
1919年的春天,卢森堡王室迎来了夏洛特公主继承王位,同时她又嫁给了波旁家庭的后裔菲利克斯王子。莱昂作为王室的后厨忙坏了,整天都在清洗碗筷和碟子,双手裂开了好多口子。正当... 1919年的春天,卢森堡王室迎来了夏洛特公主继承王位,同时她又嫁给了波旁家庭的后裔 菲利克斯王子。莱昂作为王室的后厨忙坏了,整天都在清洗碗筷和碟子,双手裂开了好多口子。正当他用盐水擦洗伤口时,一个女孩走过来对他说:这样一定很疼吧?这个女孩就是后来影响了莱昂一生的芭莎公主。
不久后,芭莎公主被选中和盟国比利时做联姻。一连几天莱昂见不到芭莎心急如焚。终于在一个月后的餐桌上他见到了憔悴的芭莎。莱昂在准备甜点的时候,在芭莎的冰激凌上用热巧克力写了几个英文字母“DOVE”这是“Do U LOVE ME”的缩写。
结婚 生子 平静的生活无法抹平莱昂心底深处的创伤,他始终无法忘记芭莎,他的妻子也应此伤心的离开他。
如今,德芙巧克力已有数十种口味,全世界越来越多的人爱上因爱而生,从冰激凌演变而来的德芙巧克力。当情人们送出德芙,就意味着送出了那轻声的爱情之问:DO U LOVE ME?(你爱我吗?)那是创始人在提醒天下有情人,如果你爱他(她),请及时让你所爱的人知道,并记得,要深深的爱,永不放弃。
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2010-10-23 · TA获得超过386个赞
In 1919, the spring of Luxembourg in charlotte princess royal heir to the throne at the same time she has married the prince felix seed bourbon family. Leon as royal kitchen busy, after all, both hands clean plate and cracked many dishes. While he brine is swabbed, a girl came up wound, and said to him: that must be very painful? This is the girl then influenced Leon life bazaar princess.
Two young men that meet. Leon every night slipped into the kitchen bazaar for two people always make ice cream and ice cream is a common talk while in the past, cherish the trenchant, they just quietly buried in the bottom of the feelings.
Soon, it is the princess was selected and Allies, Belgium. Do For days Leon see it. Finally after a month of the table he met a gaunt bazaar. Leon in preparation for dessert, when the ice cream in the bazaar in hot chocolate wrote several English letter "DOVE" it is "U LOVE ME".
After a few days, it was married. A year later, endure lovesickness suffering, Leon left after the royal kitchen.
Married a quiet life can draw Leon innermost trauma, he can't forget it, his wife also should this sad left him.
Ever since a DE Leon, his son a candy store. In 1946, the day after a son see Leon selling ice cream truck, car door burst open of the memory of the past, Leon decided to study for it finished.
After several months of study, a package of chocolate ice cream was published, and inscribed "DOVE" (the virtuous fu) four letters.
The virtuous fu ice cream at large. Meanwhile, Leon received a letter from Luxembourg, Leon, it was sent to princess bug him everywhere, hope he can go to see her, but that he left the royal family. Due to the influence of the second world war, when the letter came Leon hand has been late for a whole year, 3.
Leon through to find it. It is weak lying in bed, once the rippling eyes now is grey. Leon half kneeling on her bed, tears can restrain. It is an outstretched hand caresses his hair, with weak to almost couldn't hear the voice cried Leon's name.
It is, she had to recall hunger to reject marriage. He has been under house arrest for a month, he knew that he couldn't escape the fate of marriage, Leon never say never loved him, and gave to promise anything. He ultimately compromise, finally, the condition is to the palace of Luxembourg drink tea with Leon, where do final goodbyes. Sad it ate ice cream to her DE Leon, but she didn't see those who have melted letters.
Hear here, Leon sobbing. Past misunderstanding finally got the answer, but everything comes too late. After a few days, it died.
