Good day , Mate!!!! It's time for some mayhem!! 是时候制造些混乱了,heheheeeh
It's hard to just sitting around knowing someone out there that needs to be blown up!!!! 一想到有人要被炸飞我就坐不住!!
I will just leave this.....here! 就放。。。这吧!
You will love this one! 这个你肯定喜欢
Here we go 放这不错
Perrrrrrfect 完美!!
The hunter lays a trap for his prey 猎人会放下陷阱来捕获猎物(动物世界解说语气)
Surprise!! (地雷起跳)
Gotcha!! 逮到你了!
I think that is destiny , mate !!! 我想这就是命吧,伙计!!
Fire in the hole !!!
huuu!! Come on! Let's bring it together! 气氛搞起来!
迅捷光环: Oh! Its my jam! 我喜欢这曲子!
Yeah ,that's fast 耶,速度加快
Here ,let's pick it up 准备好加快节奏!
恢复光环: Yeah ,time to heal up 是时候恢复了
Let's get patched up 让我们包扎(恢复)一下
Don't stop ,let's get it rolling 别停就是干!!
Oh, feel that healing beat 噢,感受这治愈的节奏(爱的供养吗)
You ain't get rid of that ,mate !! 你跑不掉的,伙计!
I love it when that happened 我喜欢这种感觉(死上瘾了)
光环加强:Let's up the tempo 让我们加快节奏
Woo you feel that ?你感受到了吗?
Ayyy , take it to the top 嗨到爆表
Oh, turn it on !! 是时候兴奋起来了
HaHa !! Amp it up !! 加大功率!!(Amp=Amplify,增强)
Up the volumn 提高音量
墙面滑行: Ayyy check this out !!! 快看我装B看我飞!!
大招: Let's drop the beat !!! 嗨起来!!
《守望先锋》(Overwatch,简称OW) 是由暴雪娱乐公司开发的一款第一人称射击游戏,于2016年5月24日全球上市,中国大陆地区由网易公司代理。
闪现:Wicked! 真好玩
Get back (往回闪的时候)
闪回:Just in time 刚刚好
Now ,where were we? 我们刚刚进行到哪了?
Everyday is that feeling deja vu 这感觉真熟悉!
大招:Bombs away! 炸弹来啦!
Wait for it..... 走着瞧
you need a time out 你该歇歇了
连杀 :Hard life 不容易
Anyone else? 还有谁?
And .....stay down! 乖乖躺好!
One shot ,one kill 一枪一个
击杀:Go to sleep 长眠吧
Next 下一个
I could do this all day 时间还早呢!
Music to my ear 天籁之音(被杀的人呻吟还是枪声?抖S....)
大招:No one can hide from my sight 没人能躲藏
复活:Lock and Loaded 子弹装好了
Imagination is the essent of discovery 想象是探索的源动力
护盾:This will protect us 这个能保护我们
Shield activated 护盾激活
杀人: Pardon me /Excuse me 抱歉
复活: Use caution 多注意(这个没怎么听清)
Once more into the breach 再次进攻
I will protect the innocent 我将保护无辜的人民
震爆弹: Get back! 退后!
Clearing the area 清场
A field eliminated 区域已排除
击杀: Target neutralised 目标已清除
大招:Justice rain from above 正义从天而降
Justice rain!......awwww 正义从!。(英雄阵亡)
Justice!.......awwwww 正义(英雄阵亡)
With every death comes honor ,with honor,redemption 每一次死亡都伴随着荣誉和救赎
龙之眼:See through the dragon eyes 透过龙之眼
Marked by the dragon 龙之标记
击杀:Too easy 易如反掌
The dragon hunger 龙之渴望
散: Strike 击中
复活: Never Surrender! 永不投降!
Did someone called a doctor? 有人需要寻找医生吗?
加攻击:You're ready to do some damage 你要逆天啦
Power up 能量增强中
Damage Boost engage 伤害加成开启
You're unstopable! 你已经无人可挡!
加血:Healing stream engage 治疗光束开启
I am taking care of you 我罩着你不要慌
Where does ot hurt ? 哪边疼?
击杀:You may not want to tell your friend about this 这个你可能不想告诉你的朋友
援护:Right beside you 我掩护你
大招: Heros never die 英雄永不凋谢
Justice will be done! 正义将会被伸张!
盾:Don't worry my friend , I am your shield 朋友不要慌,我罩着你
Shield is leaking out!! /Shield won't last forever! 盾要撑不住了!!
Shield destroyed!! 盾被摧毁了!!
受伤:I am not as young as I used to be!! 老了浪不动了
击杀:I'm just getting warmed up 我才刚热身
大招:Hammer down 火焰重锤
Together we re strong 团结就是力量
护盾:Getting there ,you 're covered (不用说了,大姐你也罩着我是不?)
Barrier is on you ,go!! Don't fall back 护盾开启了,快上!不要逃避
Just a scratch 只是点小伤
复活:I'm still in the fight 我还没有退出战斗
Give me your best shot 你就这点能耐?
连杀:Onward through victory 向胜利进发
大招:Gravity kills 致命的引力