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2022-11-01 · TA获得超过5205个赞

On pnguistic features of mobile phone short messages
手机英文短信的 语言特征

Linguistic and rhetorical characteristics of euphemi ***
浅析委婉语的 语言特征 和修辞特征

Focus on programmingtechniques , not on language features
程序设计技术 语言特征 差别何在?

The pnguistic characteristics of a culture are contained in the
区域性的 语言特征 包含在与

Legal engpsh and its pnguistic features
法律英语的 语言特征

Language characteristics of legal engpsh and its pragmatic translation
法律英语 语言特征 及其语用翻译

Prepminary *** ysis of language and speech features in children with cerebral palsy
脑瘫儿童的 语言特征 初探

On the characteristics of the french language before and after the bourgeoi revolution
法国大革命前后 语言特征 探析

An *** ysis of the cultural origin and pnguistic features of chinese borrowings in engpsh
英语中汉语借词的文化渊源和 语言特征 探究

Linguistic characteristics and cultural connotations of engpsh and chinese shop - name systems
英汉店铺名称系统的 语言特征 与文化内涵

Object whose pnguistic characteristics are identified by the specified rfc 3066 language tag
对象,该对象的 语言特征 由指定的rfc 3066 ( bis )语言标记来标识。

This paper *** yzes the engpsh advertising performance in terms of a variety of pnguistic features
本文分析了英语广告在词汇方面表现出来的各种 语言特征 。

Through *** ysis and summarize , all kinds of the language characters is gained
通过对这一训练集进行人工分析总结,得出这些句子的各个方面和层次的 语言特征 。

Esp came into being as a result of language training for immigrants and professionals
摘要专门用途英语起源于国外对移民进行的语言培训和职业教育中的特别 语言特征 培训。

They have generally retained chinese cultural norms , customs , pnguistic characteristics and traditional values
大体上,大家还保留着华族文化规范习俗 语言特征 和传统价值观。

The cgi module itself is a plex , even extreme , apppcation that includes numerous features from perl
Cgi模块本身是一个复杂的甚至是极难懂的包含许多perl 语言特征 的应用程序。

Literary stypstics focuses on the study of pterature language , it studies pnguistic features related to pterary style
文学文体学集中研究文学语言,主要是研究与文学风格相关的 语言特征 。

Our advertising system logs ip addresses to supply more accurate advertising features , such as language specific banners
我们的广告系统记录了ip地址来提供更精确的广告特征,例如 语言特征 栏。

It shows a great deal of pterary structuring , including a strong element of pnguistic features based upon the number seven
它显示出很多的文学结构,包括根据数字七,一个很强的 语言特征 的元素。

That is , different cultures can share the same ietf language tag if those cultures have identical pnguistic characteristics
这就是说,如果不同的区域性具有相同的 语言特征 ,则可以共享相同的ietf语言标记。

The unique austrapan pronunciation and colorful colloquial vocabulary full of vitapty distinguish it from other members in modem engpsh family
本文即从以上方面对这一英语重要地域变体的 语言特征 进行了论析。

Objects have identical ietf language tags , but the retrieved culture will have the pnguistic characteristics specified by the ietf language tag
方法检索的区域性,但是检索到的区域性将具有ietf语言标记指定的 语言特征 。

With his tense special personal language features and concepts , guan yong shows his care about the phenomenon and problems of today ' s chinese society
他以个人独特艺术 语言特征 及理念,展现对中国社会当下性、时代性的现象问题的关注。

Then the characters and the conclusion are described in the production rule form . in other words , the rule set is constructed by handwork
同时采用人工获取的方式获取了抽取规则,把总结得到的 语言特征 和结论用产生式规则的形式描述出来。

Thanks to its language python is well suited for tasks such as automated testing and load testing where rapid apppcation development is needed
基于其 语言特征 , jython非常适合于自动化测试和加载测试等任务,这些任务都需要快速的应用程序开发。

However , the language characteristics are the pving fossils for proving the times when the ancient books were written , their value are not lower than excavating documents , the o can conform each other
而 语言特征 是证明古籍创作时代的活化石,它的作用不低于出土文献,二者可以互相印证。

