求一篇,描述一场自己经历过的印象最深的婚礼英语演讲稿,200词左右,最好带汉语翻译 100

 我来答
推荐于2017-12-15 · TA获得超过9.7万个赞
Distinguished guests:
Everybody is good!
    今天我由衷地开心和激动,因为我终于结婚了。一时间纵有千言万语却不知从和说起。但我知道,这万语千言最终只能汇聚成两个字,那就是“感谢”。     首先要感谢在座的各位朋友在这个美好的周末,特意前来为我和xxx的爱情做一个重要的见证,没有你们,也就没有这场,让我和我妻子终生难忘的婚礼。
Today I was really happy and excited, because I finally got married. At that time there is something in the vertical but don't know from and to start. But I know that this thousand words will only into two characters, that is "thank you". First friend would like to thank all of you in this beautiful weekend, come specially for XXX and I love to do an important witness, without you, there would be no this, let me unforgettable wedding with my wife.
Secondly, would also like to thank the parents of XXX, I want to say to your parents, your parents put your hands only one eye to the young man, I thank you for your trust, I will not disappoint your trust, but I say, I may also can't let your daughter in my life to become the richest woman in the world, but I will use my life to make her the happiest woman in the world.
Finally, I want to thank beside me this, in my opinion, is the most beautiful woman in the world. Said yesterday on the night of network, online now men in the world's population is 2.98 billion, I have got the prosperity of the 2980000000th of a chance to be XXX's husband, 2980000000th of a chance of a lottery of 5 million even in a month, but I think this life can with XXX, how much is 5 million incomparable. So I want to say, thank you, XXX thank you promise to marry me the fledgling garden boys wet behind the ears.
But at this moment, my heart has a deep guilt to you, because I didn't tell you all the time, renew your before and after meet you, I have been deeply in love with another woman, and my marriage, even if you can't stop my missing for her day and night, the woman also came to the scene of the wedding, my dear, she is my mother.
Mom, thank you, thank you for more than two decades ago to make decision in a changed your life, you do not hesitate to use your beautiful beautiful youth and graceful body appearance, put a life zone in the world, let him learn knowledge, teach him to learn, let his experience of the world's most selfless love, gave him the world's most warm home. Would you tell him to be honest, you tell his family's important, but it is a small life often trouble, make you angry, let you be in 20 years for him to hang belly bowel.
A few years ago father's death, but also let me realize you important in my life, I will not forget that we have thousands of thoughts day and night. Now, I want to say, mom, you hard, I good, son grow up, son get married. You can rest assured and happy, I am very happy, because I met the world's two most kind and beautiful woman.
(2) the flippant + show ancient Chinese version
Of all the distinguished guests, everybody is good:
首先,我代表我和×××由衷的感谢在座每一位的光临,今晚是我和×××的婚礼,孔子说过:“名不正则言不顺 言不顺则事不成”,在此,我要先向大家汇报一下,我和××的结婚证书编号是:XXXXXXX,所以,我们是名正言顺的合法夫妻,所以今晚的婚礼也应该可以顺利圆满的吧。
First of all, on behalf of XXX and I sincerely thank each one's presence, tonight is my wedding and XXX, Confucius said, "no name Say bad, is impossible ", so, I need to report to you once, I and x marriage certificate number is: XXXXXXX, so, we are presenting a lawful husband and wife, so the wedding tonight also can complete smoothly.
Today, I and XXX is able to stand here wedding, the first thing I would like to thank XXX parents, thank them for x support over the years, today, they will be xx entrusted to my care, I think people really have a vision. Of course, I also can't live up to what our parents trust in me, I will care of xx. Secondly, I would also like to thank my mother, although I am a lovely and obedient boy, but, in order to raise I grow up, she also have paid the full effort. Without my mother, also won't have today of I.
Finally, I want to thank the girl standing beside me, XXX, she hold so much courage and determination, self-sacrifice to marry me. , another I am scared, I want to say is that in the coming days, I will with one hundred 20 minutes drive, let you become a happy little woman.
Beginning from today, I and XXX will form a new family, the doctrine of the mean in words, good wife, brother is 10, appropriate home room, Tang LeEr wife. Parents have. Brother that is to say, conjugal love, peace, will also be a harmonious relationship between family members, the mood also will be happy, so, parents will be well and happy. So, I hope is not just me and XXX, but here, every family, in the following days, can HeHeMuMu, under one roof.
Finally, XXX again and I sincerely thank everyone here every guest, to attend our wedding ceremony tonight, and we share the joy of this one.
Thank you all!
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