
翻译内容:我们非常遗憾的看到在我们公司汇款的半个月之后由于你们给了我们错误的收款人名字而导致的一系列的麻烦的通知。很显然我们公司是完全按照你们的要求来汇款的。如果是由于你... 翻译内容:我们非常遗憾的看到在我们公司汇款的半个月之后由于你们给了我们错误的收款人名字而导致的一系列的麻烦的通知。很显然我们公司是完全按照你们的要求来汇款的。
2010-11-16 · TA获得超过115个赞
We are sorry to see in our company remittance after half month because you gave us the wrong payee names and cause a series of problems of notice.Obviously, our company is completely according to your requirement remittance.If it is due to your company do not check our remittance tardy, but also not seasonable bulletin we information about specific causing we finally miss delivery and generates a claim for compensation, your company should have responsible for this part of the payment.To avoid this unpleasant things happen please your company shipment immediately, on nov. 18, let us received the goods before delivery, so we catch or I'm afraid we hard to catch up with delivery.I also will immediately arrange finance and banking confirm remittance returned condition and then reschedule the remittance, in accordance with the provisions of the bank (but tracking remittance information also can produce 50 euro cost).I hope our two companies can understand each other try not happened such accident can thus maintain good lasting relations of cooperation.
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2010-11-16 · TA获得超过1790个赞
We are very disappointed to see the troubles notice after half of month we transfer to you caused by you gave us a wrong payee name.
Obviously our company is in full accordance with the requirements of your remittances.
If the claim is due to your company not received the money and not informed us specific information in time resulting we cannot catch the delivery time. your company should be responsible for this part of the payment. To avoid such unpleasant things happen, please delivery the goods immediately. We can catch delivery time if we receive the goods before November 18. Otherwise I am afraid it is difficult to catch the delivery time. Meanwhile, I will immediately arrange financial department and bank to confirm refund situation and re-arrange transfer, (but in accordance with the provisions of the bank tracking remittance information will effect costs 50 euros). I hope that we can understand each other to avoid such accidents as far as possible so that maintain good and lasting cooperation relations.
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We are writing in reference to your recent complaint. It is with great regret that we learned of the inconveniences that you encountered. We would like to point out, though, that this issue was due solely to a wrong beneficiary name having been supplied to us. We certainly ordered the wire transfer exactly according to the details furnished by you. The transfer was arranged for two weeks ago, and we would have expected to be informed as soon as possible about any issues. Since we were not advised in a timely fashion about the issue at hand, there is now a possibility of the payment being late. In the event that there arises a claim for compensation due to this, we cannot possibly assume any liability. In order to prevent such an inconvenient situation, please have the goods delivered immediately. If we receive them before November 18, we will be able to settle the outstanding balance in time. Otherwise, meeting the payment due date may be difficult. At the same time, we will at once arrange for our finance department to check back with our bank about the payment. Afterward, we will order another wire transfer. (But please note that the bank charges a fee of E50 for payment investigations) We sincerely hope that both sides can understand each other's standpoint. We also hope that this matter can be resolved in an agreeable manner, so that we may continue the good relationship between our companies.

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2010-11-16 · 超过40用户采纳过TA的回答
We very regrettable saw our company remits money a half month later, because you have given a series of troublesome notices which we the wrong payee name causes. Our company is very obviously defers to your request to remit money completely.if is because your company does not look up our remittance moreover not to notify our concrete news promptly slowly, thus caused us not to be able to catch up with the delivery date finally thus has had the claim, your company should result in is responsible for this part of payments. In order to avoid this kind of not happy matter's occurrence asking your company to produce goods immediately, before November 18 lets us receive the cargo, so that we can catch up with the delivery date, otherwise perhaps we very difficult to catch up with the delivery date. Simultaneously I also immediately arrange the finance department and the bank confirmed the remittance will return the condition will then arrange the remittance, (will defer to bank stipulation track remittance information also to produce 50 euros expenses). I hoped that our two companies can understand mutually opposite party does not have this kind of accident as far as possible, can thus maintain the good lasting cooperation.

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2010-11-16 · TA获得超过4844个赞
We are very sorry to see the notice of a series of trouble caused after two weeks when our company remit money because you have given our wrong payee a name. Obviously totally remittance comes at the request of you to our company. If because you Company find but also remittance of us notify we concrete news to cause us happen, hand in issue thus have finally in time slowly Having grown the claim, your company must be responsible for the payment of this part. In order to prevent the emergence of this kind of unpleasant thing from asking your company to produce the goods at once, let us receive the goods before November 18 so that we happen to hand in one, otherwise it is very difficult for probably us to happen to hand in one. I will arrange for Finance Department and bank to confirm the state that the remittance return then rearrange the remittance at once too at the same time, (but will produce the expenses of 50 euro to follow remittance information according to the regulation of bank either). I hope two companies of ours can understand the other side for trying not this kind of accident to happening thus keeping good and lasting cooperation each other.
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