自动化专业英语 这门课留下的英语翻译作业 有哪位高人能帮帮忙吗?就一小段啦~ 今天下午就要交了。。。
In order to overcome these drawbacks, it is desirable to seek alternative robust controllers for the flexible robots based on the infinite dimensional models. Indeed, there have been many works in the literature which directly relate the controller design to the original PDEs of flexible link robots. Consequently, stability conclusion can be drawn for the original infinite dimensional systems and the problems listed before are essentially avoided. Those works can be found in [9]-[13]. Usually, much attention has been paid to the asymptotic stability or exponential stability of the closed-loop systems. However, since the flexible system is infinite dimensional, the well-known LaSalle’s Theorem [14] could not be used to prove asymptotic stability as conventionally be done in literature for finite dimensional systems. The previous work either resorts to rather complicated mathematical tools such as semigroup theory [9] or operator theory [10], or has to make quite rigorous assumptions throughout the stability proof [13]. In fact, there does exist a comparatively simple yet straightforward approach which can be utilized to show the asymptotic or exponential stability of the systems.
Adaptive robust control of a single link flexible robot
In this paper, regulation of a single link flexible beam is considered using adaptive control techniques. The controller can guarantee the system stability while compensating for parametric uncertainty as well. More specifically, the proposed controller can stabilize the system based on the partial differential equations which govern the motion of the flexible robot, which is different from existing adaptive controllers for flexible robots in the literature. Thus, stability result holds for the original distributed-parameter system. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the performance of proposed control laws.
老师,您也上网啊~我原本已经翻译好了,但是为了对您,对自己,对家长负责,我想通过别人的回答来看看自己翻的怎么样,没想到这个人竟然碰巧和我翻的完全一样啊,看来我翻译的还不错,可以放心的交上去了~ 展开
In order to overcome these drawbacks, it is desirable to seek alternative robust controllers for the flexible robots based on the infinite dimensional models. Indeed, there have been many works in the literature which directly relate the controller design to the original PDEs of flexible link robots. Consequently, stability conclusion can be drawn for the original infinite dimensional systems and the problems listed before are essentially avoided. Those works can be found in [9]-[13]. Usually, much attention has been paid to the asymptotic stability or exponential stability of the closed-loop systems. However, since the flexible system is infinite dimensional, the well-known LaSalle’s Theorem [14] could not be used to prove asymptotic stability as conventionally be done in literature for finite dimensional systems. The previous work either resorts to rather complicated mathematical tools such as semigroup theory [9] or operator theory [10], or has to make quite rigorous assumptions throughout the stability proof [13]. In fact, there does exist a comparatively simple yet straightforward approach which can be utilized to show the asymptotic or exponential stability of the systems.
Adaptive robust control of a single link flexible robot
In this paper, regulation of a single link flexible beam is considered using adaptive control techniques. The controller can guarantee the system stability while compensating for parametric uncertainty as well. More specifically, the proposed controller can stabilize the system based on the partial differential equations which govern the motion of the flexible robot, which is different from existing adaptive controllers for flexible robots in the literature. Thus, stability result holds for the original distributed-parameter system. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the performance of proposed control laws.
老师,您也上网啊~我原本已经翻译好了,但是为了对您,对自己,对家长负责,我想通过别人的回答来看看自己翻的怎么样,没想到这个人竟然碰巧和我翻的完全一样啊,看来我翻译的还不错,可以放心的交上去了~ 展开
为了克服这些缺点,最好是找到以无穷维模型为基础的灵活的机器人替代鲁棒控制器设计。事实上,有许多作品都又涉及到直接相关的控制器设计的论述,机器人柔性连接原偏微分方程。因此,稳定的原无限维系统可以引导出稳定的结论,而之前列出的问题都可以被避免。这些成果可以在[9] - [13]中找到。通常情况下,被关注的都是渐近稳定或闭环系统的指数稳定性。然而,由于灵活的系统是无限维的,因此知名的LaSalle的定理[14]不能被用来证明渐近稳定,因为这通常出现在有限维系统的文献中。之前的方法,不是基于相当复杂的数学工具如半群理论[9]或算子理论[10],就是通过稳定证明做出的严谨的假设[13]。事实上,确实存在着一种相对简单但是非常直接的方法,它可以被用来表明了该系统的渐近或指数稳定性。
为了克服这些缺点,最好是找到以无穷维模型为基础的灵活的机器人替代鲁棒控制器设计。事实上,有许多作品都又涉及到直接相关的控制器设计的论述,机器人柔性连接原偏微分方程。因此,稳定的原无限维系统可以引导出稳定的结论,而之前列出的问题都可以被避免。这些成果可以在[9] - [13]中找到。通常情况下,被关注的都是渐近稳定或闭环系统的指数稳定性。然而,由于灵活的系统是无限维的,因此知名的LaSalle的定理[14]不能被用来证明渐近稳定,因为这通常出现在有限维系统的文献中。之前的方法,不是基于相当复杂的数学工具如半群理论[9]或算子理论[10],就是通过稳定证明做出的严谨的假设[13]。事实上,确实存在着一种相对简单但是非常直接的方法,它可以被用来表明了该系统的渐近或指数稳定性。