raucous laughter/dwarfs 粗声地
hag 丑女巫 an ugly, slatternly, or evil-looking old woman
a thick woollen balaclava
archway 拱门,拱道
lunascope 望月镜
squirted 喷射spurt
erected podium 竖立的讲台
a square-jawed wizard 方下巴的
the proprietor of the shop 业主
the firebolt 火弩箭,魔法扫把
superfine 极好的
be honed to 被磨练到
apothecary 药剂店
Divination 占卜
paving slabs 铺路板
the books grappled with each other 扭打,拼杀
Thank heavens for that.
A loud ripping noise rent the air : made muffled sound in the air like ripping or tearing something 撕破空气的声音(本意)
It's been bedlam . 混乱的景象
palmistry 相手术
bird entrails 内脏
dazedly consulting 头昏眼花的
He told his reflection defiantly. 反叛的行为
They were ogling the Firebolt.充满热情的看
mislay 放错了位置
formidable-looking 可怕的
arithmancy 数字算命法
study of Ancient Runes 符石
composedly 沉着地
a droop to his whiskers 下垂
Magical Menagerie 小动物园
the occupants of these cages 占有人
squawking 咯咯地叫
blowfly 绿头苍蝇
ravens 大乌鸦,渡鸦
custard -colored furball 蛋奶色的毛球
He looked especially woebegone . 愁眉苦脸的
He has been through the mill . 磨粉机
splay-legged 两腿撑开的
scampered for the door 逃跑开
hare out of the shop 像兔子般快跑
wastepaper bin
bow-legged O型腿
ginger cat 姜猫
looked grumpy 脾气坏的
purring (猫在高兴时)发出的咕噜声
scalped me 剥掉头皮般
looked very strained 紧张的
pompously 傲慢地
Absolutely spiffing 好看的,好的 splendid or excellent
scowl 皱眉
corking (good, nice, splendid) to see you
loftily 崇高地,傲慢地
eat one's way through 吃饱 five delicious courses
tuck into 痛快地吃
sumptuous pudding :rich and superior in quality 美轮美奂的
humongous 巨大的
snort into 发出像猪一样吃东西的声音
hear them rowing 吵架,争吵
seen hide not hair of him 影子,踪迹
Black is deranged .: driven insane被逼疯
He's had twelve years alone in Azkaban brood on that 念念不忘,计较
The Azkaban guards stationing themselves around the entrances 安置,安插
dismantling his and Ron's room: take off or remove 出去于……之间
Fudge had been lenient with him 对……宽大
right-hand man 得力助手
Unbidden: not invited or requested
raucous laughter/dwarfs 粗声地
hag 丑女巫 an ugly, slatternly, or evil-looking old woman
a thick woollen balaclava
archway 拱门,拱道
lunascope 望月镜
squirted 喷射spurt
erected podium 竖立的讲台
a square-jawed wizard 方下巴的
the proprietor of the shop 业主
the firebolt 火弩箭,魔法扫把
superfine 极好的
be honed to 被磨练到
apothecary 药剂店
Divination 占卜
paving slabs 铺路板
the books grappled with each other 扭打,拼杀
Thank heavens for that.
A loud ripping noise rent the air : made muffled sound in the air like ripping or tearing something 撕破空气的声音(本意)
It's been bedlam . 混乱的景象
palmistry 相手术
bird entrails 内脏
dazedly consulting 头昏眼花的
He told his reflection defiantly. 反叛的行为
They were ogling the Firebolt.充满热情的看
mislay 放错了位置
formidable-looking 可怕的
arithmancy 数字算命法
study of Ancient Runes 符石
composedly 沉着地
a droop to his whiskers 下垂
Magical Menagerie 小动物园
the occupants of these cages 占有人
squawking 咯咯地叫
blowfly 绿头苍蝇
ravens 大乌鸦,渡鸦
custard -colored furball 蛋奶色的毛球
He looked especially woebegone . 愁眉苦脸的
He has been through the mill . 磨粉机
splay-legged 两腿撑开的
scampered for the door 逃跑开
hare out of the shop 像兔子般快跑
wastepaper bin
bow-legged O型腿
ginger cat 姜猫
looked grumpy 脾气坏的
purring (猫在高兴时)发出的咕噜声
scalped me 剥掉头皮般
looked very strained 紧张的
pompously 傲慢地
Absolutely spiffing 好看的,好的 splendid or excellent
scowl 皱眉
corking (good, nice, splendid) to see you
loftily 崇高地,傲慢地
eat one's way through 吃饱 five delicious courses
tuck into 痛快地吃
sumptuous pudding :rich and superior in quality 美轮美奂的
humongous 巨大的
snort into 发出像猪一样吃东西的声音
hear them rowing 吵架,争吵
seen hide not hair of him 影子,踪迹
Black is deranged .: driven insane被逼疯
He's had twelve years alone in Azkaban brood on that 念念不忘,计较
The Azkaban guards stationing themselves around the entrances 安置,安插
dismantling his and Ron's room: take off or remove 出去于……之间
Fudge had been lenient with him 对……宽大
right-hand man 得力助手
Unbidden: not invited or requested