/ ˈpɪtɪ; ˋpɪtɪ/ n
[U] ~ (for sb/sth) feeling of sorrow caused by the suffering, troubles, etc of others 同情; 怜悯: be full of/filled with pity for sb 十分同情某人 * be moved to pity by sb's suffering 受某人的痛苦所感动而产生同情 * do sth out of pity for sb, ie because one feels pity for him 出於怜悯为某人做某事 * feel very little pity for sb 不太可怜某人.
[sing] ~ (that...) cause for mild regret or sorrow (but not a real disaster) 遗憾的事; 可悲的事: It's a pity the weather isn't better for our outing today. 我们今天出去游玩天气不见好, 真遗憾. * What a pity that you can't come to the theatre with us tonight. 你今晚不能和我们一起去看戏, 真可惜. * The pity (of it) is that..., ie The regrettable thing is that... 遗憾的是....
(idm 习语) have pity on sb show mercy towards sb 对某人表示同情或怜悯. ,more's the `pity (infml 口) unfortunately 真不幸: `Did you insure the jewels before they were stolen?' `No, more's the pity!' ‘你那些被窃的珠宝买保险了吗?’‘没有, 真倒霉!’ take pity on sb help sb because one feels pity for him 出於同情或怜悯而帮助某人.
> pity v (pt, pp pitied) [Tn]
1 feel pity for (sb) 对(某人)感到同情或怜悯: Pity the poor sailors at sea in this storm! 可怜可怜在这场风暴中在海上航行的那些倒霉的水手吧! * Survivors of the disaster who lost their relatives are much to be pitied. 灾难中丧失亲人的幸存者很值得同情.
2 feel contempt for (sb) 觉得(某人)可鄙: I pity you if you think this is an acceptable way to behave. 你要是认为这种行为可以原谅, 那你就太可鄙了. * I pity you (ie I am threatening you) if you can't pay me the money by tomorrow. 你明天不把钱还给我, 我就不客气了. pitying adj (a) expressing pity 同情的; 怜悯的: He lay helpless in the street under the pitying gaze of the bystanders. 他零零地躺在路边, 旁观的人都投以怜悯的目光. (b) showing pity and some contempt 表示同情或怜悯并带有一些鄙夷的: The performer received only pitying looks from his audience. 从观众的表情看, 那表演者得到的只是同情和怜悯. pityingly adv.
/ ˈpɪtɪ; ˋpɪtɪ/ n
[U] ~ (for sb/sth) feeling of sorrow caused by the suffering, troubles, etc of others 同情; 怜悯: be full of/filled with pity for sb 十分同情某人 * be moved to pity by sb's suffering 受某人的痛苦所感动而产生同情 * do sth out of pity for sb, ie because one feels pity for him 出於怜悯为某人做某事 * feel very little pity for sb 不太可怜某人.
[sing] ~ (that...) cause for mild regret or sorrow (but not a real disaster) 遗憾的事; 可悲的事: It's a pity the weather isn't better for our outing today. 我们今天出去游玩天气不见好, 真遗憾. * What a pity that you can't come to the theatre with us tonight. 你今晚不能和我们一起去看戏, 真可惜. * The pity (of it) is that..., ie The regrettable thing is that... 遗憾的是....
(idm 习语) have pity on sb show mercy towards sb 对某人表示同情或怜悯. ,more's the `pity (infml 口) unfortunately 真不幸: `Did you insure the jewels before they were stolen?' `No, more's the pity!' ‘你那些被窃的珠宝买保险了吗?’‘没有, 真倒霉!’ take pity on sb help sb because one feels pity for him 出於同情或怜悯而帮助某人.
> pity v (pt, pp pitied) [Tn]
1 feel pity for (sb) 对(某人)感到同情或怜悯: Pity the poor sailors at sea in this storm! 可怜可怜在这场风暴中在海上航行的那些倒霉的水手吧! * Survivors of the disaster who lost their relatives are much to be pitied. 灾难中丧失亲人的幸存者很值得同情.
2 feel contempt for (sb) 觉得(某人)可鄙: I pity you if you think this is an acceptable way to behave. 你要是认为这种行为可以原谅, 那你就太可鄙了. * I pity you (ie I am threatening you) if you can't pay me the money by tomorrow. 你明天不把钱还给我, 我就不客气了. pitying adj (a) expressing pity 同情的; 怜悯的: He lay helpless in the street under the pitying gaze of the bystanders. 他零零地躺在路边, 旁观的人都投以怜悯的目光. (b) showing pity and some contempt 表示同情或怜悯并带有一些鄙夷的: The performer received only pitying looks from his audience. 从观众的表情看, 那表演者得到的只是同情和怜悯. pityingly adv.