当一只雄鹰在铁笼里用一双乞求的眼睛望着你时,你想到了什么?当一只麋鹿在荒野里仰头发出悲惨嚎叫时,你想到了什么?当一只扬子鳄无辜地被渔夫宰杀时,你想到了什么? 当母猴淋浴在阳光下替一群活泼的小猴抓蚤时,你的感想是什么?当成群结队的大象在落日余辉中尽情嬉戏时,你的感想是什么?当百花齐放,有蓝天白云的背景,有鸟儿的歌唱,有虫儿的演奏,有蝶儿的伴舞,还有你的指挥时,你又会想到什么? 当你来到餐馆与朋友“打边炉”时,看到甲鱼头往滚开的汤锅中沾时;当你要生吃猴脑,看到锤子敲向光秃秃的猴头时;当你看到尖刀插进驴脖子,听到惨绝人寰的叫声时;……你的内心是否有一丝的震动?
为什么我们不学学他们呢?和动物一起芬想这个世界,那么,世界将变的更美好 展开
为什么我们不学学他们呢?和动物一起芬想这个世界,那么,世界将变的更美好 展开
When an eagle in an iron cage with a pair of eyes and beg you, what you think? When a moose in the wilderness, looking upward, given the tragic howl, you think what? When a fisherman killed by alligators innocent, you think what? When females shower in the sun for a group of lively monkey caught fleas, your feelings for that? When the hordes of elephants enjoy playing in the afterglow of sunset, your feelings for that? When the flowers blossom and a blue sky background, the birds singing, playing with insects, there are butterflies of the dancers, and your command, you would think? When you come to the restaurant with friends, "hot pot" and saw the turtle in the head and stick to the pot when boiling; when you want to eat raw monkey brain, see the hammer when the bald hedgehog; when you see ass knife inserted into the neck, when you hear the tragic cry; ... ... your heart there is a ray of vibration?
In the 500 years after the society, killing of animals acts are not allowed, where people and animals are equal, humans can not eat meat, it is illegal. Every child in the age of 12 must carry "share in" year of life with animals, animal way of life experience, learning how to share the world and animals.
Charlie is the share of Germany in a child. He does not like this world, this world is too boring. The sharing of year, Charlie and the deer is to live with. Deer first arrived, he did not like there, but as time goes by, more and more like Germany, where Charlie, where he realized that many villages can not understand things - love.
Only to one day more to deer predators - wolf, Charlie, Germany to protect the deer, decided to lure the wolves alone, to the Road enough time to escape. Finally died.
The sharing of year, Charles de learned how to share, to understand the human animal is also part of the world does not belong to human beings but also to the animals. Study this subject is not easy. But it is mandatory for all classes - to learn to share.
In this book I was struck by the spirit of Charles de that, and he sacrificed himself to defend the deer. Why defend the way he was? Because he had learned from the sharing of deer, people and animals are the masters of this world, people and animals are equal.
Why do not we learn them? And animals with the fun to the world, then the world will become better
In the 500 years after the society, killing of animals acts are not allowed, where people and animals are equal, humans can not eat meat, it is illegal. Every child in the age of 12 must carry "share in" year of life with animals, animal way of life experience, learning how to share the world and animals.
Charlie is the share of Germany in a child. He does not like this world, this world is too boring. The sharing of year, Charlie and the deer is to live with. Deer first arrived, he did not like there, but as time goes by, more and more like Germany, where Charlie, where he realized that many villages can not understand things - love.
Only to one day more to deer predators - wolf, Charlie, Germany to protect the deer, decided to lure the wolves alone, to the Road enough time to escape. Finally died.
The sharing of year, Charles de learned how to share, to understand the human animal is also part of the world does not belong to human beings but also to the animals. Study this subject is not easy. But it is mandatory for all classes - to learn to share.
In this book I was struck by the spirit of Charles de that, and he sacrificed himself to defend the deer. Why defend the way he was? Because he had learned from the sharing of deer, people and animals are the masters of this world, people and animals are equal.
Why do not we learn them? And animals with the fun to the world, then the world will become better
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