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1·配合店长协调其他两个部门的工作,保障后勤,账务信息准确,成功设计实验向社区老人普及科普知识。2响应学校及学院的号召,及时公布科创信息,组织大家积极参与科研活动,申报课... 1·配合店长协调其他两个部门的工作,保障后勤,账务信息准确,成功设计实验向社区老人普及科普知识。2响应学校及学院的号召,及时公布科创信息,组织大家积极参与科研活动,申报课题,连续两年实验技能大赛中获得优异成绩。3“富硒抹茶抗肿瘤实验;大三参与“纳米粒子对二十二碳六烯酸微胶囊制品缓释机理的影响”且成功申报上海市大学生创新活动计划。4 手语社义演;爱心献血;上海市“我们的年轻范”青年全城劝募行动;科学商店-碳酸饮料进社区志愿者活动,现场做实验普及科普知识。语言表达清晰,服务意识增强。5熟练掌握烤箱的各种用法,烘焙点心,脆皮蛋糕等,成功销售烤箱蒸箱数台,得到店长的认可。6负责糖果的试吃和销售,工作认真负责,懂得了如何让人欣然了解并购买商品,提高了沟通交际能力和销售技巧。
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2015-05-08 · 知道合伙人教育行家
采纳数:16832 获赞数:167772

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1 配合店长协调其他两个部门的工作,保障后勤,账务信息准确,成功设计实验向社区老人普及科普知识。
Assisted the shop manager with coordinating other two shops, ensuring logistics support and accounting accuracy; successfully designed the scheme to popularize scientific knowledge for the senior of communities.

To answer the call of both the university and our school and promulgated scientific innovation information, and organized schoolmates to took the initiatives in scientific research activities and application for research subjects; had good performance in experimental skill contest for two consecutive years.

Co-worked in Se-enriched tea antitumor experiment; joined the program titled "The Influence of Nanoparticles on Sustained-release Mechanism of DHA Microcapsule Product" as a junior and this program was successfully listed in Shanghai University Students’ Innovative Programs after our application for it.

4 手语社义演;爱心献血;上海市“我们的年轻范”青年全城劝募行动;科学商店-碳酸饮料进社区志愿者活动,现场做实验普及科普知识。语言表达清晰,服务意识增强。
Gave charity performance in sign language associates; donated blood as a volunteer; joined "Our Youth Fashion" fundraising activity throughout Shanghai; took part in the volunteer activity under Science Shop – Bring Carbonated Beverages to Communities; on-site popularized scientific knowledge with articulate expression and conscious service.

Mastered skills in using oven, baking snacks and crispy cakes; sold several steamers and ovens through my efforts and was praised by the shop manager;

6 负责糖果的试吃和销售,工作认真负责,懂得了如何让人欣然了解并购买商品,提高了沟通交际能力和销售技巧。
Responsible for sampling and sales of candies; learned how to interest potential customers and promote products to them as a conscientious worker; with the experience gained through above practice, my communication and sales techniques were much improved.
2015-03-11 · TA获得超过148个赞
- work with manager coordinate other work of the two departments, logistics, accountinginformation is accurate, the successful design of experiment to the elderly in the communitypopularize science knowledge. 2 in response to the call of school and college, publish creator information timely, organize people to actively participate in research activities, declaring the subject of study, obtains the excellent result for two consecutive years in the experimentalskills competition. 3 "anti tumor experiment of selenium enriched green tea; three to participate in the" effect "of nanoparticles on twenty-two carbon six acid microcapsule productrelease mechanism of college students in Shanghai city and to declare the success of innovation plan. The 4 sign language service benefit; blood donation; Shanghai city "of our youth young fan" the city procurement action; the science shops - carbonated drinks into the community volunteer activities, on-site to do the experiment popularize science knowledge.Language expression is clear, enhance service awareness. 5 Master oven various usages,baked cake, crispy cake, successful sales oven steaming box number stage, get the manager's approval. 6 responsible for candy tasting and sales, serious and responsible work,know how to let people readily understand and buy goods, improve communication skills and sales skills
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1 - with the other two department manager to coordinate the work of the logistics, security, accounting information is accurate, the successful design of experiment to the elderly in the community popularize science knowledge. 2 in response to the call of school and college, publish creator information timely, organize people to actively participate in research activities, declaring the subject of study, obtains the excellent result for two consecutive years in the experimental skills competition. 3 "anti tumor experiment of selenium enriched green tea; three to participate in the" effect "of nanoparticles on twenty-two carbon six acid microcapsule product release mechanism of college students in Shanghai city and to declare the success of innovation plan. The 4 sign language service benefit; blood donation; Shanghai city "of our youth young fan" the city procurement action; the science shops - carbonated drinks into the community volunteer activities, on-site to do the experiment popularize science knowledge. Language expression is clear, enhance service awareness. 5 Master oven various usages, baked cake, crispy cake, successful sales oven steaming box number stage, get the manager's approval. 6 responsible for candy tasting and sales, serious and responsible work, know how to let people readily understand and buy goods, improve communication skills and sales skills.
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1, cooperate with the manager to coordinate the work of the other two department, ensure the logistics, accounting information is accurate, the successful design experiments to the community elderly popular science knowledge popularization. 2 response to the call of schools and colleges, timely release kechuang information, organize everyone to actively participate in scientific research activities, declare, for two consecutive years obtained the excellent result in experimental skills contest. 3 "selenium-rich tea antineoplastic experiment; junior participation" nanoparticles on docosahexaenoic acid microcapsule products slow-release mechanism of the influence of the "Shanghai college students' innovative and successful declaration activities plan. 4 sign language club benefit; love; blood donation" young fan "of our young people in Shanghai town fundraising action; science shop - carbonated drinks into the community volunteer activities, field experiment to popularize science knowledge. Language to express clearly, increase service consciousness. 5 master all the USES of the oven, baked cookies, crispy cakes, etc., several successful sales oven steam box at the same time, to meet with the approval of the manager. Be responsible for the test of sweets to eat and sell, serious and responsible work, learned how to make people readily understand and buy goods, improve the ability of communication and sales skills.
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2015-07-26 · TA获得超过3927个赞
The tree was covered with a white gauze, and the floor was covered with a thick white quilt. The earth into a powder loading jade puzzle world. Ah! So beautiful! I revel in the snow world!
8 in the autumn when people are still enjoying the cool, winter girl has come to us unconsciously. She, the soundless and stirless. At the moment the first snow, people realized that she came. Snow, the ground was
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