谁会把这段话用英语翻译?谢谢啦!
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是天上的甘露孕育了水的灵动,是苍天的拨打凝结成山的沉稳。是天与地之间的灵气铸造了骨骼,从而成就了生命。正是上帝的仁慈才有了亚当、夏娃,正是女娲的精心才有了人类。生生相息,亘古延长,也正是有了灵动,沉稳,仁慈,精心才有了生命的宽度。才有了人生的一切。宽哉,生命!
Is
in
heaven
manna
bred
Smart
water
is
condensed
into
heaven's
call
calm
mountain.
Is
between
heaven
and
earth
aura
casting
bones,
which
makes
a
life.
It
is
only
God's
mercy
made
Adam
and
Eve,
it
was
only
the
careful
Nu
Wa
human.
Chow
Sang
Sang
relative
interest
rates,
ancient
extension,
it
is
precisely
because
of
Smart,
calm,
kind,
well
only
the
width
of
life.
Have
everything
in
life.
Zai,
life!
Is
in
heaven
manna
bred
Smart
water
is
condensed
into
heaven's
call
calm
mountain.
Is
between
heaven
and
earth
aura
casting
bones,
which
makes
a
life.
It
is
only
God's
mercy
made
Adam
and
Eve,
it
was
only
the
careful
Nu
Wa
human.
Chow
Sang
Sang
relative
interest
rates,
ancient
extension,
it
is
precisely
because
of
Smart,
calm,
kind,
well
only
the
width
of
life.
Have
everything
in
life.
Zai,
life!
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