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小学英语3年级,谢谢
1个回答
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1.How
does
the
branch
feel?(改复数句)
How
(do)(the)(branches)feel?
2、The
whale
is
big
(改否定句,原意不变。
The
whale
(isn't)(small).
3.is
that
your
new
pen?(肯定回答
Yes,(it
)(is)
4,How
does
the
pie
taste?(回答问题
(It's)(yummy)
5.The
lemon
is
sour
(划线提问
sour是划线的。
(How)(does)the
lemon(taste)?
6.The
lemons
are
rough
(划线提问
rough是划线的。
(How)(do)the
lemons
(feel)?
7.How
do
the
peach
smell?(单数
How
(does)(the)(peach)smell?
does
the
branch
feel?(改复数句)
How
(do)(the)(branches)feel?
2、The
whale
is
big
(改否定句,原意不变。
The
whale
(isn't)(small).
3.is
that
your
new
pen?(肯定回答
Yes,(it
)(is)
4,How
does
the
pie
taste?(回答问题
(It's)(yummy)
5.The
lemon
is
sour
(划线提问
sour是划线的。
(How)(does)the
lemon(taste)?
6.The
lemons
are
rough
(划线提问
rough是划线的。
(How)(do)the
lemons
(feel)?
7.How
do
the
peach
smell?(单数
How
(does)(the)(peach)smell?
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