The programming language Prolog (short for for PROgramming in LOGic) is a declaractive programming language whose underlying problem-solving algorithm is based on repeated resolution. Such languages are called logic programming languages. A program in Prolog consists of a collection of initial statements to which the underlying algorithm applies its deductive reasoning. The components from which these statements are constructed are called predicates. A predicate consists of a predicate identifier followed by a parenthetical statement listing the predicate's arguments. A single predicate represents a fact about its arguments, and its identifier is usually chosen to reflect this underlying semantics. Thus if we want to express the fact that Bill is Mary's parent, we can use the predicate form
parent (bill, mary)
Note that the arguments in this predicate start with lowercase letters, even though they represent proper nouns. This is because Prolog distinguishes arguments that are constants from arguments that are variable by insisting that constants begin with lowercase letters and variables begin with uppercase letters. (Here we have used the terminology of the prolog culture where the term constant is used in place of the more generic term literal. More precisely, the term bill (note the lowercase) is used in prolog to represent the literal that might be represented as "Bill" in a more generic notation. The term Bill (note the uppercase) is used in prolog to refer to a variable. )
Statements in a Prolog program are either facts or rules, each of which is terminated by a period. A fact consists of a single predicate. For example, the fact that a turtle is faster than a snail could be represented by the Prolog statement that a turtle is faster than a snail could be represented by the Prolog statement
faster (turtle. snail).
And the fact that a rabbit is faster than a turtle could be represented by
faster (rabbit,turtle).
A Prolog rule is an "implies" statement. However, instead of writing such a statement in the form X→Y, a Prolog programmer writes "Y if X," except that the symbol :- (a colon followed by a dash) is used in place of the word if. Thus the rule "X is old implies X is wise" might be expressed by a logician as
old (X) → wise (X)
But would be expressed in Prolog as
wise (X) :- old (X).
As another example, the rule
(faster (X, Y) AND faster (Y, Z) ) → faster (X, Z)
would be expressed in Prolog as
faster (X, Z) :- faster (X, Y), faster (Y, Z).
(The comma separating faster (X, Y) and faster (Y,Z) represents the conjunction AND. ) Although rules such as these are not in clause form, they are allowed in Prolog because they can be easily converted into clause form. 展开
The programming language Prolog (short for for PROgramming in LOGic) is a declaractive programming language whose underlying problem-solving algorithm is based on repeated resolution. Such languages are called logic programming languages. A program in Prolog consists of a collection of initial statements to which the underlying algorithm applies its deductive reasoning. The components from which these statements are constructed are called predicates. A predicate consists of a predicate identifier followed by a parenthetical statement listing the predicate's arguments. A single predicate represents a fact about its arguments, and its identifier is usually chosen to reflect this underlying semantics. Thus if we want to express the fact that Bill is Mary's parent, we can use the predicate form
parent (bill, mary)
Note that the arguments in this predicate start with lowercase letters, even though they represent proper nouns. This is because Prolog distinguishes arguments that are constants from arguments that are variable by insisting that constants begin with lowercase letters and variables begin with uppercase letters. (Here we have used the terminology of the prolog culture where the term constant is used in place of the more generic term literal. More precisely, the term bill (note the lowercase) is used in prolog to represent the literal that might be represented as "Bill" in a more generic notation. The term Bill (note the uppercase) is used in prolog to refer to a variable. )
Statements in a Prolog program are either facts or rules, each of which is terminated by a period. A fact consists of a single predicate. For example, the fact that a turtle is faster than a snail could be represented by the Prolog statement that a turtle is faster than a snail could be represented by the Prolog statement
faster (turtle. snail).
And the fact that a rabbit is faster than a turtle could be represented by
faster (rabbit,turtle).
A Prolog rule is an "implies" statement. However, instead of writing such a statement in the form X→Y, a Prolog programmer writes "Y if X," except that the symbol :- (a colon followed by a dash) is used in place of the word if. Thus the rule "X is old implies X is wise" might be expressed by a logician as
old (X) → wise (X)
But would be expressed in Prolog as
wise (X) :- old (X).
As another example, the rule
(faster (X, Y) AND faster (Y, Z) ) → faster (X, Z)
would be expressed in Prolog as
faster (X, Z) :- faster (X, Y), faster (Y, Z).
(The comma separating faster (X, Y) and faster (Y,Z) represents the conjunction AND. ) Although rules such as these are not in clause form, they are allowed in Prolog because they can be easily converted into clause form. 展开

2024-04-03 广告