safe, safe的区别是什么
safe的意思和例句:形容词,安全的,有把握的;名词,保险箱;关于safe的短语:on the safe side谨慎为是,不冒险;例句:The children are quite safe here.孩子们在这里十分安全。lt's not safe to walk the streets at night.夜间在街上走不安全。
safely的意思和例句:副词,安全的;关于safely的短语:safely predict安全的预测,safely arrive安全到达;例句:The bomb has been safely disposed of.炸弹已安全处理。l was thankful to see they'd all arrived safely.看到他们都平安到达,我感到欣慰
safety的意思和例句:名词,安全,保护套;关于safety的短语:safety net 安全网,安全保障 safety factor安全系数,安全因子;例句:Safety rules were disregarded.安全规定被忽视了。Safety standards have gone down the drain.安全标准根本不管用了
safe的意思和例句:形容词,安全的,有把握的;名词,保险箱;关于safe的短语:on the safe side谨慎为是,不冒险;例句:The children are quite safe here.孩子们在这里十分安全。lt's not safe to walk the streets at night.夜间在街上走不安全。
safely的意思和例句:副词,安全的;关于safely的短语:safely predict安全的预测,safely arrive安全到达;例句:The bomb has been safely disposed of.炸弹已安全处理。l was thankful to see they'd all arrived safely.看到他们都平安到达,我感到欣慰
safety的意思和例句:名词,安全,保护套;关于safety的短语:safety net 安全网,安全保障 safety factor安全系数,安全因子;例句:Safety rules were disregarded.安全规定被忽视了。Safety standards have gone down the drain.安全标准根本不管用了