所谓组织行为学(Organizational Behavioral Science)是研究在组织中以及组织与环境相互作用中,人们从事工作的心理活动和行为的反应规律性的科学。组织行为学综合运用了心理学、社会学、文化人类学、生理学、生物学,还有经济学、政治学等学科有关人的行为的知识与理论,来研究一定组织中的人的行为规律。近年来出版了很多与组织行为学有关并以此命名的书籍。
所谓组织行为学 是研究在组织中以及组织与环境相互作用中,人们从事工作的心理活动和行为的反应规律性的科学。组织行为学综合运用了心理学、社会学、文化人类学、生理学、生物学,还有经济学、政治学等学科有关人的行为的知识与理论,来研究一定组织中的人的行为规律。近年来出版了很多与组织行为学有关并以此命名的书籍。
Organizational behavior is a science that studies the psychological activity and behavior of the people in the organization and the interaction between the organization and the environment. Organizational behavior is a combination of psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology physiology, biology, and economics, political science and other acts of discipline of human knowledge and theory, to study the behavior of certain people in the organization. In recent years, a lot of books have been published which are related to organizational behavior.
组织行为学organizational behavior; organization behavioristics; Organization Behavior Science
相互作用interaction; interact; interreaction; interactivity; reciprocity
心理活动moral action
反应规律reaction rule
组织行为organization behaviour; organization behavior
社会学sociology; demotics
文化人类学cultural anthropology; culture anthropology
政治学politics; political law; publicist; political science
近年来in recent years
Organizational behavior is a science that studies the psychological activity and behavior of the people in the organization and the interaction between the organization and the environment. Organizational behavior is a combination of psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology physiology, biology, and economics, political science and other acts of discipline of human knowledge and theory, to study the behavior of certain people in the organization. In recent years, a lot of books have been published which are related to organizational behavior.
组织行为学organizational behavior; organization behavioristics; Organization Behavior Science
相互作用interaction; interact; interreaction; interactivity; reciprocity
心理活动moral action
反应规律reaction rule
组织行为organization behaviour; organization behavior
社会学sociology; demotics
文化人类学cultural anthropology; culture anthropology
政治学politics; political law; publicist; political science
近年来in recent years