1:西进运动(Westward Movement)是指美国东部居民向西部地区迁移和进行开发的群众性运动,始于18世纪末,终于19世纪末20世纪初。运动大大促进了美国经济的发展,但是,随着西进运动的进行,大批印第安人遭到屠杀,幸存者被强行赶到更为荒凉的“保留地”。印第安人被迫迁徙之路也被称为印第安人的“血泪之路”。
1: the westward movement (westward movement is a resident in the eastern United States to the western region of the migration and development of mass sports, began in the late 18th century, finally at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. Movement contributed greatly to the development of the economy, however, with the westward movement, a large number of Indians slaughtered, the survivors are forced to more desolate "reserves". The Indians were forced to migrate the road is also known as the "Indian trail of tears".
2: the black civil rights movement: from the middle of 1950s to the middle of the 60's, the United States of America against racial discrimination and racial oppression, for political and economic and social equality of the rights of large-scale campaign. African Americans are the largest number of ethnic minorities in the United States, and it is in the lowest level of society for a long time. After the Second World War, countries in Asia and Africa Coloureds for encouraged by the victory in the struggle for national independence and due to the progress of industrialization, a large number of black people into the cities, the black status as a national problem, is one of the most important reasons for the rise of the movement.
3:美国环保运动:美国的环保意识不仅是美国社会进步的产物,而且是随着美国社会的的变迁而不断发展的历史产物。人类中心主义自然观贯穿于近代美国自然开发过程中,征服自然、利用自然成为近代美国人与自然关系中的主旋律。 英属殖民地以来,北美大陆独特的自然环境培养了美国人征服大自然的狂热激情和必胜信念,曾经原始荒凉的北美大陆在美利坚民族的开发下,变成了经济发达,文明进步的国度
3: the United States Environmental Protection Movement: the United States environmental awareness is not only the product of social progress in the United States, but also with the changes in the American society and the continuous development of the historical product. The human centered view of nature runs through the process of natural development in modern America, the conquest of nature and the use of nature become the main theme of the relationship between American and nature in modern times. Since the British colony, from America, the unique natural environment of culture the Americans conquer nature of passion and triumphalism, in North America, once the original desolate, in the development of the United Nations, into a developed economy, civilization and progress of the country
1: the westward movement (westward movement is a resident in the eastern United States to the western region of the migration and development of mass sports, began in the late 18th century, finally at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. Movement contributed greatly to the development of the economy, however, with the westward movement, a large number of Indians slaughtered, the survivors are forced to more desolate "reserves". The Indians were forced to migrate the road is also known as the "Indian trail of tears".
2: the black civil rights movement: from the middle of 1950s to the middle of the 60's, the United States of America against racial discrimination and racial oppression, for political and economic and social equality of the rights of large-scale campaign. African Americans are the largest number of ethnic minorities in the United States, and it is in the lowest level of society for a long time. After the Second World War, countries in Asia and Africa Coloureds for encouraged by the victory in the struggle for national independence and due to the progress of industrialization, a large number of black people into the cities, the black status as a national problem, is one of the most important reasons for the rise of the movement.
3:美国环保运动:美国的环保意识不仅是美国社会进步的产物,而且是随着美国社会的的变迁而不断发展的历史产物。人类中心主义自然观贯穿于近代美国自然开发过程中,征服自然、利用自然成为近代美国人与自然关系中的主旋律。 英属殖民地以来,北美大陆独特的自然环境培养了美国人征服大自然的狂热激情和必胜信念,曾经原始荒凉的北美大陆在美利坚民族的开发下,变成了经济发达,文明进步的国度
3: the United States Environmental Protection Movement: the United States environmental awareness is not only the product of social progress in the United States, but also with the changes in the American society and the continuous development of the historical product. The human centered view of nature runs through the process of natural development in modern America, the conquest of nature and the use of nature become the main theme of the relationship between American and nature in modern times. Since the British colony, from America, the unique natural environment of culture the Americans conquer nature of passion and triumphalism, in North America, once the original desolate, in the development of the United Nations, into a developed economy, civilization and progress of the country