1~5 ACDAB 6~10 ABACA
11~15 ABABC 16~20 CEADB
21~25 CCBAB
23:shopping center
31~35 BCCDA 36~40 CABBB 41~45 CACCC
46 watch
47 himself
48 important
49 believable
50 knowledge
51 from
52 others
53 warmth
54 Besides
55 away
56~60 无答案。。
61 death 62 leaving 63 18
64 loves 65 material 66 F 67 F 68 A
69 教室在古老的建筑中而且还有大学的气氛
70 虽然不是所有的学生会变得很有钱和很出名,但是他们都是举着有良好的音乐训练和对未来的计划而毕业的
71~75 E F G A B
76 The lack of relaxing leads to sickness
77 As long as there is hope,we have no reason to give up
78 It's suggested that discass this problem holding a meeting to
79 Every time I came to visit her,she was deeply in the work
80 If you don't force yourself opening your mouth to speak,you can't learn sopken English well.
81 match
82 120 trees
83 Mark Twain
84 A
85 Grandfather father and children
11~15 ABABC 16~20 CEADB
21~25 CCBAB
23:shopping center
31~35 BCCDA 36~40 CABBB 41~45 CACCC
46 watch
47 himself
48 important
49 believable
50 knowledge
51 from
52 others
53 warmth
54 Besides
55 away
56~60 无答案。。
61 death 62 leaving 63 18
64 loves 65 material 66 F 67 F 68 A
69 教室在古老的建筑中而且还有大学的气氛
70 虽然不是所有的学生会变得很有钱和很出名,但是他们都是举着有良好的音乐训练和对未来的计划而毕业的
71~75 E F G A B
76 The lack of relaxing leads to sickness
77 As long as there is hope,we have no reason to give up
78 It's suggested that discass this problem holding a meeting to
79 Every time I came to visit her,she was deeply in the work
80 If you don't force yourself opening your mouth to speak,you can't learn sopken English well.
81 match
82 120 trees
83 Mark Twain
84 A
85 Grandfather father and children