展开全部
校园的生活是紧张,忙碌.刻苦的,但也是充实,快乐,多彩的
清晨,晨雾弥漫的校园,已有一些爱好篮球的男生们正在努力的练习着打篮球的技艺,偶尔在操场上也能发现一些学生在温习,校园里一切看起来都那么的自然、清新。打开宿舍的窗户、门,让清新的空气随风飘进屋内,顿时有说不出的清爽,道不尽的畅快,立刻驱散了我们朦朦的睡意
是我们再也熟悉不过的一个学习天地.有人说:学习是一件非常以及极其无聊的事情,更别说校园生活的枯燥乏味了.可我却觉得学习是一件快乐的事情,校园生活是多姿多彩的.
The
campus
life
is
intense,
bustles
about.
Assiduous,
but
is
also
enriches,
joyful,
multi-color's
early
morning,
the
pride
of
the
morning
fills
the
air
the
campus,
had
some
hobby
basketball's
male
students
practice
diligently
to
hit
basketball's
technique,
occasionally
in
the
drill
ground
can
also
discover
that
some
students
in
the
review,
in
the
campus
all
look
like
such
nature,
fresh.
Opens
the
dormitory
the
window,
the
gate,
lets
the
fresh
air
flutter
with
the
wind
in
the
room,
has
not
being
able
to
say
neatness
immediately,
endless
carefree,
has
scattered
we
hazy
sleepiness
is
we
again
also
familiar
study
world
immediately.
Some
people
said:
The
study
is
one
unusual
as
well
as
the
extremely
bored
matter,
let
alone
the
campus
life
aridly
was
more
tasteless.
But
actually
thought
that
the
study
is
a
joyful
matter,
the
campus
life
is
colorful
清晨,晨雾弥漫的校园,已有一些爱好篮球的男生们正在努力的练习着打篮球的技艺,偶尔在操场上也能发现一些学生在温习,校园里一切看起来都那么的自然、清新。打开宿舍的窗户、门,让清新的空气随风飘进屋内,顿时有说不出的清爽,道不尽的畅快,立刻驱散了我们朦朦的睡意
是我们再也熟悉不过的一个学习天地.有人说:学习是一件非常以及极其无聊的事情,更别说校园生活的枯燥乏味了.可我却觉得学习是一件快乐的事情,校园生活是多姿多彩的.
The
campus
life
is
intense,
bustles
about.
Assiduous,
but
is
also
enriches,
joyful,
multi-color's
early
morning,
the
pride
of
the
morning
fills
the
air
the
campus,
had
some
hobby
basketball's
male
students
practice
diligently
to
hit
basketball's
technique,
occasionally
in
the
drill
ground
can
also
discover
that
some
students
in
the
review,
in
the
campus
all
look
like
such
nature,
fresh.
Opens
the
dormitory
the
window,
the
gate,
lets
the
fresh
air
flutter
with
the
wind
in
the
room,
has
not
being
able
to
say
neatness
immediately,
endless
carefree,
has
scattered
we
hazy
sleepiness
is
we
again
also
familiar
study
world
immediately.
Some
people
said:
The
study
is
one
unusual
as
well
as
the
extremely
bored
matter,
let
alone
the
campus
life
aridly
was
more
tasteless.
But
actually
thought
that
the
study
is
a
joyful
matter,
the
campus
life
is
colorful
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