敌对双方的部队。 据情报,那边有两个营,但他们并未发动攻势。谁知道眼下他们正打着什么鬼算盘。与此同时,双方都派出哨兵隐蔽在两岸的密林里,戒备着随时可能出现的情况。 记得他们初抵此地时,还是春寒料峭。然而几天前却突然放晴,现在竟是明媚和煦的春天了! 第一个潜下界河的是位中士。一天早晨,他偷偷溜了出去,跳入水中,不久当他爬回此岸时,肋下已中了两弹,后来只活了几个小时。 翌日,又是两个士兵下去了。没有再能见到他们,只听到几阵机枪的扫射,然后,便是一片沉寂。 此后,司令部就下了那道禁令。 然而,那条河依然具有不可抗拒的诱惑力。听到潺潺的水声,渴望便从他们心底油然而生。两年半的野战生活已使他们变得蓬头垢面,邋里邋遢。在这两年半里他们享受不到一丝的快乐。而此时他们却邂逅了这条河…… “这该死的命令!”那天夜里他忿忿地诅咒道。 这一夜,他辗转反侧,难以入眠。远处,滔滔流水声依稀可闻,令他难以安适。 对,明天要去,他一定要去——让那禁令见鬼去吧! 士兵们都在酣睡,最后,他也渐入梦乡。梦中,他似乎看到了它——一条河。那河就在他的面前,期待着他。他站在岸边,脱光了衣服,正欲跃入水中。就在此刻, 那条河竟然变成了他的恋人——一个胴体黝黑、年轻健美的姑娘。他裸露在她面前,她正待他奔来——突然,一只无形的手却紧紧攫住了他的后颈! 这是一场噩梦。醒来时已精疲力竭,幸好天还未放亮…… 他终于站到河边。他注视着这条河,它的确存在着!一连几个小时他都在担心这只是一种想像,抑或只是士兵们的一种普遍的幻觉。 天气多好啊!他把衣服和枪靠放在树干旁,纵身跳入水中,承受了两年半的折磨,他那迄今还留有两道弹痕的躯体,顿时化作了另一个人。无形中,仿佛有一只拿着海绵的手抚过他的全身,为他抹去这两年半中留下的一切印记。 他时而仰泳,时而俯泳。他顺流漂浮,又长时间地潜入水中……当兵的他一下子变成了一个孩子——他毕竟只有23岁。 左右两岸,鸟群在自由飞翔,有时它们盘旋在他的头顶,和他亲昵地打招呼。 少顷,顺流漂下的一根树干出现在他的前方。他一个长潜试图抓住树干。他真的抓住了!就在他浮出水面的刹那间,他发现约在30公尺开外的前方有一个脑袋。 他停下来,想看得清楚些。那另一个游泳者也停了下来。他们彼此默默注视着。 他立刻回过神来,恢复到原来的自己——一个经历过两年半炮火洗礼、荣获过十字勋章的士兵。 他不知道对面的家伙是自己人还是那边的人。他怎么认得出来呢?只凭一个脑袋? 几分钟的时间两人在水中一动不动。一个响亮的喷嚏打破了死一样的寂静,是他打的,而且像往常一样大声咒骂了一句。那个人掉转身去很快游向对岸。他亦飞速向岸边游回。他先行出水,狂奔到那棵树下,一把抓起枪。还好,那边的人刚刚爬出水面。 他举起枪,瞄准。要击中对面那人的脑袋实在太简单了。20米开外奔跑着的一丝不挂的人体,是一个很容易击中的靶子。 突然,他觉得自己无法扣动扳机。对方那人在彼岸,赤条条的像刚从娘胎里出来时一般。而自己端枪在岸的这边,同样也赤条条的。 他无论如何开不了枪。两个人都赤裸着!两个赤裸的人,脱掉了国籍,脱掉了姓名,脱掉了卡其布的军装。 这到底是为什么呢…… 他实在无法扣动扳机,他觉得此刻这条恋人般的河未能把他们隔开;相反,却把他们联合在一起了…… 随着彼岸的一声枪响,他只是瞥见鸟群被惊起。他应声倒下,先是膝盖跪下,随后平扑在地。
界河 〇(希腊)安东尼斯·萨马拉基斯 命令很明确:禁止下河洗澡!同时规定沿岸200公尺内任何人不得擅入。 大约3周之前,他们来到河岸这边就停顿下来,对岸就是敌军——通常被称之为“那边的人”。 河两岸的纵深处尽是茂密的丛林,林子里驻扎着敌对双方的部队。 据情报,那边有两个营,但他们并未发动攻势。谁知道眼下他们正打着什么鬼算盘。与此同时,双方都派出哨兵隐蔽在两岸的密林里,戒备着随时可能出现的情况。 记得他们初抵此地时,还是春寒料峭。然而几天前却突然放晴,现在竟是明媚和煦的春天了! 第一个潜下界河的是位中士。一天早晨,他偷偷溜了出去,跳入水中,不久当他爬回此岸时,肋下已中了两弹,后来只活了几个小时。 翌日,又是两个士兵下去了。没有再能见到他们,只听到几阵机枪的扫射,然后,便是一片沉寂。 此后,司令部就下了那道禁令。 然而,那条河依然具有不可抗拒的诱惑力。听到潺潺的水声,渴望便从他们心底油然而生。两年半的野战生活已使他们变得蓬头垢面,邋里邋遢。在这两年半里他们享受不到一丝的快乐。而此时他们却邂逅了这条河…… “这该死的命令!”那天夜里他忿忿地诅咒道。 这一夜,他辗转反侧,难以入眠。远处,滔滔流水声依稀可闻,令他难以安适。 对,明天要去,他一定要去——让那禁令见鬼去吧! 士兵们都在酣睡,最后,他也渐入梦乡。梦中,他似乎看到了它——一条河。那河就在他的面前,期待着他。他站在岸边,脱光了衣服,正欲跃入水中。就在此刻, 那条河竟然变成了他的恋人——一个胴体黝黑、年轻健美的姑娘。他裸露在她面前,她正待他奔来——突然,一只无形的手却紧紧攫住了他的后颈! 这是一场噩梦。醒来时已精疲力竭,幸好天还未放亮…… 他终于站到河边。他注视着这条河,它的确存在着!一连几个小时他都在担心这只是一种想像,抑或只是士兵们的一种普遍的幻觉。 天气多好啊!他把衣服和枪靠放在树干旁,纵身跳入水中,承受了两年半的折磨,他那迄今还留有两道弹痕的躯体,顿时化作了另一个人。无形中,仿佛有一只拿着海绵的手抚过他的全身,为他抹去这两年半中留下的一切印记。 他时而仰泳,时而俯泳。他顺流漂浮,又长时间地潜入水中……当兵的他一下子变成了一个孩子——他毕竟只有23岁。 