I was born on 月份,日(序数词),年,如:
I was born on March the sixth, 1990
写成:I was born on March 6th,1990
问题二:名人的出生年月日 用英语说 要翻译 安徒生1805.4.2 Anderson was born in Apirl 2th, 1805 泰戈尔1861.5.7 Tagore was born in May 7th, 1861 张恨水1895.4.24 Henshui Zhang was born in Apirl 24th, 1895 莎士比亚1564.4.23 Shakespere was born in Apirl 23th, 1564 鲁迅1881.9.25 Luxun was born in September 25th, 1881 朱自清1898.11.22 Ziqing Zhu was born in Novmeber 22th, 1898 马克吐温1835.11.31
问题三:如何用英语表达出生日期? 因为是具体的日期,所以用on. ,但有三种常用写法:
1. on January 30, 1991
2. on Jan. 30, 1991 (月份简写)
3. on the 30th of Janua弗y, 1991
问题四:用英语怎么表达出生年月? I w鼎s born on June 7th,1985
1985读作nineteen eighty-five
问题五:出生在哪年哪月哪日用英文怎么说人教版 出生在哪年哪月哪日
Where is born in which month which day
问题六:英语作文出生年月日怎么写 1986 年 10 月 23 日→October 23(rd), 1986 2. 2002 年 1 月 17 日→January 17(th)...
问题七:求英文出生年月日和地点的表达方式 i was born on May 3rd,1965 in Changchun city
出生年月日的英语表达为 "date of birth"。
英音: /deɪt əv bɜːθ/
美音: /deɪt əv bɜrθ/
1. Birthday:生日
2. Birth certificate:出生证明
3. Birthplace:出生地
4. Birth rate:出生率
5. Birthday party:生日聚会
语法详解: "date of birth" 是由三个单词构成的词组,用于表示个人的出生日期信息。
1. The application form asks for your full name and date of birth.(申请表要求填写你的全名和出生日期。)
2. She couldn't remember the exact date of her own date of birth, but she knew it was in the summer.(她记不起自己确切的出生日期,但她知道那是在夏天。)
3. His birth certificate showed that he was born on April 4th, 1990.(他的出生证明显示他于1990年4月4日出生。)
4. The birth rate in this country has been declining steadily in recent years.(这个国家的出生率近年来稳步下降。)
5. We're planning a surprise birthday party for her next month.(我们正在计划下个月给她一个惊喜生日聚会。)