A: How is your English ability?
B: Not bad. I’m proficient in both written and spoken English.
A: English and computer skills are comparatively important to this position, especially in the starting period. What’s your ability in these two fields?
A:对于我们这个职位,英语和计算机作为 两项基本技能还是比较重要的,特别在 刚刚开始工作的时候。你在这两方面的 能力如何?
B: I passed College English Test Band 6, with good skill in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. I haven,t got any certificate of computer skills, because I don’t think certificates are necessary if what’s needed is merely operating a computer. I think practically, to know how to use a computer is more important. And I am quite familiar with Microsoft Office.
B:我通过了大学英语六级考试,有良好 的英语听、说、读、写能力。我并没有 去考过任何计算机方面的证书,因为 我认为如果仅仅是需要掌握计算机的 操作能力,并不十分需要证书,而在于 更多地、实实在在地使用计算机,而我 对于微软的Office软件是非常熟悉 的,并且完全可以做到熟练运用。
A: What else do you have to prove your English ability?
A:你还有什么可以证明你的英语能力的 吗?
B: I took a part-time job last semester in translating and doing reception work for an exhibition. My work included hosting the visiting foreign exhibitors, communicating with them, arranging their agenda, and translating several materials. I think this activity well demonstrated my ability in English. And I will be glad to take any form of English test you arrange for me to prove my ability.
B:我上个学期兼职参与了一次展会的翻 译和接待工作,工作内容包括接待展 会到访的外国参展商,与他们交流,安 排他们参展期间的行程,翻译若干参展资料等。我认为这次活动很好地证 明了我在英语方面的能力。我也愿意 参与贵公司安排的任何形式的英语考 试以证明我的能力。
A: How do you deal with those who you think are difficult to work with?
A:你如何应付那些你认为难以合作的 人?
B: I stick to my principles and keep to the rules. Sometimes, they just lack enthusiasm. When I get them involved with something constructive, some of them change their attitude later.
B:我会坚持原则和坚守规则。有时候, 他们只是缺乏对工作的热诚。当我安 排他们处理一些较有建设性的工作 时,有部分人便改变了态度。
A: Yes, I see.
B: Not bad. I’m proficient in both written and spoken English.
A: English and computer skills are comparatively important to this position, especially in the starting period. What’s your ability in these two fields?
A:对于我们这个职位,英语和计算机作为 两项基本技能还是比较重要的,特别在 刚刚开始工作的时候。你在这两方面的 能力如何?
B: I passed College English Test Band 6, with good skill in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. I haven,t got any certificate of computer skills, because I don’t think certificates are necessary if what’s needed is merely operating a computer. I think practically, to know how to use a computer is more important. And I am quite familiar with Microsoft Office.
B:我通过了大学英语六级考试,有良好 的英语听、说、读、写能力。我并没有 去考过任何计算机方面的证书,因为 我认为如果仅仅是需要掌握计算机的 操作能力,并不十分需要证书,而在于 更多地、实实在在地使用计算机,而我 对于微软的Office软件是非常熟悉 的,并且完全可以做到熟练运用。
A: What else do you have to prove your English ability?
A:你还有什么可以证明你的英语能力的 吗?
B: I took a part-time job last semester in translating and doing reception work for an exhibition. My work included hosting the visiting foreign exhibitors, communicating with them, arranging their agenda, and translating several materials. I think this activity well demonstrated my ability in English. And I will be glad to take any form of English test you arrange for me to prove my ability.
B:我上个学期兼职参与了一次展会的翻 译和接待工作,工作内容包括接待展 会到访的外国参展商,与他们交流,安 排他们参展期间的行程,翻译若干参展资料等。我认为这次活动很好地证 明了我在英语方面的能力。我也愿意 参与贵公司安排的任何形式的英语考 试以证明我的能力。
A: How do you deal with those who you think are difficult to work with?
A:你如何应付那些你认为难以合作的 人?
B: I stick to my principles and keep to the rules. Sometimes, they just lack enthusiasm. When I get them involved with something constructive, some of them change their attitude later.
B:我会坚持原则和坚守规则。有时候, 他们只是缺乏对工作的热诚。当我安 排他们处理一些较有建设性的工作 时,有部分人便改变了态度。
A: Yes, I see.