迪卡侬 体育用品超市店怎么样
原来都去的上塘路店,实在是太远了。凤起店算是迪卡侬开在比较市中心的店,虽然比不上上塘路那么大,也还可以了,东西还比较全,就是户外的产品貌似不多。骑行的东西就多很多。还有个组装工作室。楼下还有免费的乒乓球桌,每次去都好多人在玩(大多时候都是老年人) 还有个给小孩子溜旱冰的区域。他家的停车场每次去都感觉空空的。啥原因?我猜大概是不免费吧。我还在他家办了会员卡,自己在电脑上操作就可以了。马上就可以把卡打出来。 The original to Shangtang Road, it was too far. Fengqi branch is decathlon opened in more downtown stores, though they are so great than the last Tang Lu, also can also, things are relatively complete, is the outdoor products seems not much. Riding things much easier. There is an assembly workshop. Downstairs there is a free table tennis table, every time I go to a lot of people playing (mostly elderly) and give the children skating area. The parking lot every time he went home feeling empty. What reason? I guess it is not free.I was at his house to do the membership card, their operation in the computer on it. We can immediately put the card out.