go down是什么意思
go down意思是下降,下跌,倒下,落下,沉没,跪下,被吞下,出故障等,例句介绍如下:
1、When the water seemed to go down a little they ran.当水位好像有所下降时,他们便都跑过去。
2、We have discussed privatization, but we would prefer not to go down that particular road.我们已经讨论了私有化问题,但不想采用这种方法。
3、He arranged for me to go down to London one day a week.他们安排我每周去伦敦一天准备工作。
4、Just go down the road a little way turn left and cross the bridge.沿这条路走一小段,向左转然后过桥。
5、Maybe we ought to go down to the library and check it out.或许我们应该去趟图书馆查个明白。
6、The swelling had begun to go down and he was able with pain to hobble.肿胀已经开始消退,他能忍着痛一瘸一拐地走了。
7、Wear your safety helmet when you go down Don't take any chances.戴上安全帽再下去,不要冒险。
8、A single mistake and all that time and money would go down the drain.只要发生一个错误,全部的时间和金钱就将尽付东流。
9、The new sewing machine didn't go down very well even after a month's use.这台新缝纫机用了一个月但还是不怎么顺手。