Introduction to SQL
Ideally, a database language must enable us to create the database and table structures; It must enable us to perform basic data-management chores ( add , delete, and modify data);and it must enable us to perform complex queries designed to transform the raw data into useful information. Moreover, it must perform such basic functions with minimal user effort, and its command structure and syntax must be easy to learn. Finally, it must be portable; that is, it must conform to some basic standard so that we do not have to learn from scratch when we move from one RDBMS to another.
SQL meets these ideal database language requirements well. First, SQL coverage fits into three categories:
1. Data definition creates the database and its table structures.
2. Data management uses a set of commands to enter, correct, delete, and update data within the database tables.
3. Data query uses a set of commands to explore the database contents and allows the user to convert the raw data into useful information.
Second, SQL is relatively easy to learn: It performs the required database functions by using a basic vocabulary of about thirty commands. Better yet, SQL is a nonprocedural language: You merely have to command what is to be done; you don’t have to worry about how it is to be done.
Finally, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) does prescribe a standard SQL. Never mind that the ANSI standard is so limited that all commercial SQL products exceed it. In fact, some vendors already meet the proposed ANSI SQL 2 standard, to be implemented in 1993. Consequently, it is seldom possible to take a SQL-based application from one RDBMS to another without making some changes. Nevertheless, the different SQL dialects share the same basic command set and structure, thus allowing us to conclude that there is a useable standard. We will use this standard as the basis for our presentation. But we will also present a few SQL enhancements, especially when those enhancements are widely shared among the many RDBMS vendors.
Don’t become discouraged over the fact that several SQL dialects exist. Since the differences between the various SQL dialects are minor, you should have little trouble adjusting to your software requirements. Whether you use XDB, ORACLE, Dbase IV, DB2, R: BASE for DOS, IBM’s OS/2 Database Manager, or any other well-established RDBMS software, our experience is that a few hours spent with a software manual will be sufficient to get you up to SQL speed if you know the material presented in this chapter. In short, the knowledge you gain in this lesson is portable.
There are some very good reasons for studying SQL basics:
1. The ANSI standardization effort has led to a de facto query standard for relational databases. In fact , many relational database experts are inclined to argue that, ”If it’s not SQL , it’s not relational.”
2. SQL has become the basis for present and expected future DBMS integration efforts, allowing us to link hierarchical, network, and relational databases.
3. SQL has become the catalyst in the development of distributed databases and database client/server architectures.
Ideally, a database language must enable us to create the database and table structures; It must enable us to perform basic data-management chores ( add , delete, and modify data);and it must enable us to perform complex queries designed to transform the raw data into useful information. Moreover, it must perform such basic functions with minimal user effort, and its command structure and syntax must be easy to learn. Finally, it must be portable; that is, it must conform to some basic standard so that we do not have to learn from scratch when we move from one RDBMS to another.
SQL meets these ideal database language requirements well. First, SQL coverage fits into three categories:
1. Data definition creates the database and its table structures.
2. Data management uses a set of commands to enter, correct, delete, and update data within the database tables.
3. Data query uses a set of commands to explore the database contents and allows the user to convert the raw data into useful information.
Second, SQL is relatively easy to learn: It performs the required database functions by using a basic vocabulary of about thirty commands. Better yet, SQL is a nonprocedural language: You merely have to command what is to be done; you don’t have to worry about how it is to be done.
Finally, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) does prescribe a standard SQL. Never mind that the ANSI standard is so limited that all commercial SQL products exceed it. In fact, some vendors already meet the proposed ANSI SQL 2 standard, to be implemented in 1993. Consequently, it is seldom possible to take a SQL-based application from one RDBMS to another without making some changes. Nevertheless, the different SQL dialects share the same basic command set and structure, thus allowing us to conclude that there is a useable standard. We will use this standard as the basis for our presentation. But we will also present a few SQL enhancements, especially when those enhancements are widely shared among the many RDBMS vendors.
Don’t become discouraged over the fact that several SQL dialects exist. Since the differences between the various SQL dialects are minor, you should have little trouble adjusting to your software requirements. Whether you use XDB, ORACLE, Dbase IV, DB2, R: BASE for DOS, IBM’s OS/2 Database Manager, or any other well-established RDBMS software, our experience is that a few hours spent with a software manual will be sufficient to get you up to SQL speed if you know the material presented in this chapter. In short, the knowledge you gain in this lesson is portable.
There are some very good reasons for studying SQL basics:
1. The ANSI standardization effort has led to a de facto query standard for relational databases. In fact , many relational database experts are inclined to argue that, ”If it’s not SQL , it’s not relational.”
2. SQL has become the basis for present and expected future DBMS integration efforts, allowing us to link hierarchical, network, and relational databases.
3. SQL has become the catalyst in the development of distributed databases and database client/server architectures.
参考资料: www.lw328.com