1、问某地在哪里:Where is +地点?
例句:where is the Xiangyanghua school?向阳花学校在哪儿?
2、问怎么去某地:How can I get (to)+地点? 除there外的地点名词都带to。
How can I get to Nanshan Road?我怎么去南山路?
How can I get there?我怎么去这里?
(1)How far is it from+说话人所在地地点+to+另一地点名词?
例句:How far is the airport from here? 机场离这儿有多远?
(2)What is the distance from +说话人所在地地点+to+另一地点名词?
例句:What is the distance from here to the airport ?从这里到机场的距离是多少?
4、问从某地到另一地点要多少时间:How long will it take from +说话人所在地地点+to+另一地点名词?
例句:How long will it take from here to the airport?从这儿到机场要多长时间?
5、问到某一地点远不远或者近不近:Is it far from +说话人所在地地点+to+另一地点名词?
例句:Is it far from Amy's home to your school? 从Amy家到学校远吗?