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原始人克鲁德一家六口在老爸Grug(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 配音)的庇护下生活。每天抢夺鸵鸟蛋为食,躲避野兽的追击,每晚听老爸叙述同一个故事,在山洞里过着一成不变的生活。大女儿EEP(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 配音)是一个和老爸性格截然相反的充满好奇心的女孩,她不满足一辈子留在这个小山洞里,一心想要追逐山洞外面的世界。没想到世界末日突然降临,山洞被毁,一家人被迫流离失所。展现在他们眼前的是一个崭新绚丽却又充满危险的新世界

疯狂原始人 盖简介

导演:柯克·德·米科 克里斯·桑德斯
国家/地区: 美国
主演: 尼古拉斯·凯奇 瑞恩·雷诺兹 艾玛·斯通
简介: 原始人克鲁德一家六口在老爸Grug(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 配音)的庇护下生活。每天抢夺鸵鸟蛋为食,躲避野兽的追击,每晚听老爸叙述同一个故事,在山洞里过着一成不变的生活。大女儿EEP(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 配音)是一个和老爸性格截然相反的充满好奇心的女孩,她不满足一辈子留在这个小山洞里,一心想要追逐山洞外面的世界。没想到世界末日突然降临,山洞被毁,一家人被迫流离失所。展现在他们眼前的是一个崭新绚丽却又充满危险的新世界,四处都是食人鸟兽和叫不出名字的奇怪生物。危机中,他们遇到了游牧部落族人GUY(瑞恩·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 配音),凭借他超凡的创造力和革新思想,帮助克鲁德一家一次一次躲过重重困难,渐渐取代了老爸的地位,变成克鲁德全家人的偶像,也和EEP暗生情愫。但这个来历不明的神奇男子旅行的目的究竟是神马?在末日来临时,哪里才是一家人的安居之所?就这样,顽固保守的老爸,叛逆的大女儿EEP,神奇男子GUY,像小疯狗一样的baby,疯狂老太奶奶,二缺的弟弟,以及温柔的妈妈,一起踏上了寻找新家园的旅途.他们一路上与拳击猴搏斗,与食人花捉迷藏,还差点酿成了森林大火……旅途中,他们与看似凶猛实则很萌的小鳄犬 ,鹦鹉虎成为了朋友,一次又一次化险为夷,途中还发明了许多高科技产品。一行人在影片中展开了一场闹腾而又惊险的旅程。收起<<


Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go.
Thunk: Dad, I don't have a brain.
"Eep: My name's Eep and this is my family, the Croods. We never had the chance to explore the outside world because of my dad's one rule:
Eep: Never leave the cave.
Grug: New is always bad. Never not be afraid!
Eep: We never had a chance to explore the outside world, but what we didn't know was that our world was about to change."
"[Gran tries to eat Belt, the sloth, but Belt pulls a knife on Gran.]
Guy: Don't do that. He's not food. He's a pet, my pet.
Gran: What's a pet?
Guy: An animal you don't eat
Gran: We call those children.
Eep: [Smitten with Guy] Isn't this fun? We're taking our first trip together."
"Grug: Just think, our whole family packed together on a long, slow trip across country. We'll tell stories. We'll laugh. We'll bee closer as a family.
[Sandy, the baby, bites Grug's face.]
Grug: Ah, get her off!
Ugga: If you're not ready to challenge her then don't look her in the eye!
Gran: Could you keep your big giant arms on your side of the trail?!
Grug: You want me to turn this family around? Do you? Because I will turn this family around so fast!
Thunk: Dad, I gotta go!
Grug: Come on, you can hold it.
Gran: I'm not dying on an empty stomach.
Ugga: Ugh, we're all pretty tired.
Grug: We'll eat when we get there.
Gran: It's taking too long! I'm grabbing a snack."
"Guy: We've gotta move faster. I call them shoes.
Eep: [screams] I love them! Where are my feet?"
"Eep: Oh, I've been in that cave forever!
Grug: Three days is not forever.
Eep: It is with this family.
Ugga: Mom, we're ready to leave. Mom?
Gran: Still alive!
Grug: It's still early."
"Grug: Ideas are for weaklings."
"Guy: Who are you.
Eep: OH! Eep.
Guy: Let me clarify Eep. The world is ending.
Eep: What
Guy: I am calling 'The End'"
"Guy: I am guy.
Eep: Guy.
Guy: And this is Belt.
Guy: Cook, conversationalist, navigator.
Guy: Also keeps my pants up.
Eep: What are pants up."
"Guy: Belt, emergency idea generator activate!"
"Grug: Never not be afraid."
"Thunk: You need a name, I think I'll call you Douglas. Roll over Douglas."
他称这是大脑我想的想法去跟爸爸我有大脑保留我的名字,这是我的家庭的EEP克鲁德我们从来没有机会去探索外面的世界,因为我爸爸的一个规则的EEP不会离开洞穴药物新的总是坏从来不害怕EEP我们从未有过的一个机会去探索外面的世界,但我们知道,我们的世界将要改变格兰试图吃带懒惰而带拉一刀大家伙都做,他不吃他的宠物宠物格兰什么宠物的人吃动物你奶奶我们叫那些孩子EEP迷住了这是有趣的家伙在我们第一次在一起药物只是认为我们全家一起装在一个长长的缓慢穿越国家讲故事也变得更笑作为一个家庭的沙质宝宝咬扭脸药物啊,把她从优伽经如果不准备挑战她然后你看着她的眼睛大能你使你的大巨人的手臂在你身边的线索药物你要我把这家人在你因为我将这个家庭的这么快换爸爸我得药物来吧你能抓住它的大我不会死在一个空的胃优伽经啊都挺累的药物吃我们到达那里的时候,格兰其花费太长的时间,我抓点心的家伙们要加快我把鞋EEP尖叫,我爱他们,我的脚啊,我已经在山洞里保持永远的药物三天是不是永远保持这个家是优伽经妈妈准备离开妈妈奶奶还活着药物还是早期药物的想法是软弱的家伙你是谁EEP哦EEP的家伙让我澄清EEP世界末日的EEP什么家伙我打电话结束的家伙我的家伙EEP家伙的家伙,这是带Guy Cook健谈导航仪的家伙也让我的裤子,裤子的家伙带EEP什么是应急发电机理念激活药物从来不害怕咚你需要一个名字,我想我会打电话给你道格拉斯卷在道格拉斯


