
1.没有必要告诉他实情。2.互相指责没有任何意义,我们最好尽量找到办法去阻止此类事件的再次发生。3.这次我没有机会通过驾驶执照考试了。4.没有证据表明野狼曾经伤害过人。5... 1. 没有必要告诉他实情。
2. 互相指责没有任何意义,我们最好尽量找到办法去阻止此类事件的再次发生。
3. 这次我没有机会通过驾驶执照考试了。
4. 没有证据表明野狼曾经伤害过人。
5. 我们对有赢得这次比赛胜利的可能性吗?(possibility)
6. 探险队欲在五周内完成任务是不可能的。(possibility)
7. 她从未想到她可以收养一个无家可归的孩子。(occur)
8. 我认为我们能否实现理想主要靠努力而不是机遇。(not…but…)
9. 这地方不仅挤满了人,而且充斥着各种各样的噪音。(Not only)
10. 警察只有打破窗户才能冲进去救那个被困的小男孩。(Only)
11. 直到一年后他才适应了国外新的学习环境。(Not until)
12. 无论如何一个人不应该忽视自己的错误。(By no means)
13. 我们的生活从没像今天这样丰富多彩!(Never before)
14. 只有当你理解领会这种知识,才能把它记住。(Only)
15. 对于基因我们了解少之又少,以至于那个讲座我们根本听不懂。(So)
16. 这老师如此平易近人,所以个个学生都喜欢问他问题。(Such)
17. 虽然这个问题很复杂,但是计算机只要五秒钟就能解决。(as)
18. 汤米还是个小孩,但他懂得很多。(as)
19. 尽管杰克非常年轻,但他已离开父母独自生活。(as)
20. 孩子做错一些事是很自然的,你不能过分责备他。(It)
21. 只要坚持不懈,不半途而废,你一定能实现奇迹。(As long as)
22. 玩电子游戏时间越长,你的视力会越差。(The more…the more…)
23. 太空旅游并没有人们想象得那么浪漫。(not so…as…)
24. 是那些为科学献身的人们推动了社会的发展。(强调句型)
25. 就是因为雨下得很大,我们才不能外出散步。(强调句型)
 我来答
2010-10-29 · TA获得超过105个赞
1. There is no need to tell him the truth.
2. No sense blame each other, we'd better try to find ways to prevent such incidents from happening again.
3. I have no chance of passing the driving exam.
4. There is no evidence that the wolf has hurt nobody.
5. We have the possibility of victory in this competition to win it? (Possibility)
6. For the expedition to complete the task in five weeks is impossible. (Possibility)
7. Never occur to her that she can adopt a homeless child. (Occur)
8. I think we can achieve not through the ideal opportunity for the major but hard work. (Not ... but ...)
9. This place is not only full of people, and filled with all kinds of noise. (Not only)
10. The police have only broken windows that can be rushed to rescue trapped boy. (Only)
11. Not until a year after he adapted to the new learning environment abroad. (Not until)
12. In any case one should by no means overlook their mistakes . (By no means)
13. We never like this colorful life before! (Never before)
14. Only when you understand the grasp of this knowledge in order to memorize it. (Only)
15. For the genes we know very little, so that we do not understand the lecture. (So)
16. The teacher is such approachable, so all students like to ask him questions. (Such)
17. Although this problem is very complex as always, but the computer can be solved in five seconds. (as)
18. Tommy as old as a kid, but he knows a lot. (As)
19. Althought as young as Jack, he had to leave their parents to live alone. (As)
20. It is natural that Children do wrong things, you can not blame him too much. (It)
21. That with perseverance, as long as don't give up half way, you will be able to achieve a miracle. (As long as)
22. The more video games you play, the more damage be done to your vision. (The more ... the more ...)
23.Space tourism is not so romantic as people think. (Not so ... as ...)

24. Is the science dedicated to the people who promote social development.
25. It is because the rain was heavy and we can not go out walking.
最后那两句 我只是作了陈述句 我不是道你想怎样子强调 不好意思啊
2010-10-29 · TA获得超过3422个赞
Visiting duty: Inspection exchange trade union service. The inspectioncontent may include the work law laws and regulations, the labormanagement relation
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24.it were many people who died a martyr
in the cause of sceince promote the development of the society
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1.There is no need to tell him the truth.
2. No sense blame each other, we'd better try to find ways to prevent such incidents from happening again.
3. I have no chance of passing the driving exam.
4. There is no evidence that the wolf has hurt nobody.
5. We have the possibility of victory in this competition to win it? (Possibility)
6. For the expedition to complete the task in five weeks is impossible. (Possibility)
7. Never occur to her that she can adopt a homeless child. (Occur)
8. I think we can achieve not through the ideal opportunity for the major but hard work. (Not ... but ...)
9. This place is not only full of people, and filled with all kinds of noise. (Not only)
10. The police have only broken windows that can be rushed to rescue trapped boy. (Only)
11. Not until a year after he adapted to the new learning environment abroad. (Not until)
12. In any case one should by no means overlook their mistakes . (By no means)
13. We never like this colorful life before! (Never before)
14. Only when you understand the grasp of this knowledge in order to memorize it. (Only)
15. For the genes we know very little, so that we do not understand the lecture. (So)
16. The teacher is such approachable, so all students like to ask him questions. (Such)
17. Although this problem is very complex as always, but the computer can be solved in five seconds. (as)
18. Tommy as old as a kid, but he knows a lot. (As)
19. Althought as young as Jack, he had to leave their parents to live alone. (As)
20. It is natural that Children do wrong things, you can not blame him too much. (It)
21. That with perseverance, as long as don't give up half way, you will be able to achieve a miracle. (As long as)
22. The more video games you play, the more damage be done to your vision. (The more ... the more ...)
23.Space tourism is not so romantic as people think. (Not so ... as ...)

24. Is the science dedicated to the people who promote social development.
25. It is because the rain was heavy and we can not go out walking.
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