左右两岸,鸟群在自由飞翔,有时它们盘旋在他的头顶,和他亲昵地打招呼。 少顷,顺流漂下的一根树干出现在他的前方。他一个长潜试图抓住树干。他真的抓住了!就在他浮出水面的刹那间,他发现约在30公尺开外的前方有一个脑袋。 他停下来,想看得清楚些。那另一个游泳者也停了下来。他们彼此默默注视着。 他立刻回过神来,恢复到原来的自己——一个经历过两年半炮火洗礼、荣获过十字勋章的士兵。 他不知道对面的家伙是自己人还是那边的人。他怎么认得出来呢?只凭一个脑袋? 几分钟的时间两人在水中一动不动。一个响亮的喷嚏打破了死一样的寂静,是他打的,而且像往常一样大声咒骂了一句。那个人掉转身去很快游向对岸。他亦飞速向岸边游回。他先行出水,狂奔到那棵树下,一把抓起枪。还好,那边的人刚刚爬出水面。 他举起枪,瞄准。要击中对面那人的脑袋实在太简单了。20米开外奔跑着的一丝不挂的人体,是一个很容易击中的靶子。 突然,他觉得自己无法扣动扳机。对方那人在彼岸,赤条条的像刚从娘胎里出来时一般。而自己端枪在岸的这边,同样也赤条条的。 他无论如何开不了枪。两个人都赤裸着!两个赤裸的人,脱掉了国籍,脱掉了姓名,脱掉了卡其布的军装。 这到底是为什么呢…… 他实在无法扣动扳机,他觉得此刻这条恋人般的河未能把他们隔开;相反,却把他们联合在一起了…… 随着彼岸的一声枪响,他只是瞥见鸟群被惊起。他应声倒下,先是膝盖跪下,随后平扑在地。
Playing Computer is My Favourite
My hobby is to play computer. Most people think playing computer is wasting your time and bad for your eyes. But I'm not the person who plays it for all day and never get a break.
I play computer when I get back home from school. I have some computer games in it but I don't spend a lot of time on them. I have my own blog, so I usually go to my blog and write down something about my day. It is a good way to keep up your writing skill. I also watch a few videos about cartoon or movie online. I take a break every 20 minutes of using computer so my eyes can get a rest.
It's not bad of playing computer. I play my computer for 1 or 2 hours after school and go to do my homework right after it.
Am I wasting my time? No. Not only do I take a break from school work, but also spend my time with my favourite activity, playing computer.
My hobby is to play computer. Most people think playing computer is wasting your time and bad for your eyes. But I'm not the person who plays it for all day and never get a break.
I play computer when I get back home from school. I have some computer games in it but I don't spend a lot of time on them. I have my own blog, so I usually go to my blog and write down something about my day. It is a good way to keep up your writing skill. I also watch a few videos about cartoon or movie online. I take a break every 20 minutes of using computer so my eyes can get a rest.
It's not bad of playing computer. I play my computer for 1 or 2 hours after school and go to do my homework right after it.
Am I wasting my time? No. Not only do I take a break from school work, but also spend my time with my favourite activity, playing computer.
作者:安东尼 萨马拉基斯(希腊)