求今年世界杯主题曲we are one歌词,配上中文翻译

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推荐于2019-02-20 · TA获得超过2296个赞
《Todo Mundo》歌词
Todo mundo 全世界
Vem que vai comear 来吧,我们开始
Um mundo num só lugar 全世界都汇聚于此
Cada canto do meu país 巴西的每一个角落
Tem sede de ser feliz 都渴望欢乐
E o som da batida 打击的声音
Na palma da mo 在我们的手掌心
E a voz da torcida 啦啦队的歌声
a voz da nao 就是民族的歌声
Eu quero gol 我要进球
... ...
Vamos gritar 让我们欢呼
... ...
gol, é gol, é gol 进球了,进球了,进球了
Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐
a copa de todo mundo 这是全世界的奖杯
Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来
Pra batucar, pra batucar 为了继续敲打,为了继续敲打(这里是说打击乐)
Juntos vamos fazer 让我们一起
O sonho acontecer 实现梦想
Seja em qualquer lugar 无论在哪里
A galera vai cantar 大伙歌唱
E o som da batida 打击的声音
Na palma da mo 在我们的手掌心
E a voz da torcida 啦啦队的歌声
a voz da nao 就是民族的歌声
Eu quero gol 我要进球
... ...
Vamos gritar 让我们欢呼
... ...
gol, é gol, é gol 进球了,进球了,进球了
.. ...
E a galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼
.. ...
gol, é gol, é gol 进球了,进球了,进球了
Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐
a copa de todo mundo 这是全世界的奖杯
Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来
Pra batucar, pra batucar 为了继续敲打,为了继续敲打(这里是说打击乐)
Eu sou da torcida, da felicidade 我欢呼雀跃
Fao nesse sonho a realidade 让这个梦想成为现实
Mundo inteiro dando um show 全世界正在上演一场
Show Vamos num só ritmo 让我们沉醉在这个节奏中
Eu quero a raa, eu quero a taa 我要比赛,我要奖杯
Galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼
Eu quero gol 我要进球
... ...
E a galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼
... ...
a copa de todo mundo 这是世界的奖杯
... ...
Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐
a copa de todo mundo 这是世界的奖杯
... ...
Eu quero gol, eu quero gol 我要进球,我要进球
... ...
Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐
a copa de todo o mundo 这是世界的奖杯
Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来
E a galera grita gol 大伙为进球欢呼
... ...
Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐
a copa de todo o mundo 这是全世界的奖杯
(Vamos celebrar, vamos celebrar) (让我们庆祝,让我们庆祝)
Vamos juntar o mundo todo pra batucar让全世界联合起来一起敲打(意思是敲打打击乐)
... ...
Vamos espalhar felicidade 让我们传递欢乐
a copa de todo o mundo 这是世界的奖杯
(Eu quero gol) (我要进球)
Vamos juntar o mundo todo 让全世界联合起来
... ... Eu quero gol! 我要进球!
2014-07-03 · TA获得超过225个赞
Didn\'t need to ask不需要问   Don\'t know the reason不需要原因   Everything that I believe我所相信的   Is right here就在这里   Not thinkin\' bout tomorrow不去想明天   Couldn\'t catch it if I tried如果试着追逐却追不到   World is spinning too fast世界飞快旋转   So I\'ll wait \'til it comes to me所以我愿等明天来临   I am you我是你   You are me你是我   We are one我们是一体   Take me in your arms将我拥入怀中   And flow through me然后将我融合   I\'ll flow through you我会融入你   Steal my breath away将我的呼吸偷走   Cause I\'m so moved by you因为你让我如此感动   Deeper than I ever thought比我曾经的感受更深   Was possible, was possible, it\'s everything, oh一切都有可能   Difference between me and you我们之间的不同   It\'s all in where your heart lies之是你心的谎言   And every day\'s another chance每一天都是一个机会   So let\'s get it right让我们把握它   I am you我是你   You are me你是我   We are one我们是一体   Take me in your arms将我拥入怀中   And flow through me然后将我融合   I\'ll flow through you我会融入你   Did you lose yourself out there你是否迷失了自己   Did you lose faith and give up你是否失去了信心而放弃   Don\'t turn away and hide yourself不要躲避,不要隐藏   Cause there\'s a friend to make along the way因为在你前行的路上会有朋友   We are the heartbeat and our souls speak我们心灵,灵魂的交流   And all the beauty I have ever dreamed曾经梦想般的美好   Is right here in front of me, oh在这里,在面前   Is right here in front of me, oh在这里,在面前   I am you我是你   And you are me你是我   We are one我们是一体   Take me in your arms将我拥入怀中   And flow through me然后将我融合   I\'ll flow through you我会融入你
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2015-10-02 · 知道合伙人数码行家
采纳数:3173 获赞数:32754