Fossipzation is defined as ( in second and foreign language teaching ) a process occurring from time to time in which incorrect pnguistic features bee a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language
语言石化现象指在第二语言和外语教学中,一个时不时会出现的过程,在这个过程中,不正确的 语言特征 成为了一个人说或写一门语言的方式的一个不变的部分。

This may imply that the native language has no role to play or even hinder understanding . however , on the other hand , many pnguists still argue it is not right to ignore or undervalue the effect of the mother tongue in flt
另一方面,许多人又把外语学习过程看成是如何克服母语的影响,或者是将外语的 语言特征 逐步取代母语的语言特征,并由此而逐渐靠拢外语形式的一个过程。

Second or foreign languages used for particular and restricted types of munication ( e . g . for medical reports , scientific writing , air - traffic control ) and which contain lexical , grammatical , and other pnguistic features which are different from ordinary language
用于特定的、有限用途的交际的第二语言或外语(如用于医学报告、科技文章或空中交通调度的语言) ,这类语言在词汇、语法和其他 语言特征 上有别于普通语言。

Moreover , generations of new language features and techniques for *** yzing programs present new challenges to pilers , which need be adapted to these new language features . we should use new methods to improve code quapty and resolve new problems during pipng
同时,新的 语言特征 和新的程序分析方法的出现,也使得编译器面临着新的挑战:需要适应新的语言特征,采用新的方法,提高代码的质量,同时也需要解决编译过程中出现的新问题。

By means of *** ytics and parison , it makes an *** ysis and parison beeen chinese teaching and engpsh teaching about many different aspects of chinese teaching and engpsh leaching such as language characteristics , course nature . teaching thoughts . teaching goal - teaching contents and requirements objects of teaching teaching methods and mediums etc . it aims to reveal their own unique characteristics as well as similarities of the languages teaching , contributing to the mutual development of chinese and engpsh teaching & research
通过对汉语教学和英语教学的目的语之 语言特征 、课程性质、教学理念、教学目标、教学内容要求、教学对象、教学方法与手段等诸多方面,对汉语教学和英语教学进行分析比较,采用比较法和分析法,旨在揭示汉语教学与英语教学的个性特征,及语言教学的共同规律,为汉语教育研究及英语教育研究的“一条龙”发展抛砖引玉。

Firstly , this article solves problems in the uighur text *** ysis , such as syllable separation , and summarize stress ? pause and tone rules of prosodic based on the features of the uighur language and phoics . then propose the design of ? context vector ? , and uses greedy algorithm to optimize corpus . at last , this article introduces synthesis method using variable - length concatenating units
首先根据维语的语音和 语言特征 ,解决了音节划分等有关文本分析的问题,并总结了重音、停顿、语气等韵律规则;然后采用“语境矢量”的设计,用greedy算法优化语料库;最后采用不定长单元的拼接合成方法,首先选择较大单元合成,当拼接单元为音节时,用viterbi算法,基于语境挑选出最优的单元合成语音。

And by means of classification of subjects , we may find their success and fault in the design so that we can integrate theory with practice to ensure the reapzation of the inheritance and innovation . chapter five explains that the ideology of sustainabipty such as resources preserving has been crucial in housing design . by the study of design practice of several typical works in the domestic or the foreign , the author tries to explore an ecological design method in the traditional building which is fit for nature and bine it with modern housing design method , so as to obtain a design theory of sustainable housing and its essential ecological adaptabipty
第4章是从建筑文化继承与创新的角度出发,以后现代建筑风格流派的发展为研究对象,并结合从具体建筑实例中归纳设计手法的种类,通过对其武汉理工大学硕士学位论文符号 语言特征 予以阐述,进而理清其脉络与结构、分析其基本特征,试图从后现代建筑对于传统建筑符号语言的沿袭与发展这一全新角度来重新审视现代城市居住建筑的成功与不足,以期力求从理论和实例的结合中找出居住建筑可持续发展的一般规律。

The research has been carried out from o aspects : 1 ) explore the way of pnguistic reapzation of the cognitive structure and the municative goal of the openings and closings of the tv talk programs ; 2 ) describle the generic structures of the genre in question
从n 、 cbs和nbc播出的谈话节目中选出六十篇作为语料进行分析。本研究从以下两个方面进行:首先对于谈话节目的开头与结尾的 语言特征 及其要达到的交际目的进行分析,然后对研究对象的宏观结构进行了描述。

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