Leon infinite sorrow, if we had not melt away those hot chocolate, she must know his mind. If the chocolate is fixed, those words will never melts, Leon decided to make a solid chocolate, which can save more time.
After painstaking research, mellow, and finally made of chocolate every piece of chocolate was firmly inscribed "DOVE" to commemorate his, Leon bazaar and love.
Nowadays, the dove chocolate dozens of taste, more and more people around the world love because of love, evolved from the ice cream dove chocolate. When the lovers are sent out the virtuous fu, means that softly sent out of LOVE asked: DO U LOVE ME? (do you love me? It is the founder of the lovers in remind, if you love him (her), please let your loved ones know, and remember to love deeply, never give up.
In 1919 the spring, Luxembourg royal ushered in charlotte princess succeeds, at the same time she has married bourbon family seed felix prince. Leon as royal after hutch busy all day broke, in cleaning bowl chopsticks and dish, hands cracked a lot of incision. As he brine is swabbed wound, a girl came up and said to him, so must be very painful? This is the girl later influenced Leon lifetime of pattaya, Sally princess. The two young people like this encounter. Leon every night slipped into the kitchen for ba Sally doing ice cream, two people always talk while ordinary ice cream side of the past, in the honour low trenchant era, they just silently will this affection buried in the heart. Soon, ba Sally princess was selected and its Allies Belgium do marriage. For days Leon see ba Sally worried. Finally in a month after the table he met a gaunt pattaya, Sally. Leon in preparation for dessert, in pattaya, Sally ice cream with hot chocolate written several English letter "DOVE" this is "Do U LOVE ME" abbreviations. After a few days, ba Sally married. A year later, endure lovesickness suffering torture, Leon leave after a royal kitchen. Married life is calm cannot sync Leon deep within trauma, he still can't forget pattaya, Sally, his wife also should this sad to leave him. Leon it was a man with their sons, manages his candy store. 1946 day, Leon seeing her son in chasing a car selling ice cream of car, of the memory of the door burst open, Leon decision continue past no for ba Sally complete research. After several months of study, one package by the chocolate ice cream has come, and engraved the "DOVE" (the virtuous fu) four letters. The virtuous fu ice cream was great once pushed won a good reputation among our customers. Meanwhile, Leon received a letter from Luxembourg, Leon that ba Sally princess had sent home everywhere play-pleasure news of him, hope he could go to visit her, but he learned that he left the royal family. Due to the influence of the second world war, this letter to Leon hand, has been late for a whole year 3.
Leon through hardships find ba Sally. Pattaya, Sally weak lying in bed, once the rippling eyes is now overcast. Leon half kneeling at her bedside, tears cannot be restrained. Pattaya, Sally outstretched hand caresses of his hair, with slight to almost couldn't hear the voice cried Leon's name. Pattaya, Sally memories, she had to hunger strike to reject marriage. He has been under house arrest for a month, he knew he could never escape the fate of marriage, besides Leon never said that love him, and for gave promise anything. He finally compromise, the last condition is, to drink the palace of Luxembourg one afternoon tea, there with the Leon do final goodbyes. Sad ba Sally ate Leon gave her do ice cream, but she did not see those who have melted letters. Hear here, Leon sobbing. The past misunderstanding finally have the answer, but everything came too late. After a few days, ba Sally's death. Leon infinite sadness, if we had those hot chocolate will not melt away, then she must know his mind. If the chocolate is fixed, those words will never melt, Leon decided to produce solid chocolate, which can save more years. After painstaking research, mellow chocolate finally made, and every piece of chocolate was firmly engraved the "DOVE", Leon in honour him and ba Sally love. Nowadays, dove chocolate dozens flavors, more and more people around the world love because love is born, from the ice cream evolved from the dove chocolate. When lovers send out the virtuous fu, it means sent out that softly LOVE asked: DO U LOVE ME? (do you love me? That's founders in remind every lover knows, if you love him (her), please promptly let the people you love know, and remember to deep love, never give up.(thank you)
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