
选择题和改错题,要有理由。... 选择题和改错题,要有理由。 展开
2014-04-05 · TA获得超过131个赞
Unit3 1你如何上学?我骑车上学(3)。How do you go to school? I go to school by bike./ I go to school on my bike. /I ride my bike to school. 2他开车上班(3)。He goes to work by car./ in his car. / He drives his car to work. 他坐公交去上班。He goes to work by bus/ on the bus. He takes a bus to work.3我步行去公园(2)。I go to the park on foot. I walk to the park. 4做某事花某人多少时间It takes sb st to do sth 5乘飞机从北京到上海要花我两小时。It takes me two hours to get to Shanghai from Beijing by plane. 6每天做作业花我50分钟。It takes me fifty minutes to do homework every day. 7乘地铁从你家到学校要花多久?How long does it take to get to your home from school by subway?8你家到学校有多远?大约五公里。How far is it from your home to school? It’s about five kilometers. 9百,千,百万,十亿用法: 前有数字,不用复数。表数百数千加s,加of 10三百人,数百人three hundred people, hundreds of people . thousand千,million百万,billion十亿11三千九百九十七three thousand, nine hundred and ninety-seven 12我不确定I’m not sure. 13公交搭乘要花二十分钟。The bus ride takes me twenty minutes. 大约步行/骑车/开车五分钟的距离。It’s about five minutes’ walk/ ride/ drive. 14这是很好的锻炼It’s good exercise. Exercise做动词是锻炼,做名词不可数15我住在离学校大约八百米的地方。I live about eight hundred meters from school. 16新电影院离我家很远The new cinema is far from my home. 17time用法: 时间,不可数;次数,可数18一年一两次one or two times a year 19火车站train station 20公交停靠站bus stop 21那是很长的旅程That’s a long trip. 22宾语从句定义:行为动词后,一个句子做宾语。宾从用陈述句语序,疑问句做宾从时,be/情/助不提前23他想知道你是谁/你能做什么/你认为旅行怎么样He wants to know who you are/ what you can do/ what you think of the trip. 24学生们用滑铁索横穿河去学校Students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. 25cross/through区别: 穿过平面用cross或go across,如过河,过马路。 穿过空间用through,如穿过窗户,穿过森林。26阳光穿过窗户照进来。The sun shines through the window. 27做某事对某人来说是怎么样的It’s adj for sb to do. To do 是真正地主语,it是形式主语。28对于中国一个小村庄的学生来说,到校是很困难的。For the students in one small village in China, it is difficult to get to school. 29他们学校和村庄之间有条河There is a river between their school and the village. 30between/among区别: between是两者间,among是三者以上间 31没有桥而且对于小船来说河水流太快There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. 32一个十一岁的男孩,亮亮,每个上学日横穿河。One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day. 11-year-old 做adj,放名词前,又如a four-day trip四天的假期, a 5-meter-tall tree五米高的树33他不怕He is not afraid. 34他就像父亲一样对我He is like a father to me. Like做动词:喜欢。做介词:像,be like-像, look like看起来像, like this像这样35很多村民从没离开村庄Many of the villagers never leave the village. 36拥有桥是他们的梦想It is their dream to have a bridge. 37他们的梦想能实现吗Can their dream come true? 38你认为某物怎么样?What do you think of sth? 39think/ think of区别: think后加句子,think of 后加名词。如I think he is brave. What do you think of this boy? 40去某地的旅程the trip to sp 41到达(3)arrive in+大地点,arrive+小地点;reach; get to; 只有arrive后可不接地点42人群crowd/挤crowd/拥挤的crowded43四十英里远forty miles away. away放具体距离后,表多少远。
Unit4 1祈使句:表命令,动词原形开头,否定在句前在Don’t.2不要上课迟到Don’t arrive late for class.3你必须准时You must be on time. 4must/have to区别: must必须,have to不得不5在走廊跑run in the hallways 6你必须在餐厅吃You must eat in the dining hall. 7在课上听音乐listen to music in class 8和某人打架fight with sb 9这是我在校的第一天It’s my first day at school. 10规则中的一些是什么What are some of the rules? 11...中的全部/许多/一个all of.../many of.../one of...12我们能把音乐播放器带学校来吗Can we bring music players to school?13穿校服wear the school uniform 14我们也必须在图书馆保持安静We have to be quiet in the library. 15listen听,单独使用/ listen to听...,后接名词/ hear听见16else用法:放疑问词或不定代词后, 表“别的”,如who else别的谁,something else别的某物17使某人做make sb do18使某人怎样make sb adj 19看篮球赛watch a basketball game 20在要上学的晚上外出 go out on school nights21你有其他什么规则What other rules do you have? 22练吉他practice(playing) the guitar 23洗碗do the dishes 24做晚饭make dinner25你的确有很多规则You do have many rules.助动词在肯定句表强调26在外面戴帽子wear a hat outside 27太多(2)too many+可数名词,too much+不可数名词28整理床make the bed 29把脏盘子留在厨房leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen 30更多规则more rules 31不要吵闹Don’t be noisy. 32有很多噪音There is much noise.他很吵He is noisy。他很吵地叫He shouts noisily。33饭后我也不能放松I can’t relax after dinner, either. 34我必须在我能看电视前看书I must read a book before I can watch TV. 35这很可怕It’s terrible. 36我知道你的感受I know how you feel. 37考虑某事/做某事think about sth/ doing sth 38有很多你能做的事There are a lot of things you can do.39对某人严格be strict with sb 40对某事严格be strict in sth 41记住:他们制定规则来帮助我们Remember, they make rules to help us. 42祝你好运Good luck. 43使某人一直做keep sb doing ,一直做keep doing44保持某物怎么样keep sth adj 45我从无乐趣I never have fun. 46最好是做某事It’s best to do 47想要某人做某want sb to do 48遵守规则follow the rules 49留短发keep hair short 50学做某事learn to do
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