I e from Beijing/I'm from Beijing。例句:我来自北京。玲玲是我的朋友。你叫什么名字?I'm from Beijing. Lingling is my friend. What's your name?,例句:,1. A我是中国人。我来自北京。,A I'm Chinese. I e from Beijing. ,2. 你也可以说:IefromBeijing(我来自北京)。,You can also say: I e from Beijing. ,3. 我来自北京。那是一个美丽的城市。,I e from Beijing. It's a beautiful city. ,4. 我来自北京。玲玲是我的朋友。你叫什么名字?。,I'm from Beijing. Lingling is my friend. What's your name? ,5. 你来自云南元谋县,我来自北京周口店,牵着你毛茸茸的小手,轻轻地咬上一口,啊!,Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province from you, I e from Zhoukoudian in Beijing, holding your hairy little hands gently on a bite, ah! ,6. 我今年20岁,我来自北京。因为对北京很熟悉,所以很高兴带大家到处看看。,I'm 20 years old, and I e from Beijing. It's my pleasure to show you traveling around Beijing as knowing Beijing well.