现在,让我来告诉你一些开幕式的事情,首先,我要为大家展示几幅我照的图片。(拿出第一张) 这张是从近处拍的场馆。(拿出第二张),这张是舞台,正如你所看到的那样,它很漂亮,壮观。(拿出第三张)这是火炬塔。(拿出第四张)这是入场式,画面上的这支队伍是荆门代表队。(连续拿出几张)这些是都是我拍的一些舞蹈节目的画面,相信你认为它们很不错!(接着又拿出一张)这张是李宁带着众奥运冠军与观众的见面。请看:这位是就是李宁,这位是程菲,这位是杨威,他身边这位是胡佳亮。因为我距离他们有点远,所以只能通过大屏幕照到他们。他们都是我们湖北人,我们应感到骄傲,对吗?(接着又拿出下一张)请看这张,火炬点燃了!(又拿出几张),好了,这些是其余的一些了,如果你有需要,我等会可以给你几张。我的演讲完了,谢谢!
要求:通顺,连贯。尽量用高级词汇,且最好通俗易懂。 展开
现在,让我来告诉你一些开幕式的事情,首先,我要为大家展示几幅我照的图片。(拿出第一张) 这张是从近处拍的场馆。(拿出第二张),这张是舞台,正如你所看到的那样,它很漂亮,壮观。(拿出第三张)这是火炬塔。(拿出第四张)这是入场式,画面上的这支队伍是荆门代表队。(连续拿出几张)这些是都是我拍的一些舞蹈节目的画面,相信你认为它们很不错!(接着又拿出一张)这张是李宁带着众奥运冠军与观众的见面。请看:这位是就是李宁,这位是程菲,这位是杨威,他身边这位是胡佳亮。因为我距离他们有点远,所以只能通过大屏幕照到他们。他们都是我们湖北人,我们应感到骄傲,对吗?(接着又拿出下一张)请看这张,火炬点燃了!(又拿出几张),好了,这些是其余的一些了,如果你有需要,我等会可以给你几张。我的演讲完了,谢谢!
要求:通顺,连贯。尽量用高级词汇,且最好通俗易懂。 展开
Last Tuesday, I went to see the opening of the torch, I feel very happy. The opening is in ecological sports park stadium, it is located in the southern city.
Now, let me tell you some of the opening ceremony, first of all, I will show you some pictures of me. (a) it out from the nearby of venues. (out), the second is the stage, as you can see, it is very beautiful, magnificent. (the) this is out of the torch. (4) it is out of the question, parade team is jingmen team. (continuous out a few copies) of these are some of the capital's I, believe you think purposes are very good! (then took a) this is li ning took all the Olympic champions and meet the audience. Look at this is li ning, this is cheng fei, this is YangWei, this is HuJiaLiang around him. Because I have a little far from them, so only through the big screen according to them. They are our hubei, we should feel proud, right? (then again next) look at this picture out, torch lit up! (and), took some good, these are some of the rest, if you need, I'll give you a few tickets. Can My speech, thank you!
Now, let me tell you some of the opening ceremony, first of all, I will show you some pictures of me. (a) it out from the nearby of venues. (out), the second is the stage, as you can see, it is very beautiful, magnificent. (the) this is out of the torch. (4) it is out of the question, parade team is jingmen team. (continuous out a few copies) of these are some of the capital's I, believe you think purposes are very good! (then took a) this is li ning took all the Olympic champions and meet the audience. Look at this is li ning, this is cheng fei, this is YangWei, this is HuJiaLiang around him. Because I have a little far from them, so only through the big screen according to them. They are our hubei, we should feel proud, right? (then again next) look at this picture out, torch lit up! (and), took some good, these are some of the rest, if you need, I'll give you a few tickets. Can My speech, thank you!
I don't know