向TA提问 私信TA
2014足球世界杯官方推出了《W e Are One》世界杯主题曲,这是一首激烈烘托绿茵场热闹氛围的歌,是提前放风为世界杯造势的歌曲;而真正体现比赛精神。

《W e Are One》歌词及翻译如下:
Put your flags up in the sky
高擎旗帜 直破云天
(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto)
直指天空 举向更高
And wave'em side to side
左右挥舞 旗帜翻动
(side to side, Lado a Lado)
左右挥动 排排共舞
Show the world where you're from
向世界展示 你来自何方
(show'em where you're from)
Show the world we are one
让世界知道 天下一家
(one, love, life)
一体 真爱 生命与共
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá

When the goin gets tough
(goin gets tough)
The tough get goin
(tough get goin)
One love (love), one life (life)
同一份热爱 同一体生命
one world (world), one fight (fight)
同一个世界 同一场战役
Whole world (world), one night (night),
整个世界 聚焦一夜
one place (place), Brazil (Brasil)
仅在一地 正是巴西
Everybody put your flags in the sky
And do what you feel
It's your world, my world, our world
今天 就是你的世界 我的世界 我们的世界

And we invite the whole world,
whole world to play
It's your world, my world, our world today
今天 就是你的世界 我的世界 我们的世界
And we invite the whole world,
whole world to play
Es mí mundo, tú mundo,
él mundo, de nosotros
这是你的世界 我的世界 我们的世界
Invitamos al todo el mundo,
a hogar con nosotros

Put your flags up in the sky
高擎旗帜 直破云天
(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto)
直指天空 举向更高
And wave'em side to side
左右挥舞 旗帜翻动
(side to side, Lado a Lado)
左右挥动 排排共舞
Show the world where you're from
向世界展示 你来自何方
(show'em where you're from)
Show the world we are one
让世界知道 天下一家
(one, love, life)
一体 真爱 生命与共
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
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2015-09-23 · 超过18用户采纳过TA的回答
Didn\'t need to ask不需要问   Don\'t know the reason不需要原因   Everything that I believe我所相信的   Is right here就在这里   Not thinkin\' bout tomorrow不去想明天   Couldn\'t catch it if I tried如果试着追逐却追不到   World is spinning too fast世界飞快旋转   So I\'ll wait \'til it comes to me所以我愿等明天来临   I am you我是你   You are me你是我   We are one我们是一体   Take me in your arms将我拥入怀中   And flow through me然后将我融合   I\'ll flow through you我会融入你   Steal my breath away将我的呼吸偷走   Cause I\'m so moved by you因为你让我如此感动   Deeper than I ever thought比我曾经的感受更深   Was possible, was possible, it\'s everything, oh一切都有可能   Difference between me and you我们之间的不同   It\'s all in where your heart lies之是你心的谎言   And every day\'s another chance每一天都是一个机会   So let\'s get it right让我们把握它   I am you我是你   You are me你是我   We are one我们是一体   Take me in your arms将我拥入怀中   And flow through me然后将我融合   I\'ll flow through you我会融入你   Did you lose yourself out there你是否迷失了自己   Did you lose faith and give up你是否失去了信心而放弃   Don\'t turn away and hide yourself不要躲避,不要隐藏   Cause there\'s a friend to make along the way因为在你前行的路上会有朋友   We are the heartbeat and our souls speak我们心灵,灵魂的交流   And all the beauty I have ever dreamed曾经梦想般的美好   Is right here in front of me, oh在这里,在面前   Is right here in front of me, oh在这里,在面前   I am you我是你   And you are me你是我   We are one我们是一体   Take me in your arms将我拥入怀中   And flow through me然后将我融合   I\'ll flow through you我会融入你
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