2.4价值观差异。中美价值观的差异主要体现在集体主义和个人主义的对立上。中国人的核心价值观念是集体主义,它认为和谐的人际关系是社会的基础。因此中国人以和为贵,并非常重视特定集体的利益或价值。美国文化价值观的核心是个人主义,即以个人为本位的人生哲学。其主要内容是相信个人价值,高度重视个人自由,强调个人的自我支配、自我控制、自我发展 展开
2.4价值观差异。中美价值观的差异主要体现在集体主义和个人主义的对立上。中国人的核心价值观念是集体主义,它认为和谐的人际关系是社会的基础。因此中国人以和为贵,并非常重视特定集体的利益或价值。美国文化价值观的核心是个人主义,即以个人为本位的人生哲学。其主要内容是相信个人价值,高度重视个人自由,强调个人的自我支配、自我控制、自我发展 展开
Second, the cultural differences between China and the U.S..
2.1 The difference between verbal and nonverbal behavior. China since ancient times, etiquette, speech which mostly reflect the modesty and respect people. When they hear others praised the Chinese people are generally expressed in terms expressed by Qian modest. Chinese people must use the title in the conversation, to show respect for each other. Americans pay attention to equality in the United States can address him by the elders and younger boss's name. For others commended, Americans will be grateful to receive praise. Differences in nonverbal behavior of large, to name just two examples can be seen the following: watching intently. Chinese people as an expression of curiosity or surprise, the Americans think this is rude behavior of people embarrassment. Reach out to callee, palms up, make a fist with the index finger back and forth. Chinese, this offensive, that is called Americans as people over. 2.2 The customs differences. Customs, including a number of social activities. Chinese people in daily life and work face-saving, very concerned about their image in the eyes of others, fear of being ridiculed, discussions and misunderstandings. Americans are more practical, not too concerned about the opinions of others. Americans with people will not ask each other's age, income, marriage, etc., they believe infringe the privacy of others; in China is often asked these elements. Americans like to express their views frankly, the Chinese Zeyi a tactful way to express meaning. When asked about something the Americans in general must be given a more clear answer. The Chinese people advocate, "silence is golden." Common to the elders in the United States to meet with each other when younger Paijian Bang, kissing the case, but rarely seen in China, such a scenario. Americans are very punctual, and the Chinese people can often understand a reason for being late. In many lifestyle differences between the United States is still very obvious.
2.3 way of thinking different. Sino-US differences mainly reflected in the overall thinking, thinking and individual thinking on the opposition. Chinese cultural emphasis on holistic thinking, holistic thinking is in accordance with the overall point of view to observe and think things in the world, analyzing the totality of what starting always, pay attention to the overall function of the whole thing thinking, complex relationships and operational processes, rather than on the internal structure of things . Americans focus on the individual way of thinking, it is to break down complex things into simple elements, one by one study.
2.4 Value Differences. American values, the difference mainly in collectivism and individualism on the opposition. Chinese people are the core values of collectivism, it believed that a harmonious interpersonal relationship is the foundation of society. Therefore, the Chinese people is precious, and attach great importance or value of certain collective interests. Is the core of American cultural values of individualism, that is, individual-based philosophy of life. The main content is the belief that personal values, attached great importance to personal freedom, emphasis on individual self-domination, self-control, self-development
2.1 The difference between verbal and nonverbal behavior. China since ancient times, etiquette, speech which mostly reflect the modesty and respect people. When they hear others praised the Chinese people are generally expressed in terms expressed by Qian modest. Chinese people must use the title in the conversation, to show respect for each other. Americans pay attention to equality in the United States can address him by the elders and younger boss's name. For others commended, Americans will be grateful to receive praise. Differences in nonverbal behavior of large, to name just two examples can be seen the following: watching intently. Chinese people as an expression of curiosity or surprise, the Americans think this is rude behavior of people embarrassment. Reach out to callee, palms up, make a fist with the index finger back and forth. Chinese, this offensive, that is called Americans as people over. 2.2 The customs differences. Customs, including a number of social activities. Chinese people in daily life and work face-saving, very concerned about their image in the eyes of others, fear of being ridiculed, discussions and misunderstandings. Americans are more practical, not too concerned about the opinions of others. Americans with people will not ask each other's age, income, marriage, etc., they believe infringe the privacy of others; in China is often asked these elements. Americans like to express their views frankly, the Chinese Zeyi a tactful way to express meaning. When asked about something the Americans in general must be given a more clear answer. The Chinese people advocate, "silence is golden." Common to the elders in the United States to meet with each other when younger Paijian Bang, kissing the case, but rarely seen in China, such a scenario. Americans are very punctual, and the Chinese people can often understand a reason for being late. In many lifestyle differences between the United States is still very obvious.
2.3 way of thinking different. Sino-US differences mainly reflected in the overall thinking, thinking and individual thinking on the opposition. Chinese cultural emphasis on holistic thinking, holistic thinking is in accordance with the overall point of view to observe and think things in the world, analyzing the totality of what starting always, pay attention to the overall function of the whole thing thinking, complex relationships and operational processes, rather than on the internal structure of things . Americans focus on the individual way of thinking, it is to break down complex things into simple elements, one by one study.
2.4 Value Differences. American values, the difference mainly in collectivism and individualism on the opposition. Chinese people are the core values of collectivism, it believed that a harmonious interpersonal relationship is the foundation of society. Therefore, the Chinese people is precious, and attach great importance or value of certain collective interests. Is the core of American cultural values of individualism, that is, individual-based philosophy of life. The main content is the belief that personal values, attached great importance to personal freedom, emphasis on individual self-domination, self-control, self-development