求问KatyPerry的firework中那一对 gay是谁??
不是明星 是匈牙利首都布达佩斯(MV拍摄地)的一对真实的同志情侣:
Unfortunately this person is not an actor, but a regular citizen of Budapest, where the video was shot. The person he kisses is also the same, but confirmed to be his real life partner by video director Dave Meyers.
"We were both very into the idea of getting away from Hollywood and featuring real people in the video," Meyers said. "So we featured real people; they weren't actors. Finding two gay guys in Budapest was a challenge, because it's not as accepted there as it is in West Hollywood. I found an actual, real couple.
-- Dave Meyers, Director
MV导演Dave Meyers亲口说的 大致意思就是他们做了次勇敢尝试 摒弃好莱坞演员 在当地找了一对真实的同性情侣 因为在布达佩斯 同性恋并不如像在西方好莱坞那样被广泛接受 这是种挑战(与firework所表达的主题契合)
Unfortunately this person is not an actor, but a regular citizen of Budapest, where the video was shot. The person he kisses is also the same, but confirmed to be his real life partner by video director Dave Meyers.
"We were both very into the idea of getting away from Hollywood and featuring real people in the video," Meyers said. "So we featured real people; they weren't actors. Finding two gay guys in Budapest was a challenge, because it's not as accepted there as it is in West Hollywood. I found an actual, real couple.
-- Dave Meyers, Director
MV导演Dave Meyers亲口说的 大致意思就是他们做了次勇敢尝试 摒弃好莱坞演员 在当地找了一对真实的同性情侣 因为在布达佩斯 同性恋并不如像在西方好莱坞那样被广泛接受 这是种挑战(与firework所表达的主题契合)