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2022-07-03 · TA获得超过5559个赞

  当我们和朋友去餐厅厅时,有哪些是需要我们学习的常用 英语口语 呢?下面我为大家带来餐厅常用 英语情景对话 ,欢迎大家练习!


  Mr. Wang: This looks wonderful, Madame Hulot.

  Wang: Hulot 小姐,这里看起来很不错。

  Madame Hulot: Yes, it's very nice. All our foreign visitors enjoy it. The food is wonderfully well-prepared. Let me know if you need any help with the menu.

  Hulot: 是啊,的确很棒。我们的外国客人一向都很喜欢,而且它的菜肴都经过精心烹调。假如你对菜单有什么不了解的地方,请告诉我。

  Mr. Wang: Thank you. Mmm. Can you tell me about the terrine?

  Wang: 谢谢。嗯,可以麻烦你介绍一下terrine吗?

  Madame Hulot: Yes. A terrine is a kind of meat pate. It's meat turned into a paste. It sounds horrible but it's actually really good.

  Hulot: 好的。terrine是一种肉饼,也就是把肉变成饼。它听起来有点恐怖,不过真的好吃极了。

  Mr. Wang: Mmm. Maybe another time.

  Wang: 嗯,也许下次吧。

  Madame Hulot: You could try the ravioli. They are rather like your Chinese dumplings, and the sauce is delicious.

  Hulot: 你可以试试ravioli。它很像是中国的水饺,而且酱料很好吃。

  Mr. Wang: Sounds good. I think I'll have the Iamb for my main course. What does it come with?

  Wang: 听起来不错。我想我的主菜就吃羊肉好了。副餐厅是什么?

  Madame Hulot: Well, you can have fries-French fries-or simple boiled potatoes.

  Hulot: 额,你可以吃fries,也就是薯条,或是简单的水煮马铃薯。

  Mr. Wang: I'll have the potatoes. What are you having?

  Wang: 那我吃马铃薯好了。你要吃什么呢?

  Madame Hulot: I'm having my usual. I like the fish here. Would you like some wine?

  Hulot: 我还是老样子,我喜欢吃这里的鱼。你要喝点酒吗?

  Mr. Wang:Oh, yes. That would be lovely.



  Mr. Wang: Well, Mitzuko-san, I hope you like it here. This is my favourite restaurant in Taipei. It reminds me of my youth when I traveled around Europe.

  Wang: 对了,Mitzuko小姐,希望你喜欢这里。这是我最喜欢的餐厅馆,它让我想起我年轻时在欧洲的旅游。

  Mitzuko: It looks wonderful. Very authentic.

  Mitzuko: 看起来很棒,就像真的欧洲餐厅厅一样。

  Mr. Wang: The chef trained in Florence. The pasta is very good here.

  Wang: 大厨是在佛罗伦萨学艺,这里的意大利面很好吃。

  Mitzuko: OK. So, what can you recommend?

  Mitzuko: 好。那你可以推荐一下吗?

  Mr. Wang: Uhm…You should try the mushroom fettucine. It's really good.

  Wang: 嗯,你应该试试蘑菇面,味道很棒。

  Mitzuko: Is it salty?

  Mitzuko: 很咸吗?

  Mr. Wang: Not at all. It has a very delicate flavor.

  Wang: 一点儿都不。味道很清淡。

  Mitzuko: What does "Zuppa del giorno" mean? I'm sorry I don't know how to pronounce that.

  Mitzuko: Zuppadelgiorno是什么意思?抱歉,我不知道要怎么念。

  Mr. Wang: Oh, that means soup of the day. I'll ask the waiter what they have today. Have you tried mussels cooked the Italian way? They're really delicious.

  Wang: 嗅,那是“每日一汤”的意思。我会问服务员今天是什么汤。你吃过意式淡水吗?它的味道很棒。

  Mitzuko:No. I'll try them. Sounds good.



  Mr. Wang: Can we have a menu, please.


  Waiter: Of course, sir. Here you are.


  Waiter: Are you ready to order, sir?

  服务员: 你们要点餐厅了吗,先生?

  Mr. Wang: Yes. Mitzuko-san, please go first.

  王先生: 光子小姐,请你先点。

  Mitzuko: All right. I'll have the mussels, and then I'll have the fettucine.

  光子: 好。我要淡水蚌,然后我还要面。

  Waiter: Would you like a main course, madame?

  服务员: 小姐,您要主菜吗?

  Mitzuko: No, I don't think so. I think the pasta will be enough for me.

  光子: 我想不用了。我想我吃面就够了。

  Waiter: And you, sir?

  服务员: 先生,您呢?

  Mr. Wang: Can you tell me what the soup of the day is?

  王先生: 你能告诉我今天的汤是什么吗?

  Waiter: Yes. It's minestrone soup. That's a rich tomato and vegetable soup.

  服务员: 好的,是意式蔬菜浓汤,也就是有西红柿和蔬菜的浓汤。

  Mr. Wang: OK, I'll have that, but not too salty, please. And for my main course I'll have the veal. That's it. We might order some of your excellent tiramisu later.

  王先生: 好,那我点那个,不过麻烦不要太咸。我的主菜要小牛肉,就这样。我们等一下可能会点一些你们这边很棒的提拉米苏。

  Waiter: Very good, sir.


餐厅常用英语情景对话相关 文章 :

1. 简单实用点餐厅英语对话

2. 实用英语情景对话之餐厅厅点餐厅

3. 英语餐厅厅情景对话

4. 日常英语对话;在中餐厅厅

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