设有定义:int x=2;,以下表达式中,值不为6的是______。 A. x*=x+1 B.
A. x*=x+1
B. 设有定义:int x=2;,以下表达式中,值不为6的是______。
A. x*=x+1
B. x++,2*x
C. x*=(1+x)
D. 2*x,x+=2 展开
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A. x*=x+1;//理由:*=优先级低于+,所以经过x*=x+1运算后表达式的值为9,不是6。
B. x++,2*x
C. x*=(1+x)
D. 2*x,x+=2
A sequence point defines any point in a computer program's execution at which it is guaranteed that all side effects(什么是副作用?网页链接) of previous evaluations will have been performed, and no side effects from subsequent evaluations have yet been performed.
In C and C++,sequence points occur in the following places. (In C++, overloaded operators act like functions, and thus operators that have been overloaded introduce sequence points in the same way as function calls.)
Between evaluation of the left and right operands of the && (logical AND), || (logical OR) (as part of short-circuit evaluation), and comma operators.
选项B就是 comma operator,即逗号操作符,逗号操作符会有evaluation sequence point(运算顺序点)。
所以选项B等价于 "x+=1,2*x",结果是6.
2 * x 并没有改变x的值,