试试 The Cyclops 和 10,000 Cigarettes
10,000Cigarettes台词好背些, 写在下面。因为字数的关系,另一篇你可以自己去网上找。
(AS 1, 2, 3 & 4)
1: 49, 50, 51 -
1& 2: 52, 53, 54 -
1,2 & 3: 55, 56, 57 -
1,2, 3 & 4: 58, 59, 60!
2:Ta dah!
1: So this guy at the funeral –
4: Guy is too kind –
2: This jerk –
1: This jerk reckons that I can’t go one minute
4: Without lighting a cigarette.
3: One minute!
2: Ha. Showed him.
1: So time to celebrate
2: That is one of the great things about –
4: the magic white cylinder.
3: It’s perfect for any occasion.
1: “Talking with friends” –
2: the chat cigarette.
3: “Out with colleagues” –
4: the social cigarette.
2: “Having a few drinks” –
1: the boozy cigarette.
2: “Having a few more drinks” –
3: the boozier cigarette.
1: “Taking a quick break from work” –
4: the sidewalk cigarette.
2: Not “smoko” or “fag break”
3: – sidewalk cigarette.
1: Much more style –
4: which is what cigarettes are all about –
1: S –
2: t –
3: y –
1: l –
4: e.
ALL: Style.
1: “What a great meal. I’m stuffed” –
4: the apres dinner cigarette.
3: Cigarettes always taste better after an excellent dinner –
2: That is if it’s possible for cigarettes to taste better than theyalready do.
3: “Nothing happening”
1: – the bored cigarette.
2: “Impressing the new man” –
4: the looking cool cigarette.
3: “Breaking up with the new man” –
1: the broken hearted cigarette.
4: “Out for a country drive”
3: – the cruise cigarette.
2: “Pack of Holiday Slims thanks.”
1: The cheap cigarette.
3: “I love you, you’re my best friend”
4: – the shared cigarette.
1: “I’m broke and this is my last one” –
2: the definitely not shared cigarette.
4: “Relaxing in the pergola” –
1: the outdoor cigarette.
3: Isn’t it interesting how many times smoking is linked withrelaxing here ?
2: “My parents don’t know I smoke”
1: – the illicit cigarette.
4: “On a yacht” –
3: the wind and waves cigarette.
4: “On a plane” –
1: the dangerous cigarette.
4: “In a petrol station” –
2: the very dangerous cigarette.
4: I don’t like the term
2: fag,
3: ciggie,
1: smoke. I prefer to call them by their full name –
ALL: cigarette.
3: Derived from the fact that it is a smaller version of itsantecedent –
2: Anti– who?
3: Cedent.
4: Ancestor.
2:Which was?
1: The cigar.
4: But whereas cigars are
1: big,
2: heavy
3: awkward.
4: The cigarette is –
1: dainty,
2: elegant,
3: convenient
4: and fits perfectly between my
1: dainty,
2: elegant
3: conveniently-well-shaped-for-holding-a-cigarette
4: fingers.
1: I remember my first cigarette. That moment of –
3: Realisation
4: Inhalation
2: Excitation.
1: An awakening of
4: Spirit
3: Awareness.
2: Lungs
1: An Epiphany. I used to hide around the corner and watch him
2: Standing on the verandah,
3: Leaning in the doorway,
4: Hair slicked back –
1: Dark blue singlet
2: And gripped in his
3: Strong tanned fingers
4: The constant flickering glow.
1: I pinched one of his
2: Kents
3: From the crush top pack
4: on the kitchen table
1: Lit it on the stove
2: And after just one puff –
4: I knew
3: Between coughs
1: I had discovered a secret
3: friend
2: conspirator
4: lover
3: God.
10,000Cigarettes台词好背些, 写在下面。因为字数的关系,另一篇你可以自己去网上找。
(AS 1, 2, 3 & 4)
1: 49, 50, 51 -
1& 2: 52, 53, 54 -
1,2 & 3: 55, 56, 57 -
1,2, 3 & 4: 58, 59, 60!
2:Ta dah!
1: So this guy at the funeral –
4: Guy is too kind –
2: This jerk –
1: This jerk reckons that I can’t go one minute
4: Without lighting a cigarette.
3: One minute!
2: Ha. Showed him.
1: So time to celebrate
2: That is one of the great things about –
4: the magic white cylinder.
3: It’s perfect for any occasion.
1: “Talking with friends” –
2: the chat cigarette.
3: “Out with colleagues” –
4: the social cigarette.
2: “Having a few drinks” –
1: the boozy cigarette.
2: “Having a few more drinks” –
3: the boozier cigarette.
1: “Taking a quick break from work” –
4: the sidewalk cigarette.
2: Not “smoko” or “fag break”
3: – sidewalk cigarette.
1: Much more style –
4: which is what cigarettes are all about –
1: S –
2: t –
3: y –
1: l –
4: e.
ALL: Style.
1: “What a great meal. I’m stuffed” –
4: the apres dinner cigarette.
3: Cigarettes always taste better after an excellent dinner –
2: That is if it’s possible for cigarettes to taste better than theyalready do.
3: “Nothing happening”
1: – the bored cigarette.
2: “Impressing the new man” –
4: the looking cool cigarette.
3: “Breaking up with the new man” –
1: the broken hearted cigarette.
4: “Out for a country drive”
3: – the cruise cigarette.
2: “Pack of Holiday Slims thanks.”
1: The cheap cigarette.
3: “I love you, you’re my best friend”
4: – the shared cigarette.
1: “I’m broke and this is my last one” –
2: the definitely not shared cigarette.
4: “Relaxing in the pergola” –
1: the outdoor cigarette.
3: Isn’t it interesting how many times smoking is linked withrelaxing here ?
2: “My parents don’t know I smoke”
1: – the illicit cigarette.
4: “On a yacht” –
3: the wind and waves cigarette.
4: “On a plane” –
1: the dangerous cigarette.
4: “In a petrol station” –
2: the very dangerous cigarette.
4: I don’t like the term
2: fag,
3: ciggie,
1: smoke. I prefer to call them by their full name –
ALL: cigarette.
3: Derived from the fact that it is a smaller version of itsantecedent –
2: Anti– who?
3: Cedent.
4: Ancestor.
2:Which was?
1: The cigar.
4: But whereas cigars are
1: big,
2: heavy
3: awkward.
4: The cigarette is –
1: dainty,
2: elegant,
3: convenient
4: and fits perfectly between my
1: dainty,
2: elegant
3: conveniently-well-shaped-for-holding-a-cigarette
4: fingers.
1: I remember my first cigarette. That moment of –
3: Realisation
4: Inhalation
2: Excitation.
1: An awakening of
4: Spirit
3: Awareness.
2: Lungs
1: An Epiphany. I used to hide around the corner and watch him
2: Standing on the verandah,
3: Leaning in the doorway,
4: Hair slicked back –
1: Dark blue singlet
2: And gripped in his
3: Strong tanned fingers
4: The constant flickering glow.
1: I pinched one of his
2: Kents
3: From the crush top pack
4: on the kitchen table
1: Lit it on the stove
2: And after just one puff –
4: I knew
3: Between coughs
1: I had discovered a secret
3: friend
2: conspirator
4: lover
3: God.