请英语好的朋友帮助纠正一下翻译错误:“目前,我想知道: 1. 我写的report还有哪。。。”
1. 我写的report还有哪些地方需要修改吗?
2. 我认为我的report有几处需要Ref,可是我并不知道如何使用ref。
3. 因为我们3个人的report要合并成一篇完成的report,你是否需要帮助。因为只有完成了合并,我们才能打印report,以及提交report电子档。
目前,我已经在Building 11,如何需要任何帮助请告诉我。
The problem I consider is right now is:
1. Is there any I could improve about my report?
2. I think I need give some ref in my report but I didn't not do this yet.
3. Do you need some help to compile our 3 report. Since I only could print this report and submit the soft report after doing this.
Now I have already in the building 11, be free to tell me if I could help. 展开
The problem that I am considering now are as follows:(这里用进行时,另外,下面列举不止一项,所以用are不用is)
Would you please help me to figure out the places that need revision in my report?(用问句更礼貌,这里用 revision不用improve含义更精准)
Could you please tell me how to add references since I found them necessary in several places in my report?(问句加从句合并两个短句为一个长句更符合英文的行文习惯;ref 写全为references 显得更正式一点)
We can not print and submit the report until conbining the three reports into one, so please complete your own work as soon as possible.And I am glad to help if you have any problem.
I am currently working on Building 11,feel free to contact me if there is any problem.