2021-06-22 · 真经GRE旨在帮助GRE考生打破信息不对称
# 节选一 #
To begin with, we should doubt the casual relation between the dramatically increased popularity of skateboarding users and the decrease in stores’ business established by the author. First of all, the stores might have many internal problems. They cannot offer a wider variety of goods and higher quality services to meet the needs of customers. Second, shops in Central Plaza might have fierce competition with nearby stores. Customers may prefer other stores so that the Central plaza might have decreased in business. Therefore, it is unconvincing that the decrease in their business is due to skateboarders.
但是,在细节处理上,我们可以做的更好。比如这句话:First of all, the stores might have many internal problems. They cannot offer a wider variety of goods and higher quality services to meet the needs of customers.
单看这句话是没什么问题的,但是仔细一分析,会发现:原来Central Plaza是很受欢迎的,只是现在不好了。但是如果只写服务不好,产品多样性不高就会不合理,因为毕竟曾经这家shopping mall很受欢迎,所以它曾经的服务和产品应该是没问题的。因而我们就需要解释为什么商场会越做越差。
所以我们改成了:First of all, the out-of-date internal management could impede stores in Central Plaza from improving their service and products since it was immersed in its past glory time. Therefore, those disappointed customers could choose other nearby shopping malls, instead of Central Plaza.
# 节选二 #
Moreover, there is a threshold problem involves the content of no Palean boats have been found in the river. The author regards no Palean boats have been found as the same as there were not any boats here before. However, from any aspects, no Palean boats have been discovered in the river and there were totally not any boats here in the past are wholly different. First of all, the row material of boats that Palean used could be wood they cut from tree which could be eroded and vanished as time went by. Besides, it’s likely that there were boats from Litho instead, passing the river and trading goods with Palean. In short, without ruling out those mentioned discrepancies, it is impossible to conclude no found Palean boats is equal to not any boats were once here.
First of all, the row material of boats that Palean used could be wood they cut from tree which could be eroded and vanished as time went by.
First of all, in the ancient time, people did not have highly developed technology and only used wood to make boats, which was easily decomposed by microorganism. 都是一句话,但是第二句表达更具有细节,解释的更到位。这个就叫逻辑闭环。
2016-06-24 · 年轻人在线学英语的地方