试论佤族经济社会的发展战略 On the economic and social development strategy of the Va [Wa] Nationality
摘 要:佤族是我国云南省独有的同时也是跨境而居的民族,主要聚居在我国云南省南部边疆地区和缅甸佤邦。当前,在国家的大力扶持下,佤族经济水平较解放前有所提高,但情形仍不乐观,受历史、科技、资金、交通等因素以及不合理的开发和一些落后的发展决策的影响,使得佤族与外界的贫富差距逐渐增大。因此,必须用新的思想和策略来指导佤族经济社会的发展。
Abstract: The Wa people of Yunnan Province in China is also unique cross-border residents living in the nation, mainly live in southern China's Yunnan Province and Myanmar border areas Wa. Currently, the country's strong support, Wa improved economic level than before liberation, but the situation is still not optimistic, by the history, technology, finance, transportation and other factors as well as a number of irrational development and the impact of development decisions behind the making Wa gap with the outside world increases. Therefore, we must use new ideas and strategies to guide economic and social development Wa.
Key words: Wa; economy; society; development.
摘 要:佤族是我国云南省独有的同时也是跨境而居的民族,主要聚居在我国云南省南部边疆地区和缅甸佤邦。当前,在国家的大力扶持下,佤族经济水平较解放前有所提高,但情形仍不乐观,受历史、科技、资金、交通等因素以及不合理的开发和一些落后的发展决策的影响,使得佤族与外界的贫富差距逐渐增大。因此,必须用新的思想和策略来指导佤族经济社会的发展。
Abstract: The Wa people of Yunnan Province in China is also unique cross-border residents living in the nation, mainly live in southern China's Yunnan Province and Myanmar border areas Wa. Currently, the country's strong support, Wa improved economic level than before liberation, but the situation is still not optimistic, by the history, technology, finance, transportation and other factors as well as a number of irrational development and the impact of development decisions behind the making Wa gap with the outside world increases. Therefore, we must use new ideas and strategies to guide economic and social development Wa.
Key words: Wa; economy; society; development.
参考资料: http://www.cetoo.cn/index.php?entry=entry100729-044654