At present,Chinese reading less and less:60% in 99,52% in,and now is even less.Instead,online reading but become fashion,from 3.7% in 99 to 18.7% in,a growing trend.I think,one of the leading factor is a lot of people can't afford to buy books.
Throughout China's price changes,especially in the price of the book to change very much.A small dictionary can from the 1970 s of a two yuan,yuan of changes to now,even more,and the thicker the more paper books,its price is more was terrible.A set of 3 hardcover collection "dream of the red chamber" incredible money 1999 yuan,is visible,but after hardcover books that process often than the ordinary books "one more expensive",now on the market,though,is the shadow of ordinary books in,but they also have
Based on the author's humble opinion,first should reduce the production of rare books.We all know that do 1 book will cost a tree adult trees,and it's the hardcover books?This is our country energy superpower,but in recent years is often scarce water resources,forest resources,this is really the result of excessive human development.View seeking truth,in such a shortage of situation under,publishers still to make the high cost of trees hardcover books,this is not to destroy our natural in once ways?Who would like to put our children in chaos in the natural environment?So reduce refinement packing books production become the best policy,two birds with one stone,it protect our natural,and let people can rest assured choose cheap books,and not in the "HuaGongLiuLu" hardcover book
Maybe someone will have mythical.And destroy the natural to get books,than the bibliography of various online choice fast network books.This is a growing trend for years the online reading is one of the main reasons why.Admittedly,the idea and no mistakes,but international regulations,decided to a national average per capita is reading level reading quantity of paper books,and was independent of other factors.And now China,paper books reading quantity of digital continue to decrease,really concerned.
Maybe we can draw lessons from it,with a "second reading powers" of the title of Japan,Japan's population is not much,but the per capita amount of reading is three times as much as in our country.Japan's lack of resources for a long time,it is how to make its national reading?It's the government has a policy,
Throughout China's price changes,especially in the price of the book to change very much.A small dictionary can from the 1970 s of a two yuan,yuan of changes to now,even more,and the thicker the more paper books,its price is more was terrible.A set of 3 hardcover collection "dream of the red chamber" incredible money 1999 yuan,is visible,but after hardcover books that process often than the ordinary books "one more expensive",now on the market,though,is the shadow of ordinary books in,but they also have
Based on the author's humble opinion,first should reduce the production of rare books.We all know that do 1 book will cost a tree adult trees,and it's the hardcover books?This is our country energy superpower,but in recent years is often scarce water resources,forest resources,this is really the result of excessive human development.View seeking truth,in such a shortage of situation under,publishers still to make the high cost of trees hardcover books,this is not to destroy our natural in once ways?Who would like to put our children in chaos in the natural environment?So reduce refinement packing books production become the best policy,two birds with one stone,it protect our natural,and let people can rest assured choose cheap books,and not in the "HuaGongLiuLu" hardcover book
Maybe someone will have mythical.And destroy the natural to get books,than the bibliography of various online choice fast network books.This is a growing trend for years the online reading is one of the main reasons why.Admittedly,the idea and no mistakes,but international regulations,decided to a national average per capita is reading level reading quantity of paper books,and was independent of other factors.And now China,paper books reading quantity of digital continue to decrease,really concerned.
Maybe we can draw lessons from it,with a "second reading powers" of the title of Japan,Japan's population is not much,but the per capita amount of reading is three times as much as in our country.Japan's lack of resources for a long time,it is how to make its national reading?It's the government has a policy,
I believe that everyone is all too familiar on paper, because the need to use every day. However, the one before us a clean slate, we all know, do and how is it made of? Today, when I was a little guide for everyone who introduced.
According to legend, in BC 105 yuan, Cai Lun successfully invented papermaking, paper predecessors, he summed up the experience, through trial and error, with the bark, hemp, rags, old fishing nets and other materials through the down of ramming, copy, arch, etc. 72 craft, and finally made a practical fiber paper was called "Caihou paper." This kind of paper on the reform and promotion of papermaking have much to contribute.
I believe that everyone is all too familiar on paper, because the need to use every day. However, the one before us a clean slate, we all know, do and how is it made of? Today, when I was a little guide for everyone who introduced.
According to legend, in BC 105 yuan, Cai Lun successfully invented papermaking, paper predecessors, he summed up the experience, through trial and error, with the bark, hemp, rags, old fishing nets and other materials through the down of ramming, copy, arch, etc. 72 craft, and finally made a practical fiber paper was called "Caihou paper." This kind of paper on the reform and promotion of papermaking have much to contribute.