
在芒果街上的小屋,有一位叫埃斯佩朗莎的女孩。她是生活在美国的拉丁美洲移民后代。她用清澈的眼打量周围的世界,用诗一样美丽稚嫩的语言讲述成长,讲述年轻的热望和梦想。梦想着有一... 在芒果街上的小屋,有一位叫埃斯佩朗莎的女孩。她是生活在美国的拉丁美洲移民后代。她用清澈的眼打量周围的世界,用诗一样美丽稚嫩的语言讲述成长,讲述年轻的热望和梦想。梦想着有一所房子,梦想在写作中找寻自我,获得自由和帮助别人的能力。
在当时种族差异和矛盾非常突出,对肤色和族裔问题十分敏感的美国社会,身为拉丁美洲移民后代常常意味着家境贫穷,遭人歧视以及文化上的隔阂与失落。透过小埃斯佩朗莎的眼我们认识了众多芒果街的拉丁移民。有凯西走后搬进她房子的“么么”一家:有住在她家地下室的波多黎各人——他们中的一位少年曾投来一辆黄色的凯迪拉克并载上所有邻家孩子在街上兜风过了把瘾,然后被警察拘捕进了局子:有又想攒钱和波多黎各男友结婚又想在美国找个阔丈夫的马林:有被男人遗弃的单亲母亲法拉斯,她带一大窝孩子艰难谋生,无人管教的小孩伙们一位胡闹终于有一天酿成惨祸:还有来美国的胖女人玛玛西塔,她不肯下楼也不肯说英语…….上帝很忙,没空照看这些卑微的人,让他们在人间一再的摔倒。 少女澄澈清明的眼观直视移民区人们最真实的生活状态,或是辛酸或是无奈或是逃避又或是偶尔的欢愉。小孩子似懂非懂的话充分并且残忍地折射着成人社会的矛盾弊端和偏见。
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2014-12-14 · 超过20用户采纳过TA的回答
In the house on Mango Street, there is a girl called Esperanza. She is living in USA immigrants of Latin America descendants. She used her clear eyes looked around the world, use the language of poetry as beautiful as immature about growth, about young aspirations and dreams. Dream of having a house, the dream of self search in writing, the ability to obtain free and to help others. At the time the race difference and contradiction is very prominent, very sensitive to color and ethnic problems America society, as Latin America descendants of immigrants often means to poverty, discrimination and cultural barriers and lost. Through the small Esperanza's eyes we know many Mango Street Latin immigrants. Casey go after moving into her house "meme" A: Puerto ricans have lived in her basement -- a boy of them had cast a yellow Cadillac and take all the neighborhood kids in the street for a ride over the addiction, and then arrested by the police was arrested and sent to jail and want to save money and: Puerto Rico to marry her boyfriend also want to find a rich husband, in American Ma Lin: there was a man abandoned single mother Fala, she took a big nest children struggling to make a living, troubled children boys a nonsense finally one day a disaster: and to American fat woman Mama Sita, she refused to go downstairs to also be not willing to speak english...... . God was busy, not free to take care of these humble people, let them down again and again in the world. The girl clear clarity eye view open immigration area people the real life state, or bitter or helpless or escape or occasional happiness. The child not fully understand fully and cruel the refraction of adult social contradictions abuse and prejudice. Color difference, cultural barriers and let them linger in pain and hope, a painful split resist, also have painful compromises the pursuit. They're struggling to escape the colored mud, jump out of my skin to get free, stubborn fight pressure setbacks and injuries. As her house into four slender tree as a breakthrough and block masonry grew. She will grow up, one day out of Mango Street but his departure does not mean to get rid of. Leave, is back for more meaningful! Leave the barren land, leaving it with the color of mud. With the desire for success and the pursuit of wealth left only shows that the stubborn and unyielding, tenacious and hard work. Return, duties and expectations with Mango Street is beyond the essential meaning of the American dream! Leave to return to those like yourself, so easy to leave the people, to the less fortunate ones. Is mango street people never forget what you know things, can not forget who you are! Don't lost in a luxury and dissipation in the American dream of self, conscious of the responsibility and the location of their vicissitudes and the inability to not grow, but fall red flower selfless and hot. God had forgotten that group of people, and that group of people humble little pain, hope, self redemption and salvation! Efforts to live.
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