Sub test()
p = ExecuteExcel4Macro("Get.Document(50)")
MsgBox "目前是第" & ThisPage & "页" & Chr(10) & _
"共" & p & "页"
End Sub
Function ThisPage() As Integer
Dim sAddr As String, PA As Range
Dim R0 As Long, C0 As Long
Dim PAHeight As Long, PAWidth As Long
Dim Down As Long, Across As Long
Dim Outside As Long
Dim NumPage As Long
If ExecuteExcel4Macro("Get.Document(50)") = 0 Then
NumPage = ""
Exit Function
End If
If ExecuteExcel4Macro("Get.Document(50)") = 1 Then
NumPage = 1
Exit Function
End If
sAddr = ExecuteExcel4Macro("GET.DOCUMENT(81)") '印表区域
If sAddr <> "" Then '如果有设定列表区域
Set PA = Range(sAddr)
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Set PA = Range(Cells(1, 1), .Cells(.Cells.Count)) '设定列表区域
End With
End If
If Intersect(ActiveCell, PA) Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "目前储存格不在列印范围中!"
NumPage = ""
Exit Function
End If
R0 = PA.Row
aaa = PA.Address
PAHeight = GetRowBreaks(R0 + PA.Rows.Count - 1) + 1
Down = GetRowBreaks(ActiveCell.Row) + 1
If R0 > 1 Then
Outside = GetRowBreaks(R0)
PAHeight = PAHeight - Outside
Down = Down - Outside
End If
C0 = PA.Column
PAWidth = GetColBreaks(C0 + PA.Columns.Count - 1) + 1
Across = GetColBreaks(ActiveCell.Column) + 1
If C0 > 1 Then
Outside = GetColBreaks(C0)
PAWidth = PAWidth - Outside
Across = Across - Outside
End If
If ExecuteExcel4Macro("GET.DOCUMENT(61)") = 1 Then '1 = 先列后行,2 = 先行后列
'1 = down then over, 2 = over then down
NumPage = PAHeight * (Across - 1) + Down
NumPage = PAWidth * (Down - 1) + Across
End If
ThisPage = NumPage
End Function
Private Function GetColBreaks(ColNum As Long) As Long
Dim sTemp As String
aa = ExecuteExcel4Macro("GET.DOCUMENT(65)")
sTemp = Replace("MATCH(#,GET.DOCUMENT(65),1)", "#", ColNum)
On Error Resume Next
GetColBreaks = ExecuteExcel4Macro(sTemp)
End Function
Private Function GetRowBreaks(RowNum As Long) As Long
Dim sTemp As String
sTemp = Replace("MATCH(#,GET.DOCUMENT(64),1)", "#", RowNum)
On Error Resume Next
GetRowBreaks = ExecuteExcel4Macro(sTemp)
End Function

2024-07-20 广告
作为深圳市博思云创科技有限公司的工作人员,对于Word文档生成PPT的操作,我们有以下建议:1. 使用另存为功能:在Word中编辑完文档后,点击文件->另存为,选择PowerPoint演示文稿(*.pptx)格式,即可将文档内容转换为PPT...