名词解释 :全家福,是一个家庭团聚的纪念,是一个组织团结筑梦的表现,是每一个家庭成员发自内心对家团结和谐的凝聚力。一张全家福,定格了家的团聚时刻,凝聚亲情、凝聚梦想,是人们追寻幸福的影像记录。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
The wife of famous film director Zhang Yimou, whose violation of China's family planning policy stirred widespread controversy last year, has uploaded a family photo of herself with her husband and three children on her Weibo.
In the statement accompanying the family photo, Chen Ting hints that she and her family have been troubled by rumors, which forces her to share information about the family.
She said that she hoped the public could get the right information from her Weibo and ignore stories fabricated by those with insidious intentions.
文中的family photo就是“全家福”的意思,全家福指的是全家人的合影。其中,family解释为“家庭”。在英语中,与“family”一词相关的表达有:family tree(家谱)、support one's family(养家糊口)、rich family(富有的家庭)等。中国的“计划生育政策”,就可以用文中的family planning policy来表达。
此外,文中的insidious用作形容词,解释为“暗中为害的;阴险的”,例:He was the most insidious person I had ever struck.(他是我遇到的人中最阴险狡诈的一个。)