《疯狂原始人》(英语:The Croods)是2013年美国一部3D电脑动画电影。该影片由美国梦工厂动画公司制作,二十一世纪福克斯公司发行。影片时间设定在史前时代,讲述了一个居住在山洞中的原始人家庭离开山洞的冒险旅行经历。影片在上映后得到了观众的好评,共取得了5.8亿美元的票房收入。


Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go.
Thunk: Dad, I don't have a brain.
"Eep: My name's Eep and this is my family, the Croods. We never had the chance to explore the outside world because of my dad's one rule:
Eep: Never leave the cave.
Grug: New is always bad. Never not be afraid!
Eep: We never had a chance to explore the outside world, but what we didn't know was that our world was about to change."
"[Gran tries to eat Belt, the sloth, but Belt pulls a knife on Gran.]
Guy: Don't do that. He's not food. He's a pet, my pet.
Gran: What's a pet?
Guy: An animal you don't eat
Gran: We call those children.
Eep: [Smitten with Guy] Isn't this fun? We're taking our first trip together."
"Grug: Just think, our whole family packed together on a long, slow trip across country. We'll tell stories. We'll laugh. We'll bee closer as a family.
[Sandy, the baby, bites Grug's face.]
Grug: Ah, get her off!
Ugga: If you're not ready to challenge her then don't look her in the eye!
Gran: Could you keep your big giant arms on your side of the trail?!
Grug: You want me to turn this family around? Do you? Because I will turn this family around so fast!
Thunk: Dad, I gotta go!
Grug: Come on, you can hold it.
Gran: I'm not dying on an empty stomach.
Ugga: Ugh, we're all pretty tired.
Grug: We'll eat when we get there.
Gran: It's taking too long! I'm grabbing a snack."
"Guy: We've gotta move faster. I call them shoes.
Eep: [screams] I love them! Where are my feet?"
"Eep: Oh, I've been in that cave forever!
Grug: Three days is not forever.
Eep: It is with this family.
Ugga: Mom, we're ready to leave. Mom?
Gran: Still alive!
Grug: It's still early."
"Grug: Ideas are for weaklings."
"Guy: Who are you.
Eep: OH! Eep.
Guy: Let me clarify Eep. The world is ending.
Eep: What
Guy: I am calling 'The End'"
"Guy: I am guy.
Eep: Guy.
Guy: And this is Belt.
Guy: Cook, conversationalist, navigator.
Guy: Also keeps my pants up.
Eep: What are pants up."
"Guy: Belt, emergency idea generator activate!"
"Grug: Never not be afraid."
"Thunk: You need a name, I think I'll call you Douglas. Roll over Douglas."


The Croods is a 2013 American 3D puter-animated adventure edy film. The film is set in a fictional prehistoric Pliocene era known as The Croodaceous (a period which contains fictional prehistoric creatures) when a caveman's position as a "Leader of the Hunt" is threatened by the arrival of a prehistoric genius who es up with revolutionary new inventions as they trek through a dangerous but exotic land in search of a new home.


The Croods is a 2013 American 3D puter-animated adventure edy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. It features the voices of Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, Catherine Keener, Clark Duke, and Cloris Leachman. The film is set in a fictional prehistoric Pliocene era known as The Croodaceous (a period which contains fictional prehistoric creatures) when a caveman's position as a "Leader of the Hunt" is threatened by the arrival of a prehistoric genius who es up with revolutionary new inventions as they trek through a dangerous but exotic land in search of a new home.




《疯狂原始人》(英语:The Croods)是2013年美国一部3D电脑动画电影。该影片由美国梦工厂动画公司制作,二十一世纪福克斯公司发行。电影由科克·德·米科和克里斯·桑德斯编剧并导演,由尼古拉斯·凯奇、艾玛·斯通、瑞恩·雷诺兹以及凯瑟琳·基纳配音。


The sun rises a new day, new start, new hope, hopeeverything today is better than yesterday, I wouldn't count on it. My name is *** all in, these are my family, Gollum family. We wear clothes from the beast and forehead backward, you should be able to guess, we are a family, most of the time westayed in the cave, day in and day out, in the dark, night after night, yes, lovely home, when we leave the cave, in a cruel world desperately looking for food, and I also had to enduremy family, it is now left our home, before there is some neighbors.

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